Massachusetts Review Records

49 boxes (73 linear ft.)
Call no.: MS 555
rotating decorative images from SCUA collections

The Massachusetts Review is an independent quarterly of literature, the arts, and public affairs. Co-founded by Jules Chametzky and Sidney Kaplan in 1959 to promote eclectic, nontraditional, and underrepresented literary and intellectual talent, the Review has been an important venue for African American, Native American, and feminist writers and poets, mixing new and established authors.

The records of the Massachusetts Review document the history and operations of the magazine from its founding to the present, including general correspondence and nearly complete editorial files for published works. The collection also includes a small number of audio recordings of MR2, a radio show hosted by Review editor David Lenson with interviews of writers, artists, and cultural critics.

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Background on Massachusetts Review

An image of: Office of Massachusetts Review, ca. 1985

Office of Massachusetts Review, ca. 1985

In 1958 University of Massachusetts Amherst professor Jules Chametzky issued a memo detailing his intention to start a literary magazine sponsored by the English Department. Soon faculty from Amherst, Mount Holyoke, and Smith answered the call and a year later the first issue of the Massachusetts Review was published. Chametzky, joined by UMass colleagues Sidney Kaplan and Ekwueme Michael Thelwell, focused the journal on social and political issues; the marginalized voices of Jewish, black, immigrant and working class Americans strongly informed the Review's mission. Kaplan's involvement in the project broadened the magazine's scope of racial discourse as the University's new Afro-Am department quickly expanded, attracting a number eminent scholars such as John H. Bracey, Jr., and Julius Lester. As the Civil Rights Movement gained momentum, the Review served as a venue for the literature and criticism that stemmed from it. In 1969, Chametzky and Kaplan compiled a volume of essays from the Review's first decade, called Black and White in American Culture, which featured works by Lucille Clifton, Howard Zinn, Stokely Carmichael, Sterling Stuckey, Jean-Paul Sartre, W. E. B. Du Bois and Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., among others.

When Jules Chametzky went abroad, Lee Edwards took over as the Massachusetts Review's chief editor. A longtime advocate for women's rights, Edwards' efforts to remedy gender inequalities at the University of Massachusetts included a groundbreaking financial review, which demonstrated the large disparity between the salaries of male and female professors. She was also pivotal in the creation of the Everywoman's Center, as well as the University's Women's Studies Department. Along with Mel Heath and Lisa Baskin, Edwards co-edited Woman: An Issue in 1972. The issue concerned itself with the literature of the Women's Movement, and the diverse experiences of women around the globe. It featured a range of voices from Johnetta B. Cole to Norman Mailler, as well as artistic contributions from Lisa Baskin. Another pivotal figure in the magazine's publication of women writers was poet and educator Anne Halley, married to Jules Chametzky, who was deeply involved in bringing the writings of local female authors, such as Holyoke's Mary Doyle Curran, into the pages of literary magazines. A poetry editor for twenty-five years, the Anne Halley Poetry Prize was established after her death in 2004 to honor her commitment to helping emerging to mid-career writers gain the recognition necessary to further their work and professional lives. The prize is co-sponsored by the University of Massachusetts English Department, and awards five hundred dollars and the opportunity to give a reading in the Amherst area. The recipient of the prize is voted upon by each editor, and is given to the poet whose piece receives the most votes. Past recipient have included Bob Hicok, Diane Wald, and Marilyn Hacker.

At the turn of the new millennium, the magazine shifted its focus once more toward the changing climate of American politics. The aftermath of the September 11 attacks introduced terrorism into America's vocabulary. The editorial staff curated the Egypt Issue, which brought the growing political unrest in the Middle East into discussion. In 2008, John Emil Vincent guest edited MRQ: An Especially Queer Issue, which featured some of the most exciting voices of queer studies, including an interview with Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick by Michael D Snediker, and an interview with Judith Butler by Thomas L. Dumm, along with visual contributions from Layla Ali and Lee Gordon. The issue was lauded for its varied display of queer literature and art.

In addition to publishing countless influential literary works, the Massachusetts Review's connection to the art world has long distinguished it from its contemporaries. Since Leonard Baskin's initial involvement, the visual arts have long held a central place within the magazine's pages. Art editors have included Lisa Baskin and Pam Glaven, whose solicitation of cover images and art features gave the magazine a distinct visual presence. As renown art critic Grace Gluek stated, "It isn't every literary magazine whose covers serve as visual appetizers for what's to be found inside. One rare example is the Massachusetts Review...Its stimulating covers, adorned by paintings, drawings, photographs and such, give salient visual clues to each issue's contents, suggesting the intellectual bounty within." (You Can't Tell a Book by Its Cover?) The art inserts not only lend beauty to the magazine, but further build upon the collective narrative offered by each issue. Sculptors, painters, printmakers and photographers alike have been highlighted in these pages.

Scope of collection

The records of the Massachusetts Review are divided into four groups: author files, editorial files, administrative files, and art and design, of which author correspondence makes up the majority of the collection. The author correspondence provides the reader with a comprehensive look at the magazine submission process. Also evident is how the editors handle a wide range of challenges, including fielding complaints from contributors and carrying out damage control after making errors of their own, and what emerges is a full picture of the editorial mindset and the magazine's overall mission.

The administrative files run the gamut of practical tasks a literary magazine must complete in order to financially succeed. This includes a sampling of tax paperwork, applications for national or state-wide grants, and meeting minutes. Materials from the Council of Literary Magazines and Small Presses, or CLMP, may be of particular value to those interested in the financial component of not-for-profit publishing. A wealth of advertising and publicity material is also included in this series, which emphasizes the importance of communication between small literary magazines in order for them to expand their readerships and create interest in upcoming events. Despite sparse funding and a wholly uncertain financial future, the Massachusetts Review grew into one of most groundbreaking journals of 20th century America, and the work that took place behind the scenes is essential in understanding its success.

Printed materials and art contains all inserts, pamphlets, broadsides and posters included in the collection, as well as some individual reproductions of art pieces which ran within the magazine's pages. A comprehensive collection of art inserts is one of the highlights of this collection, both in terms of creative content and visual presentation. These beautifully designed and printed booklets originally appeared in the center of each magazine, but a number of offprints were kept, including those housed here. They feature the work of artists such as Jerome Liebling, Rodolphe Bresdin, and Leonard Baskin, as well as former University of Massachusetts professors Richard Yarde, Hanlyn Davies and Leonel Góngora. In addition to showcasing these remarkable talents, the inserts exemplify the high production value characteristic of the Massachusetts Review.

Each series emcompasses all material from the magazine's founding in 1959, through 2006, at which point all records began to be digitally archived by the editorial staff and interns. A small number of hardcopy emails are included in this collection from the transitional period between postal mail and email beginning in the early 2000s through 2006, at which point the majority of correspondence became digital, including the submission process.

Series descriptions

33 boxes (49.5 linear feet)

Organized by author and publication, the following inventory has been adapted from the files maintained by the Review staff and may not be fully accurate. The files contain generally routine correspondence regarding articles, poems, and artwork accepted for publication in the Review, rights management, and in some cases, reviews.

11 boxes (16.5 linear feet)

Files maintained by editors of the Review associated with the publication of issues, including correspondence regarding permissions for republication and issues relating to the operations of the magazine. A large majority of the materials are correspondence; either between editors and potential authors, editors and third parties, general correspondence sent to and from the Review, including letters regarding permissions for republication and issues relating to the operations of the magazine, and praise and complaint correspondence. The earliest materials in this series provide important documentation of the founding and early operation of the magazine, and new directions in publication. Also included are files associated with editorial board meetings, including minutes, RSVPs, and other documents. Other files range from those associated with “special issues” published by the Review, to various office ephemera. Of special note are two photographs; one of Editors Baldwin and Ginsburg, and one of the early editors of the Review (ca. 1960). Among the editors represented most frequently are Jules Chametzky, Sidney Kaplan, and Doris Abramson.

4 boxes (6 linear feet)

Files pertaining to the daily operations of the Review, including documents associated with subscriptions, office ephemera, and various files associated with printing, advertisements, and publicity. Also included are financial documents, including account ledger books and budget and tax documents, as well as documents associated with the printing of issues of the Review.

1 box (1 linear foot)

Largely composed of offprints of stories, articles, etc. which were originally published in issues of the Review. Other files include various art inserts published in issues of the Review.


Series 1. Author Files
33 boxes (49.5 linear feet)
Aaron, Daniel

Box 1
"Late Thoughts on Nathaniel West" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 307
"Salzburg" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 112
Aaron, Jonathon: "Cold Wave in Paris" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 146
Box 1
Abbasi, Talat: "Going to Baltistan" (Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 633
Box 1
Abel, Robert: "The Cool Life and Death of the Dragon Lady" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (3): 431
Box 1
Abel, Robert: "Soft Targets" (Fiction). vol. 44 (3): 379
Box 1
Abend, Dror, trans.: "Kas Buvo-Tai Nebus" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 408
Box 1
Abraham, William: "Progression Through Repetition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 805
Box 1
Abrams, Richard: "The Student Rebellion at Berkeley: an interpretation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 353
Box 1
Abramson, Doris
Box 1
"It Will be Me: the Voice of Langston Hughes" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 168
"New Black Playwrights" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 604
"A Tribute to Denis Johnston" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (3): 389
"Two Actresses: Betty Chancellor and Claire Neufeld" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 180
"Afterward and Forward to Go Lovely Rose" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (4): 643
"Foreword to Deep are the Roots: Memoirs of a Black Experience" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 225
"What Does She Read" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 238
"I Eat Paul Newman Daily" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 566
"In Retrospect" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 399
"Aging Amelia" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 347
Abzug, Bella: "Women and Politics: the struggle for representation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 17
Box 1
Achebe, Chinua
Box 1
"Africa and her Writers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (3): 617
"An Image of Africa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 782
"Interview with J.O.J. Nwachukwu-Agbada" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (2): 273
"Africa is People" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (3): 313
"Madman" (Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 323
Ackerman, Diane: "Rapture of the Deep" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 92
Box 1
Acton, H.B.: "Animal Pleasures" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 541
Box 1
Aczel, Tamas
Box 1
"Eighteen Stories: Heinrich Boll" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (3): 571
"Shame" (Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 598
"Eyes" (Fiction). vol. 19 (2): 337
"Arrivals" (Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 657
Adair, V.H.: "Staff Notes form the Mental Hospital" (Poetry). vol. 11 (3): 520
Box 1
Adams, Elizabeth: "Quartet" (Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 613
Box 1
Adler, Lucile: "With Horror, Sir, Sincerely" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 541
Box 1
Adorno, Pedro Lopez: "Liquid Matter; Talking to the Waves" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 580
Box 1
Adoum, Jorge Enrique: "The Sun Trampled Beneath the Horses' Hooves" (Drama). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 285
Box 1
Agard, John: "Prospero Caliban Cricket" (Poetry). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 546
Box 1
Agha, Shahid Alo: "Srinigar Airport" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 641
Box 1
Agosin, Marjorie: "Los Desaparecidos" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 582
Box 1
Aguerao, Jack: "Psal for Bacalao; Sonnets for the Four-Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Long Time Among Us; Sonnet for You; Familiar Famine; Sonnet for Red Horsed War" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 586
Box 1
Aguero, Kathi: "I Live" (Poetry). vol. 17 (4): 665
Box 1
Aguinas, Marcos: "Hopeful Letter to a General: a fragment" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 712
Box 1
Aiken, William
Box 1
"Digging" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 459
"Preface to A Gathering for Charles Olson" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 33
Akhmatova, Anna
Box 1
"The White Flock" (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 326
"Northern Elegy" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 107
Alcott, May: "Thoreau's Cabin at Walden" (Art). vol. 4 (1): 123
Box 1
Aldan, Daisy: "The Blond Nets" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 542
Box 1
Aldrich, Jonathan: "To a Young Lady at the Museum" (Poetry). vol. 7 (1): 71
Box 1
Alegria, Claribel: "Granny and the Golden Bridge" (Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 503
Box 1
Alegria, Claribel: "The Two Cultures of El Salvador" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 493
Box 1
Aleixandre, Vincente: "Permanence; A Quietness" (Poetry). vol. 16 (4): 624
Box 1
Aleixandre, Vincente: "Circuit" (Poetry). vol. 17 (2): 231
Box 1
Alexander, Elizabeth: "Feminist Poem Number One" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 419
Box 1
Alexander, Meena: "Passion; Aunt Chinna; Under the Incense Tree" (Poetry). vol. 29 (4): 625
Box 1
Alexander, Meena: "Softly my Soul" (Poetry). vol. 37 (4): 569
Box 1
Alexander, Meena: "Indian April: in memory of Allen Ginsburg" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 161
Box 1
Alfrey, Shawn: "Oriental Peaceful Penetration: Gertrude Stein and the end of Europe" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (3): 405
Box 1
Algarin, Miguel: "Nuyorican One Wing Olive-Skin Angel" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 598
Box 1
Ali, Agha Shahid: "I Dream I retun to Tucson in the Monsoons" (Poetry). vol. 29 (4): 717
Box 1
Ali, Agha Shahid: "Ghazal" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 308
Box 1
Ali, Agha Shahid: "Villanelle" (Poetry). vol. 37 (7): 5
Box 1
Ali, Agha Shahid: "The Floating Post Office" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 274
Box 1
Ali, Agha Shahid: "The Floating Post Office: Reproductions selected from Agha Shahid Ali's manuscript" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 269
Box 1
Alkalay-Gut, Karen: "Family Vacation at Banias" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 200
Box 1
Alkalay-Gut, Karen: "Script" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 196
Box 1
Alkalay-Gut, Karen: "Terminal" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 198
Box 1
Alkalay-Gut, Karen: "A Vistor" (Poetry). vol. 31 (3): 340
Box 1
Alkalay-Gut, Karen: "Tel Aviv" (Poetry). vol. 36 (3): 421
Box 1
Alkalay-Gut, Karen: "Of Isreal and the Language" (Poetry). vol. 39 (1): 150
Box 1
Alkalay-Gut, "Karen, trans.: "Our Blood is the World's Petrol by Asher Reich; On Rabbi Kook's Street by Yehuda Amichai; Practical Poems by David Avidan; Terminal by Natan Yonatan; Script by Natan Zach" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 193
Box 1
Allen, Dick: "Winter Semester" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 46
Box 1
Allen, Ed: "A Television Show that Takes Places in California" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 541
Box 1
Allen, Glen Scott: "Master mechanics and Evil Wizards: science and the American imagination from Frankenstein to Sputnik" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (4): 505
Box 1
Allen, John: "Orifice in the Undieworld" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (4): 691
Box 1
Allen, Luther: "The Sunday Morning Vistor: reflection on the crisis in Saigon" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (2): 355
Box 1
Allen, Luther: "Crisin in Saigon: the sunday morning Visitor returns" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 170
Box 1
Allen, Stephanie: "Souvenir" (Fiction). vol. 42 (3): 345
Box 1
Allen , Samuel: "Sterling Brown: poems to endure" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 649
Box 1
Allen Jr., Ernest: "Du Boisian Double Consciousness: The Unsustainable Argument" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (2): 217
Box 1
Allman, John: "Kate Kollowitz Installs her Statues at Roggevelde Cemetery 1932" (Poetry). vol. 20 (1): 73
Box 1
Allman, John: "Ruffled grouse in the Forest; Camels led by an Angel; Bullfight; Darius and the Herdsman" (Poetry). vol. 25 (3): 473
Box 1
Allman, John: "Wilm's House Burns Down" (Poetry). vol. 33 (2): 217
Box 1
Alonso, Nina: "Afternoon" (Poetry). vol. 12 (1): 148
Box 1
Alter-Gilbert, "Gilbert, trans.: "The Skeleton" (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 391
Box 1
Alter-Gilbert, "Gilbert, trans.: "The Worst of It" (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 365
Box 1
Altizer, Nell: "Letter; Letter to Karma" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 224
Box 1
Altizer, Nell: "1845, Parnelly Pierce Drawa the Night-Blooming Cereus; 1832; Kona Wind; Honolulu" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 495
Box 1
Alvarez, Julia: "The Way it Sounds; The Dashboard Virgencita; The Lost and Found Senoritas" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 590
Box 1
Alverez, Tito: "Untitled" (Art). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 661
Box 1
Alwan, Ameen: "Mexican Elections" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 74
Box 1
Alwan, Ameen: "Yellow Woolen Socks" (Poetry). vol. 16 (2): 236
Box 1
Alwan, Ameen: "Childhood; Peaches are Red and Yellow" (Poetry). vol. 18 (1): 32
Box 1
Ambrose, Alice: "Philosophical Doubts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 270
Box 1
Ambrose, Alice: "The Revelation in Philosophy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (3): 551
Box 1
Ames, Brian: "Color Speration" (Fiction). vol. 42 (1): 37
Box 1
Amichai, Yehuda: "On Rabbi Kook's Street" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 194
Box 1
Amirthanayagam, Indran: "Sirens" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 513
Box 1
Ammons, A.R.: "Whitman Commentary" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 69
Box 1
Amorosi, Ray: "Acres; Adultery" (Poetry). vol. 12 (4): 820
Box 1
Anastaplo, George: "Greece Today: retreat from politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 83
Box 1
Anastaplo, George: "Retreat from Politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 83
Box 1
Anders, Gunther: "Theses for the Atomic Age" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 493
Box 1
Anderson, Astrid Hjertenaes: "Black Spruce" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 503
Box 1
Anderson, Doug: "Infantry Assult; The Wall" (Poetry). vol. 31 (3): 407
Box 1
Anderson, Doug: "Itinerary" (Poetry). vol. 33 (2): 219
Box 1
Anderson, Doug: "Blues" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 149
Box 1
Anderson, Doug: "Blues" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 219
Box 1
Anderson, Doug: "The Torturer's Apprentice; Town Meeting" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 671
Box 1
Anderson, Jack: "Postcard from Home;The Polish Women; mIdsummer Morning" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 218
Box 1
Anderson, Jack: "Piano Music" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 659
Box 1
Anderson, Jon: "Morning on Easter Island" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 285
Box 1
Anderson, Susan: "Sucicide" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 766
Box 1
Anderson, Susan: "When we Were Rich" (Poetry). vol. 21 (2): 343
Box 1
Anderson-Imbert, Enrique: "The Skeleton" (Fiction). vol. 37 (4): 391
Box 1
Andrade, Heather: "Mosaic Memory" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (3): 342
Box 1
Andrews, Stephen: "The Adam Suite" (Art). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 185
Box 1
Angelu, Ivan: "Little Girl" (Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 565
Box 1
Anglesey, "Zoe, trans.: "I want to Find Desperately I look" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 570
Box 1
Anglesey, "Zoe, trans.: "It is Certian That We are Constructing a World" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 643
Box 1
Anglesey, "Zoe, trans.: "Sudden Death" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 458
Box 1
Anglesey, "Zoe, trans.: "This Country is in a Dream; The Man Who Boxes" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 526
Box 1
Anglesey, "Zoe, trans.: "Uncertainty" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 646
Box 1
Angus, Ian: "Crossing the Border" (Fiction). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 32
Box 1
Anonymous, : "Ellen Sewal (photograph)" (Art). vol. 4 (1): 74
Box 1
Anonymous, : "Thoreau and the Danish Resistance" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 124
Box 1
Anonymous, : "The Candidate" (Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 449
Box 1
Anonymous Chilean, : "Proclamations" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 329
Box 1
Anthony, Mother Mary: "Emily Dickinson's Scriptural Echoes" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 557
Box 1
Appiah, Anthony: "Aledander Crummell and the Invention of Africa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (3): 385
Box 1
Appleman, Phillip: "To the River" (Poetry). vol. 7 (2): 358
Box 1
Appleman, Phillip: "15-Oct" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 692
Box 1
Arauz, Suarez Nicomedes: "Some Personal Memories: the labyrinth and the tiger" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 501
Box 1
Archibald, Douglas: "Father and Son: John Butler and William Butler Yeats" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 481
Box 1
Arendt, Hannah: "The Great Philosophers Vol. 1 and 2" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2): 383
Box 1
Arkin, Frieda: "A Ride In" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 716
Box 1
Arlyn , Diamond: "Elizabeth Janeway and Germaine Greer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 275
Box 1
Arlyn , Diamond: "A Legacy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (3): 588
Box 1
Arnett, Carlen: "From Bakersfield" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 576
Box 1
Arnett, Carol: "A Round; History" (Poetry). vol. 7 (2): 226
Box 1
Arnold, Bill: "The Bus Show" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 710
Box 1
Arnold , Bill: "The Bus Show" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 710
Box 1
Arroyo, Rane: "Rudy" (Poetry). vol. 44 (4): 613
Box 1
Arvin , Newton: "Early Longfellow" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 145
Box 1
Arvio, "Sarah, trans.: "It Can Happen" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 422
Box 1
Ashour, Radwa: "Eyewitness, Scribe and Storyteller" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 85
Box 2
Astrada, Etevina: "Sudden Death" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 458
Box 2
Atherton, John: "Courts as Readers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (2): 242
Box 2
Atin, Eleanor: "Eleanor Antin as the King" (Art). vol. 24 (2): 355
Box 2
Atkins, John: "Aldous Huxley: A Literary Study" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4): 820
Box 2
Atkinson, Brooks: "A Puritan Boyhood" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 339
Box 2
Atkinson, Clinton: "In Search of Theater" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 331
Box 2
Atkinson, "Clinton, trans.: "The Chaplinade: a film poem" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 497
Box 2
Atkinson, Michael: "Film School" (Poetry). vol. 32 (2): 316
Box 2
Atkinson, Michael: "Thieving the Gorillas Child; The Death Song; The Last Autumn of Candice Hilligoss" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 142
Box 2
"Atkinson, trans.", Clinton J.: "The Chaplinade: A Film Poem" (Poetry / Art). vol. 6 (3): 497
Box 2
Attie, Dotty: "California and her Father" (Art). vol. 24 (2): 357
Box 2
Auden, W.H.: "The Poet and the City" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 449
Box 2
Auden, W.H.: "Collected Shorter Poems, 1927-1957" (Non-Fiction). vol. (1): 200
Box 2
Auden , "W.H., trans.: "Slirnir's Ride" (Poetry). vol. 9 (2): 241
Box 2
Audette, Greg: "Effective Mussorgsky" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 111
Box 2
Audette, Greg: "Tragi-Comedy: A Study in Rossini" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 261
Box 2
Audette, Greg: "A Bias Seeking Sight: the music criticism of W.J. Turner" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 429
Box 2
Audette, Greg: "Iphigenie and Tauride: the reform of opera and the classic vision" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (4): 769
Box 2
Audette, Greg: "Mark Reizen" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 463
Box 2
Audette, Greg: "Learning: ten twentieth-century texts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (4): 654
Box 2
Audubon, John James: "The Guadrupeds of North America" (Art). vol. 6 (2): 377
Box 2
Auerbach, Nina: "Women on Women's Desitny: maturity as penance" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2002 (326):
Box 2
Aufderheide, Pat: "The Other Face: coversations in Latin America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 647
Box 2
Austin, Allan: "More Black Panoramas: an addendum" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (4): 636
Box 2
Austin, Deborah: "Flautist" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 101
Box 2
Avidan, David: "Practical Poems" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 195
Box 2
Avidan, David: "Kas Buvo-Tai Nebus" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 408
Box 2
Axtell, James: "The Rise and Fall of the Stockbridge Indian Schools" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 367
Box 2
Ayala, Naomi: "Papo, Who'd Wnted to be an Artist; Reform" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 593
Box 2
Ayling, Ronald: "Sean O'Casey: fact and fancy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 603
Box 2
Ayrton, Michael: "Eight reproductions" (Art). vol. 3 (4): 733
Box 2
Ayrton, Michael: "The Testament of Daedalus" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 733
Box 2
Azurdia, Margarita: "sculpture" (Art). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 485
Box 2
Bacas, Charles: "The Lost Days" (Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 497
Box 2
Bach, Emmon: "Five Sonnets" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 58
Box 2
Bach, Emmon: "Amnestuc; Paranerdicks" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 330
Box 2
Bach, Emmon: "Postcolonial (?) Linguistic Fieldwork" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 167
Box 2
Bachman, Ingerborg: "Borrowed Time" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 342
Box 2
Bachner, "Suzanne, trans.: "Black Spruce" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 503
Box 2
"Bachner, Trans.", Suzanne: "Black Spruce" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 503
Box 2
Bacon, Crystal : "Charcol Sketches for Writing you Nude" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 7
Box 2
Bacon, Helen: "Dialogue of Poets: Mens Animi and the renewal of words" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (2): 319
Box 2
Baer, Barbara: "Dangerous Crossing to a Safe Place" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (4): 635
Box 2
Bagg, Robert: "Lullaby and Aubade on a Hot Night; Ballad; Nausicaa" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 102
Box 2
Bagg, Robert: "The Pope's Right Knee" (Drama). vol. 10 (3): 570
Box 2
Bagg, Robert: "Zibbie; Cashmere" (Poetry). vol. 10 (2): 228
Box 2
Bahr, Aida: "Absences; Imperfections" (Fiction). vol. 40 (2): 184
Box 2
Bahr, Aida: "Absences; Imperfections" (Fiction). vol. 40 (2): 184
Box 2
Baird, Theodore: "Corn Grows in the Night" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 93
Box 2
Baker, Carlos: "A Complaint of Mutability for W.C. Wiliams" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 303
Box 2
Baker, Gordon: "Politics and Misrepresentation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (3): 602
Box 2
Balaban, John: "Hurricane" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 563
Box 2
Baldwin, Richard: "The Creative Vision of the Native Son" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 378
Box 2
Baldwin, Tama: "Cathedral" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 72
Box 2
Baldwin, Tama: "A Hundred Miles" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 696
Box 2
Ball, Beverly: "In Morning" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 324
Box 2
Ball, David: "Turgenev's Dialectic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 145
Box 2
Ball, "David, trans.: "Les Ravages" (Poetry). vol. 30 (3): 396
Box 2
Ballard, James: "A Bargin" (Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 73
Box 2
Ballard, Teresa: "I Am Thinking of My First Deer" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 2
Ballard, William: "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (4): 791
Box 2
Bamber, Linda: "Arrival" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 302
Box 2
Bandreth, Benjamin: "Greece; Last Year's Referendum,The Constitution of Dictatorship" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 773
Box 2
Baranskaia, Natalia: "A Week Like any other Week" (Fiction). vol. 15 (4): 657
Box 2
Baratta, Edward: "Hosanna in the highest; Mr World" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 238
Box 2
Baratta, Edward: "Lullaby" (Poetry). vol. 31 (3): 468
Box 2
Baratta, Edward: "Me" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 592
Box 2
Barber, C.L.: "Shakespeare in his Sonnets" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 648
Box 2
Barber, Jennifer: "Oak" (Poetry). vol. 40 (2): 164
Box 2
Baritz, Loren: "The Culture of Manhattan" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (3): 403
Box 2
Barker, Susan Sanborn: "In the Pretty Bluebird Kitchen" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 233
Box 2
Barlach, Ernst: "A letter to Kadinsky" (Art). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 2
Barlach, Ernst: "Sculptures" (Art). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 2
Barlach, Ernst: "The Flood Acts II and IV" (Drama). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 2
Bar-Nadav, Hadara: "Valentine's Day" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 288
Box 2
Barnard, Ellsworth: "Crisis in Higher Education: economy or quality" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (5): 701
Box 2
Barnard, Ellsworth: "Triumph or Disaster?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 506
Box 2
Barnard, Ellsworth: "The New Federalisim: another Reagan fantasy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 647
Box 2
Barnes, Annette: "Norman Mailer: a prisoner of sex" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 269
Box 2
Barnes, Gerald: "Principles and Persons" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 367
Box 2
Barnes, Natasha: "Face of the Nation: race, nationalisims and identities in Jamaican beauty pageants" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 471
Box 2
Barnet, Richard: "The Ideology of the National Security State" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (4): 483
Box 2
Barnett, Catherine: "Refusal" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 327
Box 2
Barnstone, William: "Some Personal MemoriesL The Labyrinth and the Tiger" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 501
Box 2
Barnstone, Willis: "Nightengale" (Poetry). vol. 25 (2): 222
Box 2
Barolini, Helen: "Becoming a Literary Person Out of Context" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 262
Box 2
Barolini, Helen: "Making My Bones" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (1): 51
Box 2
Barr, Alan: "Exquisite Comedy and the Dimensions of Heroism Akira Kurosawa's "Yojimbo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (1): 158
Box 2
Barrett, Victoria: "Gustavo's Wedding" (Fiction). vol. 44 (3): 497
Box 2
Barrientos, Raul: "All That Jazz" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 549
Box 2
Barrientos, Raul: "All that Jazz" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 549
Box 2
Barron, Leon: "An Autumn Lecture" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 118
Box 2
Barron, Leon: "Big Business" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 474
Box 2
Barron, Leon: "On Reading The Poem Itself " (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 782
Box 2
Barron, Leon: "The Foolish Cat that Died on Halloween" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 118
Box 2
Barron, Leon: "The Pioneer's First Premise" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 118
Box 2
Barry , Angela: "Where the Remote Bermudas Ride" (Fiction). vol. 35 (3): 517
Box 2
Barsamian, David: "Eqbal Ahmad" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 449
Box 2
Barthelme, Steve: "Aspirin" (Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 681
Box 2
Barthelme, Steve: "Mrs. Sims" (Fiction). vol. 26 (1): 104
Box 2
Barthelme, Steve: "Michael" (Fiction). vol. 29 (2): 357
Box 2
Bartini, Arnold: "Whiteness In Robert Frost's Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 351
Box 2
Bartlett, Helen: "Check Out Counter" (Poetry). vol. 21 (2): 364
Box 2
Bartman, Joeffrey: "Permanence, A Quietness " (Poetry). vol. 16 (4): 624
Box 2
Bartman, Joeffrey: "Circuit" (Poetry). vol. 17 (2): 231
Box 2
Baruch, Elaine Hoffman: "The Feminine Bildungsroman: Education Through Marriage" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 335
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Albert Camus" (Art). vol. 1 (2): 208
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "An Essay on Kollwitz; Four drawings" (Art). vol. 1 (1): 96
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Bertolt Brecht" (Art). vol. 1 (3):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Ernest Barlach" (Art). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Abraham Lincoln" (Art). vol. 2 (2):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Rodolphe Bresdin " (Art). vol. 2 (1):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Jaques Callot" (Art). vol. 3 (1): 121
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Henry David Thoreau" (Art). vol. 4 (1): 42
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Robert Frost" (Art). vol. 4 (2):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Portraits of Artists" (Art). vol. 5 (1): 89
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Birdman" (Art). vol. 6 (1):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Bresdin and Redon; Bertolt Brecht" (Art). vol. 7 (3): 513, 541
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Untitled" (Art). vol. 8 (2):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "The Great Limestone Deadman " (Art). vol. 9 (1): 49
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Moon" (Art). vol. 10 (3):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Indians" (Art). vol. 17 (1): 145
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "John Woolman's Dream of the Cat and the Fox" (Art). vol. 17 (2): 354
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "For Hugh MacDiarmond" (Art). vol. 20 (1): 3
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Provincial Sibyl" (Art). vol. 20 (1): 97
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Seven Sibyls" (Art). vol. 20 (1): 97
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Sidney Kaplan: Memoir" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (3): 626
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Unknown Painter" (Art). vol. 22 (1):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Portrait of Archibald Macleish" (Art). vol. 23 (4):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Socrates among the Weeds" (Art). vol. 24 (3):
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "A Plan of a Peace Office for the United States" (Art). vol. 25 (2): 269
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "untitled" (Art). vol. 27 (2): 217
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Woodcut of Robert Francis with Poems" (Art). vol. 27 (2): 217
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Portraits of Artists" (Art). vol. 40 (4): 459
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard: "Kleist Drawings" (Art). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 145
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard : "Thistle; Portrait of Hugh Macdiarmid" (Art). vol. 8 (1): 121
Box 2
Baskin, Leonard : "Provincial Sibyl" (Art). vol. 20 (1):
Box 2
Baskin, Lisa Unger: "Am I Not a Woman, And A Sister" (Art). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 65
Box 2
Baskin, Lisa Unger: "Barbara Morgan & Sophia Maslow w/photographs" (Art). vol. 24 (1): 65
Box 2
Baskin, Lisa Unger: "A Gathering From the Dun Emer Press & The Cuala Press" (Art). vol. 28 (3): 525
Box 2
Batchelder, David: "Charles Sumner" (Art). vol. 12 (2):
Box 2
Battin, Wendy: "At the Synchrotron Lab" (Poetry). vol. 34 (1): 100
Box 2
Batur, Enis: "The High Pastures" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 419
Box 2
Baudelaire, Charles: "Letter to Theophile Gautier" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 73
Box 2
Bauer, Steven: "First Act" (Poetry). vol. 16 (3): 445
Box 2
Bauer, Steven: "Between the Two Oceans" (Poetry). vol. 22 (2): 242
Box 2
Bauer, Steven: "Marconi Station" (Poetry). vol. 22 (2): 242
Box 2
Bauer, Steven: "South Wellfleet" (Poetry). vol. 22 (2): 242
Box 2
Bauer, Tricia: "Beds" (Fiction). vol. 30 (2): 324
Box 2
Baxter, Erika: "A Song in the Manner of Hildegard Von Bingen; Vigils" (Poetry). vol. 38 (3): 342
Box 2
Bazin, Andre: "Bazin on Post-Neorealistic Rossliini, De Sica, and Vicsonto: Three Original Reviews" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 89
Box 2
Bearden, Romare: "Odysseus" (Poetry). vol. 18 (4): 681
Box 3
Becerra, Tonya: "By Way of Tongue" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 377
Box 3
Becker, Fred: "The WPA Federal Art Project; New York City" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (1): 74
Box 3
Becker, Jean Morrison: "Jean Morrison Becker" (Art). vol. 45 (4): 665
Box 3
Beckford, George: "Toward Independent Economic Development for the Betterment of Caribbean Peoples" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 93
Box 3
Beckles , Guy: "Installation Once a Man" (Art). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 509
Box 3
Beckman , Joshua: "Ode to the Air Traffic Controller" (Poetry). vol. 39 (1): 33
Box 3
Beckman , Joshua: "Peony" (Poetry). vol. 39 (1): 33
Box 3
Beekman, E.M.: "The Price" (Fiction). vol. 43 (2): 304
Box 3
Beekman, EM: "Translation and Introduction" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 663
Box 3
Beekman, EM: "Raymond Chandler and an American Genre" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 149
Box 3
Beekman, EM: "Kartini: Letters from a Javanese Feminist" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 567
Box 3
Beekman, EM: "Grand Hotel Lembang" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 203
Box 3
"Beekman, Trans.", E.M.: "Grand Hotel Lembang" (Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 203
Box 3
Beja, Morris: "Bartleby and Schizophrenia" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 555
Box 3
Bell, Marvin: "The Book of the Deadman; Dark Brow" (Poetry). vol. 30 (4): 566
Box 3
Bell, Marvin: "Whitman's Grass" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 70
Box 3
Bell, Marvin: "The Book of the Deadman, #15, 16, 17" (Poetry). vol. 34 (3): 327
Box 3
Bell, Marvin: "Watch" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 394
Box 3
Bell, Millicent: "The Dream of Being Possessed and Possessing" (Poetry). vol. 10 (1): 97
Box 3
Bell, Millicent: "Henry James: The Man Who Lived" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 391
Box 3
Bell, Millicent: "Virginia Woolf Now" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (4): 655
Box 3
Bell, Millicent: "Dry Winter" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 154
Box 3
Bell, Millicent: "The Obliquity of Signs: The Scarlet Letter" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 9
Box 3
Belli, Gioconda: "Dressed in Dynamite" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 608
Box 3
Bellow, Saul: "Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories" (Non-Fiction). vol. (1): 182
Box 3
Bellows, Nathaniel: "Five Funerals" (Poetry). vol. 39 (4): 557
Box 3
Bellows, Nathaniel: "Why Speak?" (Poetry). vol. 41 (4): 468
Box 3
Ben, Tov: "Didactic Sestina For White Belts" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 108
Box 3
Benardete, Jane Johnson: "Huckleberry Finn and the Nature of Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 209
Box 3
Bender , Amy: "The Ring" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 459
Box 3
Benedetti, Mario: "Juan Angel's Birthday" (Poetry). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 136
Box 3
Benedetti, Mario: "Taking a Stand: An Exchange of Letters with Mario Vargas Llosa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 511
Box 3
Benedetti, Mario: "Within and Without Walls" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 722
Box 3
Benedict, Elizabeth: "Feasting" (Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 55
Box 3
Benedikt, Michael: "Letter to John Mercury Individual" (Poetry). vol. 20 (4): 662
Box 3
Benedikt, Michael: "At Vassar I Taught" (Poetry). vol. 24 (4): 701
Box 3
Benedikt, Michael: "Xmas on Bay State Road" (Poetry). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 373
Box 3
Benitez-Rojo, Antonio: "The Man in the Armchair" (Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 609
Box 3
Bennani, BM: "My Sister Was a Seamstress" (Poetry). vol. 15 (4): 655
Box 3
Bense, Robert: "A Miracle Down in the Second Platoon" (Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 231
Box 3
Benson, Stella: "Letters to Laura Hutton 1915-9" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (2): 225
Box 3
Benston, Kimberly W.: "Late Coltrane " (Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 770
Box 3
Bent, Ted: "Loving the Albatross" (Fiction). vol. 20 (4): 721
Box 3
Bent, Tiare Rose: "Bran Affection" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 260
Box 3
Bentley, Beth: "Moths" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 106
Box 3
Bentley, Beth: "Temple of the Muses" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 106
Box 3
Bentley, Beth: "To An Artist Who Lost his Life's Work In A Fire" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 106
Box 3
Bentley, Beth: "The Pond 1" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 579
Box 3
Bentley, Beth: "The Pond III" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 579
Box 3
Bentley, Beth: "The Return" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 579
Box 3
Bentley, Eric: "Wannsee: A Tragi-Comedy" (Drama). vol. 20 (3): 521
Box 3
Benttinen, Ted: "The Children of New England: Provincetown, Early March" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 660
Box 3
Benvenuto, Christine: "Conversation with Agha Shahid Ali" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (2): 261
Box 3
Bercovitch, Sacvan: "How the Puritans Won the American Revolution" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (4): 597
Box 3
Berger, Donald : "I Said" (Poetry). vol. 28 (2): 271
Box 3
Berger, Jere: "Noah's Fault" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 524
Box 3
Berger, Jere: "The Russet Horse" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 524
Box 3
Berger, Suzanne E.: "The Sister Fish" (Poetry). vol. 22 (3): 446
Box 3
"Berger, Klaus, and Johnson, Diane Chalmers", : "Art as Confrontation: The Black Man in the Work of Gericault" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 301
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Dachau '44" (Poetry). vol. 30 (4): 569
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "The Tattoo" (Poetry). vol. 30 (4): 569
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Mata Hari in Saint-Lazare Prison" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 511
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Alicia (Poland, 1942)" (Poetry). vol. 32 (3): 358
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Dorothy Day" (Poetry). vol. 32 (4): 543
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Freedom" (Poetry). vol. 32 (4): 543
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "The Names" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4): 580
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Hook" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 590
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Quetzalcoatl" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 590
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Courtyard of the Hospital at Arles" (Poetry). vol. 36 (1): 136
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Twelve Sunflowers in a Vase" (Poetry). vol. 36 (1): 136
Box 3
Berke, Judith: "Naked Man on a Bed" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 668
Box 3
Berkman, Leonard: "Four Books on Rock" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 359
Box 3
Berkowitz, Robert: "Jet Surcharge" (Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 114
Box 3
Berkson, Bill: "Space Dream" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 214
Box 3
Berland , Jayne: "Ballad" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 338
Box 3
Berland , Jayne: "Noah's Wife" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 560
Box 3
Berland , Jayne: "It is Not So Easy " (Poetry). vol. 16 (3): 429
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "On Dramatic Character" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 343
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Ghosts of the past: O'Neil and Hamlet" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (2): 312
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Witness Dish Night" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (1): 145
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of our Stage: Shakespeare in Stratford" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (1): 137
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of our Stage: Why Waiting for Godot" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (3): 420
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of our Stage: Chekhov's Mistress" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (3): 375
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of our Stage: Gielgud" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (1): 97
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of Our Stage: Shakespeare in Oregon" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (3): 531
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of our Stage: Albee's Peter and Jerry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 768
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of Our Stage: Long Day's Journey into Night" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (1): 144
Box 3
Berlin, Normand: "Traffic of Our Stage: Boxing as Theater" (Non-Fiction). vol. 47 (1):
Box 3
Berlind, Bruce: "At Saranac" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 640
Box 3
Berlind, Bruce: "From Bailey's Mistake" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 640
Box 3
Bernard, Fred: "The Question of race in Moby-Dick" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 384
Box 3
Bernard, Fred: "The Question of race in Moby-Dick" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 384
Box 3
Bernard, Fred V.: "The Question of Race in Moby-Dick" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 384
Box 3
Bernard, Kenneth: "Marko's: A Vegetarian Fantasy" (Drama). vol. 18 (3): 557
Box 3
Bernard W., Bell: "A Key to the Black Experience in America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 179
Box 3
Bernard W., Bell: "Cashing in on Blackness" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 187
Box 3
Bernard W., Bell: "The Quest for a Black Aesthetic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4):
Box 3
Bernes, Jasper: "Terminal Oriente" (Poetry). vol. 39 (4): 480
Box 3
Bernstein, Jane: "Rachel Flies Alone" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (2): 193
Box 3
Bernstein, Leonard S.: "News Item" (Poetry). vol. 6 (4): 801
Box 3
Bernstein, Samuel: "The Impact of the Paris Commune in the US" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 435
Box 3
Berry, Fred: "Storm" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 354
Box 4
Berry, John: "The Hunter Invited" (Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 63
Box 4
Berry, RM: "History" (Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 497
Box 4
Berry , DC: "I'm Going Where The Women Point" (Poetry). vol. 32 (3): 401
Box 4
Berry , DC: "Ten Pound Bible" (Poetry). vol. 32 (3): 401
Box 4
Berry , DC: "Timex Pugilistes" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 453
Box 4
Berry , Mary F.: "Africa, Slavery, and the Roots of Contemporary Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (3): 501
Box 4
Bersani, Leo: "Flaubert: The Politics of Mystical Realism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 35
Box 4
Berthoff, Warner: "Fortunes of the Novel: Muriel Spark and Iris Murdoch" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 301
Box 4
Berthoff, Warner: "Iris Murdoch" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (3): 580
Box 4
Berthoff, Warner: "REB Lewis' Hart Crane" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (4): 792
Box 4
Berthold, Michael C. : "Moby Dick and American Slave Narrative" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (1): 135
Box 4
Beskin, Lisa: "23-Mar" (Poetry). vol. 38 (1): 99
Box 4
Beskin, Lisa: "Ceci N'est Pas Un Ange" (Poetry). vol. 38 (1): 99
Box 4
Beskin, Lisa: "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (Poetry). vol. 40 (1): 109
Box 4
Beskin, Lisa: "Totem and Taboo" (Poetry). vol. 40 (1): 109
Box 4
Beth, Loren: "Toward a Model Movie Censorship Law" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 770
Box 4
Bethel, Marion: "Taino Rebirth" (Poetry). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 562
Box 4
Bethel, Marion: "Morning Walk Meditation" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 261
Box 4
Bethel, Nicolette: "Eating the Raccoon" (Fiction). vol. 35 (03 & 004): 341
Box 4
Bettman, Arhive: "Photo of NY Skyline " (Art). vol. 8 (3):
Box 4
Betts , Doris: "Benson Watts is Dead and in Virginia" (Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 316
Box 4
Bewick, Thomas: "Aesopic" (Art). vol. 9 (1): 97
Box 4
Bewick, Thomas: "Aesopic" (Art). vol. 9 (1):
Box 4
Bharucha, Rustom: "1985 Observer: In Between States" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (4): 505
Box 4
Bharucha, Rustom: "Rushdie's Whale" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 221
Box 4
Bierds, Linda: "Open" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 636
Box 4
Bierds, Linda: "Hunter" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 43
Box 4
Bilodean, Otis: "Lament for the Death of Parsifal Hoolig" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4):
Box 4
Bilodean, Otis: "Lament for the Death of Parsifal Hoolig" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4):
Box 4
Bilodean, Otis: "Lament for the Death of Parsifal Hoolig; Lament for the Nape of Tom Steward's Neck;Errata" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4): 612
Box 4
Bilyak, Dianne: "Interview with Li-young Lee" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 600
Box 4
Birmelin, Robert: "Works in Four Media: Twelve Reproductions and an Essay" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 713
Box 4
Birmselin, Blair: "Penelope Jencks: Sculpture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 417
Box 4
Birnbaum, Norman: "The Making of a Counter Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 197
Box 4
Birnbaum, Norman: "The Problem of a Knowledge Elite" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 620
Box 4
Birnbaum, Norman: "Where is the USA Going?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 607
Box 4
Birney, Earle: "Memorial Stanzas for aimee Simple McFarsen" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 135
Box 4
Birney, Earle: "Memorial Stanzas for aimee Simple McFarsen" (Poetry). vol. 2 (4): 734
Box 4
Birns, Margaret Boe: "Solving the Mad Hatter's Riddle" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 457
Box 4
Bishop, Isabel: "Self Portrait" (Art). vol. 24 (2):
Box 4
Bishop, Jonathan: "New England Addresses" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 544
Box 4
Bishop, Wendy: "The Round Moon" (Poetry). vol. 20 (1): 126
Box 4
Biss , Eula: "The Price of Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (1): 9
Box 4
Bisson, Thomas: "A Majestic Study of a Feudal Society" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 225
Box 4
Biswas, Sutapa: "A Selection of Paintings" (Art). vol. 29 (4): 637
Box 4
Bixler, JS: "Witness: On Being Absurd!" (Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 407
Box 4
Black, Rebecca: "My Only Golem" (Poetry). vol. 46 (2): 294
Box 4
Blackburn, Paul: "Paisaje" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 325
Box 4
Blassingame, John: "Africa, Slavery, and the Roots of Contemporary Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (3): 501
Box 4
Blessing, Richard Allen: "Wallace Stevens' Whole Harmonium" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 162
Box 4
Blessing, Richard Allen: "Wallace Stevens' Whole Harmonium" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 162
Box 4
Blevins, Adrian: "The Precipice" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 494
Box 4
Blight, David W.: "What Will Peace Among the Whites Bring?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (3): 393
Box 4
Blight, David W.: "Lewis's Du Bois The Race Man As All Too Human Genius" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (2): 319
Box 4
Blight, David W.: "The Meaning or the Fight: Frederick Douglass and the Memory of the 54th Massachusetts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 141
Box 4
Blinderman, Charles: "Vampurella: Darwin and Count Dracula" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 411
Box 4
Bliss, Corinne: "Against the Current: a conversation with Anita Desai" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (3): 521
Box 4
Block, Allan: "My Uncle's Voice" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 541
Box 4
Bloom, Harold: "The Cental Man: Emerson, Whitman, and Wallace Stevens" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 23
Box 4
Bloom, Hyman: "Eight Drawings" (Art). vol. 3 (3): 543
Box 4
Bloom, Robert: "When the Core's Sound" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 173
Box 4
Bluestein, Gene: "Blues as Literary Theme" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 593
Box 4
Bluestein, Gene: "Folk Tradition, Individual Talent" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 373
Box 4
Bluestone, George: "John Wain and John Barth: the angry and the accurate" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 582
Box 4
Blum, Morgan: "Epithalamion for an Elderly Poet" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 358
Box 4
Blum, Morgan: "Epithalamion for an Elderly Poet" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 358
Box 4
Blumenthal , Michael: "The Wasp in the Study" (Poetry). vol. 28 (1): 145
Box 4
Bly , Robert: "Two Together; Turtle Climing from a Rock" (Poetry). vol. 10 (4): 757
Box 4
Bly , Robert: "Poems in Translation" (Poetry). vol. 14 (4): 745
Box 4
Boccioni, Umberto: "Reproduction" (Art). vol. 7 (2): 312
Box 4
Bock, Kristin: "Windscape" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 287
Box 4
Bode, Carl: "The Half-Hidden Thorea" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 68
Box 4
Boggs, Jean Sutherland: "Impressions of Degas" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 642
Box 4
Bogin, George: "1934" (Poetry). vol. 16 (2): 328
Box 4
Bogin, Magda : "Trilce" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 183
Box 4
Bogin, "Magda, trans.: "A Little Fairy Tale" (Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 467
Box 4
Bogin, "Magda, trans.: "Trilce" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 183
Box 4
Bogin, "Meg, trans.: "Ballad of the Moon; Preciosa and the Air; The Unfaithful Wife" (Poetry). vol. 18 (4): 821
Box 4
Bohm, Robert: "The Ox Poems" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 676
Box 4
Bohn, Portia: "Nobody's Wife" (Fiction). vol. 34 (4): 621
Box 4
Boland, Eavan: "The Emigrant Irish; Another Country; The Fire in Our Neighbourhood; Fond Memory; Fever; Suburban Woman; A Detail, Lace" (Poetry). vol. 28 (2): 363
Box 4
Bond, Bruce: "Exile's Song" (Poetry). vol. 46 (3): 462
Box 4
Bonestell, Chesley: "The Conquest of Space" (Art). vol. 36 (1):
Box 4
Bonomo, Jacquelyn: "Two Modern Men; A Woman; A Dog; A Short Story" (Poetry). vol. 20 (2): 243
Box 4
Bonomo, Jacquelyn: "Patience in the Endless Rain; Old Friend" (Poetry). vol. 22 (2): 223
Box 4
Booth, Philip: "Under the West Side Highway" (Poetry). vol. 7 (2): 360
Box 4
Bordiuk, Amy: "My Mother in her Retirement" (Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 582
Box 4
Bordiuk, Amy: "Lilly and Hank" (Fiction). vol. 42 (2): 289
Box 4
Borges, Jorge Luis: "For Instance" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 338
Box 4
Borges, Jorge Luis: "For Instances" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 338
Box 4
Borinsky, Alicia: "Traicion; Occupaciones de la Critica" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 595
Box 4
Borofka, David: "The Volcano Lover" (Fiction). vol. 38 (3): 385
Box 4
Boruch, Marianne: "Buick; The Funny Looking Biscuit" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 735
Box 4
Boruch, Marianne: "The Luxor Baths; The Berlin Wall, 1966" (Poetry). vol. 32 (2): 195
Box 4
Boruch, Marianne: "Poetry and its Rubble" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (2): 15
Box 4
Boruch, Marianne: "Library Stereoptical; Car Covered with Snow" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 279
Box 4
Boruch, Marianne: "Elegy" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 12
Box 4
Boruch, Marianne: "Poets in Cars" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (4): 521
Box 4
Bosse, M.J.: "Gather Ye Rosebuds O Leda Goldman; Verities" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 245
Box 4
Bosselaar, Laure-Anne: "The Cellar; Loving You in Flemish" (Poetry). vol. 36 (1): 40
Box 4
Bosselaar, Laure-Anne: "Inventory; The Worlds in this World" (Poetry). vol. 38 (1): 59
Box 4
Boswell, Robin Mary: "Winter Ballet" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 273
Box 4
Boswell, Robin Mary: "The Rotting of the Playhouse; The Jeweled Christ; The Virgin General" (Poetry). vol. 30 (2): 269
Box 4
Boswell, Robin Mary: "My Dreams are so Many Sheep" (Poetry). vol. 33 (2): 286
Box 4
Boulukos, Emmanuel: "Presence, Absence" (Fiction). vol. 46 (3): 464
Box 4
Bourgeois, Ulrich: "The French-Canadian Experience in New England" (Art). vol. 28 (1): 149
Box 4
Boutelle, Annie: "From A Childhood; I Love You Darkness: 2 poems by Rainer Maria Rilke" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 299
Box 4
Boutelle, Annie: "Bridge Street" (Poetry). vol. 46 (2): 195
Box 4
Boutelle, Annie: "What I Learn, Continued" (Poetry). vol. 46 (2): 195
Box 4
Bowen, Kevin: "Driving Home" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 439
Box 4
Bowen, Kevin: "Notes From When the War was Over: remembering the embargo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (4): 527
Box 4
Bowen, Kevin: "Helmets" (Poetry). vol. 43 (3): 482
Box 4
Bowen, Kevin: "Helmets" (Poetry). vol. 43 (3): 482
Box 4
Bowen, Kevin: "Eight True Maps of the West" (Poetry). vol. 45 (1): 90
Box 4
"Bowen, trans.", Kevin: "The Black Horse" (Fiction). vol. 39 (3): 333
Box 4
Bower, George: "The Certianty" (Poetry). vol. 7 (2): 288
Box 4
Bower, George: "November Funerals, Lawrence, Mass" (Poetry). vol. 15 (4): 717
Box 4
Bowers, Neal: "Howard Nemerov: and interview" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (1): 43
Box 4
Brace, Gerald Warner: "Witness: theme in fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 180
Box 4
Brackett, Kate: "Cold" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 261
Box 4
Bradford, Curtis: "Discoveries: second series W.B. Yeats" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 297
Box 4
Bradley, Sam: "Prince of Decorum" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 698
Box 4
Brady, Philip: "The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (in Galway)" (Fiction). vol. 33 (3): 455
Box 4
Braithwaite, Edward Kamau: "Third World Poems I Citadel" (Poetry). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 73
Box 4
Brandao, Fima Hasse Pais: "#47; #49" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 105
Box 4
Brandon, William: "Sappho and Other Stories" (Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 689
Box 4
Brandon, William: "The Life and White Horse of Indian Joe" (Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 275
Box 4
Brandon, William: "Leonard Baskin's Indians, Indian Anangkan" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (1): 145
Box 4
Brandon, William: "Exiles " (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 368
Box 4
Brandon, William: "Stella Benson: letters to Laua Hutton 1915-1919" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 225
Box 4
Brandon, William: "Back in the Old Black Mask" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 706
Box 4
Braun, Henry: "The Noise in the Manger; Fears of Chosen; Wood Edge Animal; After the Operation; To Bury a Bird; It is Morning" (Poetry). vol. 14 (4): 742
Box 4
Braun, Henry: "Weight" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 147
Box 4
Braun, Henry: "Training for the Eye; For an Old Teacher; The Wall; Crumbgiving" (Poetry). vol. 18 (4): 629
Box 4
Braunthal, Gerard: "European Socialisim at the Crossroads" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 776
Box 4
Braxton, Joanne M.: "Harriet Jacobs: The incidents in the life of a slave girl" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 379
Box 4
Bray, Tara: "For Good" (Poetry). vol. 46 (4): 690
Box 4
Brecht, Bertolt: "Notes on the Barlach Exhibition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 5
Brecht, Bertolt: "The Days of the Commune" (Drama). vol. 12 (3): 541
Box 5
Brecht, Bertolt: "And What did the Soldier's Wife Recieve" (Poetry). vol. 25 (4): 558
Box 5
Bree, Germaine: "Homage to Camus" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 216
Box 5
Breibert, Myrna Margulies: "Urban Environmental Education" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 646
Box 5
Brennan-Jobs, Lisa: "Waterloo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 47 (1):
Box 5
Brentlinger, Ann Ferguson: "Nelson Goodman's "Languages of Art" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 202
Box 5
Brentlinger, John: "A Nicaraguan Journal" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 575
Box 5
Bresdin, Paul: "On His Father" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 98
Box 5
Bresdin, Rodolphe: "Seven Lithographs and Two Drawings" (Art). vol. 2 (1): 73
Box 5
Brewer, John Mason: "American Negro Folklore" (Non-Fiction). vol. (1): 179
Box 5
Brick, Allan: "The Madman in his Cell: Joyce, Beckett, Nabakov, and the Stereotypes" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 40
Box 5
Brickman, Harriet: "Care" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 246
Box 5
Bridgers, Jane Bennett: "The Explosion" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4): 501
Box 5
Bridgford, Kim: "Snapshots" (Fiction). vol. 38 (2): 239
Box 5
Brivic, Sheldon: "Borges' Orbis Tertius" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (2): 387
Box 5
Brodber, Erna: "Louisiana" (Fiction). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 576
Box 5
Brodskey, Joseph: "Lagoon" (Poetry). vol. 15 (4): 578
Box 5
Brodskey, Joseph: "In Memory of T.B. " (Poetry). vol. 17 (2): 256
Box 5
Brodsky, Iosip: "Seven Poems" (Poetry). vol. 12 (4): 672
Box 5
Brodsky, Joseph: "Lagoon" (Poetry). vol. 15 (4): 578
Box 5
Brodsky, Joseph: "In Memory of T.B." (Poetry). vol. 17 (2): 256
Box 5
Broeck, Sabine: "Travelling memory; The Middle passage..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 157
Box 5
Bromley, Anne: "Slow Men Working in Trees; DaVinci Crashes in Joy Dawson's Hog Farm" (Poetry). vol. 12 (4): 633
Box 5
Broner, E.M.: "Angels, Saints and Their Friends" (Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 503
Box 5
Bronson, R.S.: "Bequest to the Wino (Seattle's Skid Row); Will Identity (Ann Arbor, Michigan)" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 576
Box 5
Brook, Donna: "A History of the Afgan" (Poetry). vol. 14 (2): 256
Box 5
Brook , Thomas: "Schlesinger and Du Bois on the Old New World Order: A Prehistory of the Canon Wars" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (2): 309
Box 5
Brooker, Jewel Speers: "The Case of Missing Abstraction: Eliot, Fraser and Modernisim" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 539
Box 5
Brooks, Cleaneth: "Faulkner's Vision of Good and Evil" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 692
Box 5
Brooks , Gwendolyn: "sadie and maud" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 242
Box 5
Brossard, Nicole: "La Matiere Harmonieuse Manoeuvre" (Poetry). vol. 31 (1 & 2): 86
Box 5
Brossard, Nicole: "La Matiere Harmonieuse manoeuvre encore" (Poetry). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 86
Box 5
Brouwer, Joel: "Father" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 316
Box 5
Brown, Danit: "Ask for a Convertible" (Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 779
Box 5
Brown, Jason Lee: "Old Man, My First Job, At the Stop Sign" (Fiction). vol. ():
Box 5
Brown, Kurt: "The Rage of Caesars by Arthur Rimbaud" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 298
Box 5
Brown, Richard: "Timothy Dwight and John Taylor: letters concerning the suitability of Virginians for Yale and vice versa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 436
Box 5
Brown, Richard H.: "Not Well and Not Sick of the Chickahominy Fever: Hollis Wrisley's Civil War" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (4): 558
Box 5
Brown , Cecil: "Interview with Toni Morrison" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (3): 455
Box 5
Brown , Cecil: "Interview with Toni Morrison" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (3): 455
Box 5
Brown , Elizabeth: "Things I Have Learned" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 255
Box 5
Brown , John jr.: "Letters to the Haymarket Matyrs, 1887" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 765
Box 5
Brown , Kurt: "Exodus" (Poetry). vol. 33 (3): 400
Box 5
Brown , Kurt: "Whitman: finer than prayer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 72
Box 5
Brown , Rosellen: "How to Win" (Poetry). vol. 14 (4): 691
Box 5
Brown , Rosellen: "English Comp" (Poetry). vol. 18 (2): 276
Box 5
Brown , Rosellen: "A Good Deal" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 11
Box 5
Brown , Rosellen: "The Year in Fiction: 1990" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (1): 123
Box 5
Brown , Sterling: "A Century of Negro Portraiture in American Literature" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 73
Box 5
Browne, Gordon: "The Pole" (Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 20
Box 5
Bruce, Debra: "For the Boy reading Playboy" (Poetry). vol. 24 (4): 766
Box 5
Bruce, Debra: "After Dinner she Discusses Marriage with her Friends" (Poetry). vol. 28 (1): 43
Box 5
Bruce, L: "The Photo" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 533
Box 5
Bruss, Elizabeth: "An Interview with Umberto Eco" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 409
Box 5
Bruss, Neal: "Re-Stirring the Waters, or The Voice that Sees the World as Patients" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (2): 337
Box 5
Bruss, Neal: "Lacan and Literature: imaginary objects and social order" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (1): 62
Box 5
Bruss, Neal: "The Sons Karamazov: Dostoevsky's characters as Feudian transformation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (1): 40
Box 5
Buber, Martin: "Man's Duty as Man" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 55
Box 5
Buchan, David: "Tha Hafflin an the Bodach" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 299
Box 5
Buchinger, Mary: "Redeem / the unread vision in the higher dream" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 5
Budick, Emily Miller: "Lionel Trilling and the "Being" of Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (1): 63
Box 5
Bukiet, Jules: "The Two Franzes" (Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 433
Box 5
Bukiet, Melvin Jules: "The Two Franzes" (Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 433
Box 5
Bullis, Jerald: "Theodore Roethke" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 209
Box 5
Bullock, C.J.: "Post-Party Politics: Doris Lessing's novels of the Sevenites." (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (2): 245
Box 5
Burciaga, Jose Antonio: "Emilio's Revenge" (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 386
Box 5
Burian, Jarka: "The Uses of Classical Myth in Modern Drama" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 401
Box 5
Burlingame, Robert: "The Childrens" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 732
Box 5
Burns, George: "Sometimes when it's Slow on the 2 1/2's" (Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 439
Box 5
Burns, Sarah: "Black, Quadroon, Gypsy: women in the art of George Fuller" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 405
Box 5
Burnshaw, Stanley: "To the Editor: Rply to Helen Vendler" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 224
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "Genesis; After the First Refusal; Challeneg and Response; Fulfillment; The Butterfly; The Agressor; The Fallacy Revisted" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 36
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "The One and Only" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 92
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "A Family Chronicle" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 556
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "Greece Today: the importute" (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 168
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "The Importunate" (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 168
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "The Lover Questions His Love" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 483
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "From the Cape in Winter; The Explorers " (Poetry). vol. 16 (3): 487
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "The Day After" (Poetry). vol. 23 (1): 115
Box 5
Burr, Gray: "Cowboy" (Poetry). vol. 25 (4): 624
Box 5
Burrows, E.G.: "The Squire in April" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 409
Box 5
Bursk, Christopher: "Old Lady, Call off the Witches . . . ; Satan and the Pigeons on a Sunday Mexico" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 494
Box 5
Bursk, Christopher: "Preen Glands; Town Names for Parts of My Body" (Poetry). vol. 21 (1): 174
Box 5
Bursk, Christopher: "Third person Singular" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 717
Box 5
Bursk, Christopher: "Allegiances" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 141
Box 5
Bursk, Christopher: "Allegiances" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1):
Box 5
Burt, Deirdre: "Sydney to Brisbane" (Fiction). vol. 26 (4): 529
Box 5
Busch, Trent: "Le Breun Speaks of King Tut" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 106
Box 5
Bush, Douglas: "The Voices of Matthew Arnold" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 210
Box 5
Bush, Trevor N.W.: "Thoreau in South Africa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 90
Box 5
Bush, Trevor N.W.: "A Letter on South Africa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 165
Box 5
Bush, Trevor N.W.: "South African Tragedy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 394
Box 5
Bush, Trevor N.W.: "The Jail Diary of Albie Sachs" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 184
Box 5
Bush, Trevor N.W.: "To the Editor: a vindication for bombing" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (3): 580
Box 5
Bush, Trevor N.W.: "Letter to Africa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 799
Box 5
Busi, Frederick: "Maritian in Opposition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (3): 603
Box 5
Busi, Frederick: "The Failure of revolution" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 397
Box 5
Busi, Frederick: "Marcel Ophuls and the Sorrow and the Pity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 177
Box 5
Busi, Frederick: "Alain Resnais's Stavisky: the beginning of the end" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 799
Box 5
Buss, Robin: "Vietnames Restaurant, Paris" (Poetry). vol. 9 (2): 267
Box 5
Buttenwieser, Sarah: "Confluence" (Fiction). vol. 42 (1): 135
Box 5
Cabral, Francisco: "Outhouse and Conflict of Interest" (Art). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 509
Box 5
Cadieux, Genevieve: "Three Installations" (Art). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 249
Box 5
Cady, Joseph: "Conferring" (Poetry). vol. 2 (27): 240
Box 5
Cady, Joseph: "Waiting" (Poetry). vol. 11 (1): 29
Box 5
Caesar, Terry: "Seeing and Being Seen in China" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (5): 515
Box 5
Caesar, Terry: "Bringing it All Down: The 1986 World Cup in Brazil" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (2): 277
Box 5
Caesar , Judith: "Saudi Women" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 607
Box 5
Cagidementrio (trans.), Alide: "The story of S, or Of the Green Dress" (Fiction). vol. 38 (3): 377
Box 5
Cain, Shannon: "This is How it Starts" (Fiction). vol. 45 (2): 205
Box 5
Callot, Jacques: "Five Etchings, thirteen etchings" (Art). vol. 3 (1): 121
Box 5
Calvo, Igor: "A Fable" (Fiction). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 234
Box 5
Campbell, Erik: "The Death of Satan..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (1): 105
Box 5
Campbell, Sydney: "The Blue Moon Tavern Songs" (Poetry). vol. 14 (1): 63
Box 5
Campo, Rafael: "The Changing Face of AIDS: A Modern Fairy Tale" (Poetry). vol. 40 (1): 96
Box 5
Canaday, John: "The Invisible World" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 409
Box 5
Candelaria, Xochiquetzal: "Here We Are" (Poetry). vol. 46 (3): 470
Box 5
Cannon, Alda: "Jules Antoine Castagnary's: A Plea for a Dead Friend" (Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 498
Box 5
Cannon (trans.), Alda : "A Plea for A Dead Friend" (Poetry). vol. 12 (3): 498
Box 5
Cantor, Milton: "The New Radicalism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 809
Box 5
Carb, Alison B.: "Interview with Bharati Mukherjee" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 645
Box 6
Cardenal, Ernesto: "Visit to the Weimar: The Price of Bras" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 506
Box 6
Cardullo, Bert: "Actor Become Auteur: The Neorealist Films of Vittorio De Sita" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (2): 173
Box 6
Carey, Richard Adams: "Approaching the Millenium" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (2): 343
Box 6
Carlin, Lydia: "Man Orchid" (Fiction). vol. 19 (1): 77
Box 6
Carlson, Kate: "The Bus Show" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 710
Box 6
Carmichael, Stokely: "Toward Black Liberation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 639
Box 6
Carpi, Anna-Maria: "The Story of S, or Of the Green Dress" (Fiction). vol. 38 (3): 377
Box 6
Carrell, Berenice: "Mary Beard's Women as Force in History" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 125
Box 6
Carruth, Hayden: "Essay on Marriage" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 237
Box 6
Carruth, Hayden: "Watching the Telly" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 383
Box 6
Carruth, Hayden: "Names" (Poetry). vol. 25 (1): 125
Box 6
Carruth, Hayden: "Names" (Poetry). vol. 25 (1): 125
Box 6
Carruthers, Mary: "Imagining Women: Notes Toward a Feminist Poetic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (2): 281
Box 6
Carter, Gwendolen: "African Nationalist Movements in South Africa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 147
Box 6
Cary , Carl: "Light in Winter; Ritual" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 206
Box 6
Cary , Joseph: "Italo Svevo: Poet of Ineptitude" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 592
Box 6
Casey, Calvert: "A Little Affair " (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 438
Box 6
Casey, Deb: "Netsuke" (Poetry). vol. 25 (4): 538
Box 6
Casey , Michael: "Armorer Male" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 123
Box 6
Cassarino, Stacie: "Early December, Vermont" (Poetry). vol. 46 (1): 76
Box 6
Cassarino, Stacie: "Early December, Vermont" (Poetry). vol. 46 (1): 76
Box 6
Cassells, Cyrus: "Eye of a Condor" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 134
Box 6
Cassill, RV: "A Recent First Novel" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 187
Box 6
Cassill, RV: "Two Novels" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 174
Box 6
Cassirer, Thomas: "Africa's Olympiad of the Arts: The Dakar Festival" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (1): 177
Box 6
Cassirer, Thomas: "The Impossible Life of Frantz Fanon" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 9
Box 6
Cassity, Turner: "Rondo On the Rio Negro" (Poetry). vol. 32 (1): 98
Box 6
Casson, Allan: "Greene's Comedians and the Amis' Anti-Death League" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 392
Box 6
Castagnary, Jules Anoine: "A Plea for A Dead Friend" (Poetry). vol. 12 (3): 498
Box 6
Castillo, Ana: "El Chicle" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 597
Box 6
Castor, Suzy: "The American Occupation of Haiti (1915-34) and the Dominican Republic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 253
Box 6
Cavitch, David : "Solipsism And Death in DH Lawrence's Late Works" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 495
Box 6
Cedrins, Inara: "Talmoon" (Poetry). vol. 41 (4): 540
Box 6
Celan, Paul: "Three Poems" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 291
Box 6
Celaya, Gabriel: "Last Encounter with Lorca" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 635
Box 6
Cerf, Emily: "Jameleh" (Fiction). vol. 39 (3): 399
Box 6
Chafe, William: "Sex and Race: The Analogy of Social Control" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (1): 147
Box 6
Chamberland, Paul: "Independence is for 1993" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 61
Box 6
Chambers, George: "The Man Defines his Relation to Sylvia" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 491
Box 6
Chambers, Leland H.: "The Forest and the Trees" (Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 95
Box 6
Chambers (trans.), Leland: "The Forest and the Trees" (Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 95
Box 6
Chametzky, Jules: "Reflections on USA As Novel and Play" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 391
Box 6
Chametzky, Jules: "Stereotypes and Jews: Fagin and the Magician of Lublin" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (2): 372
Box 6
Chametzky, Jules: "Ethnicity and Beyond: An Introduction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 241
Box 6
Chametzky, Jules: "Introduction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 138
Box 6
Chametzky, Jules: "Fred Becker's WPA Graphics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (1): 69
Box 6
Chametzky, Peter: " Rolf Zimmerman's Poland Painting" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (3): 377
Box 6
Chametzky, Peter: "Witnesing traged, Looking at Risk: Rolf Zimmerman Revisited" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 497
Box 6
Chancellor, Betty: "Two Actresses: Betty Chancellor and Claire Neufeld" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 180
Box 6
Chandra, GS Sharat: "India Association, Plans a Newsletter, Country" (Poetry). vol. 29 (4): 596
Box 6
Chang, Victoria: "Preparations" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 634
Box 6
Changa, Ras: "Born Again" (Poetry). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 544
Box 6
Chapin, Earl: "January The Something" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 239
Box 6
Chaplin, WH: "Medea" (Poetry). vol. 17 (4): 777
Box 6
Chapman (trans.), Kenneth: "The Fish Concert" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 7
Box 6
Charlot, Jean: "Printmaker to the Mexican People" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (21): 377
Box 6
Charney, Melvin: "The Garden for the Canadian Center for Architecture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 201
Box 6
Chase, Mary Ellen: "Five Literary Portraits" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 511
Box 6
Chase, Twichell: "Paper White Narcissus" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 334
Box 6
Chatam, Dierdre: "Paintings and Drawings" (Art). vol. 25 (1): 81
Box 6
Chayes, Sarah: "Exorcising Vichy: The Trial of Paul Touvier for Crimes Against Humanity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (3): 425
Box 6
Chess, Richard: "Survivors" (Poetry). vol. 34 (3): 392
Box 6
Chetham, Charles: "Charles Wells: Sculpture and Prints" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 705
Box 6
Chetham, Deirdre: "The Art of Yuan Yunsheng" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (1): 81
Box 6
Cheu, Johnson: "Pomegranate" (Poetry). vol. 45 (3): 295
Box 6
Chiarenza, Carl: "Form and Content in the Early Work of Aaron Siskind" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 808
Box 6
Chickering , Howell D.: "Donaldson's Beowolf: The Critical Art of Translation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 774
Box 6
Childers, Joanne: "The Post Office" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 158
Box 6
Chin, Marilyn: "We Are a Young Nation; Uncle and Li Ching; Heart of Han" (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 410
Box 6
Chinoy, Ely: "Equality and Affluence: Some Dissenting Views" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 412
Box 6
Chinoy, Ely: "Popular Sociology" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 771
Box 6
Chitwood, Michael: "An Explanation of Six Thirty, An Explanation of Nine-Thirty" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 117
Box 6
Christie, AV: "Passage" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (2): 167
Box 6
Chua, C. Lok: "An Exorcism: Two Asians in America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 361
Box 6
Ciardi, John: "Purgatorio, Canto VI: A New Translation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 176
Box 6
Cisneros, Sandra: "Tango for the Broom; It Occurs to Me that I am the Creative Destructive Goddess" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 598
Box 6
Clampitt, Amy: "Amaranth and Moly" (Poetry). vol. 22 (2): 321
Box 6
Clampitt, Amy: "The Sacred Hearth Fire" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 516
Box 6
Clark, David: "Cuchulain at 2000: Yeats' Plays in Forthcoming Collected Edition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 695
Box 6
Clark, David R.: "An Irish Gathering: Letters, Memoirs, Poems, Articles of a 20th Century " (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 249
Box 6
Clark, David R.: "Notes on an Irish Gathering" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 378
Box 6
Clark, David R.: "Half the Characters Had Eagles' Faces: WB Yeats' unpublished Shadowy Waters" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 151
Box 6
Clark, David R.: "Yeats The Playwright" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 695
Box 6
Clark, David R.: "Introduction to "Foundation Memo" a.k.a. "Jules Chametzky's Memo (October 23, 1958) From Which Sprang The Massachusetts Review" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 19
Box 6
Clark, David Ridgeley: "Dolphin's Barn, Dublin; Paradise Pond; Smith College" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 268
Box 6
Clark, David Ridgeley: "A Window on the Night" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 449
Box 6
Clark, David Ridgeley: "Freedom, Joy, and Indignation: Letters from ee cummings" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (3): 497
Box 6
Clark, George: "Astral Navigation Through An Open Shuttered Lens" (Fiction). vol. 38 (1): 87
Box 6
Clark, Rosalind: "Cuchulain at 2000: Yeats' Plays in Forthcoming Collected Edition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 695
Box 6
Clark, Rosalind: "Yeats The Playwright" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 695
Box 6
Clark, Sue G.: "Rock - A World Bold as Love" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2): 359
Box 6
Clark , Ronald: "The Huxleys" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4):
Box 6
Clarke, Austin: "A Centenary Celebratioon" (Poetry). vol. 5 (2): 307
Box 6
Clarke, Austin: "A Sermon on Swift" (Poetry). vol. 11 (2): 309
Box 6
Clarke, Brock: "What Literature Can and Cannot Do: Lionel Trilling, Richard Rorty and the Left" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 523
Box 6
Clarke, John: "The Island; Chestnut Picking" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 456
Box 6
Clarke (trans.), Katherine: "Bresdin L' Etrange" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 75
Box 6
Clayton, John: "The Cave is Full of Soldiers" (Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 231
Box 6
Clayton, John: "Cambridge is Sinking" (Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 400
Box 6
Clayton, John : "DH Lawrence: Psychic Wholeness through Rebirth" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (2): 200
Box 6
Clayton, John J.: "Alain Robbe-Grillet: The Aesthetics of Sado-Masochism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (1): 106
Box 6
Cleary, Suzanne: "Sewing in January" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 305
Box 7
Clecak, Peter: "Social Criticism and Illusions of the Open Society" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 247
Box 7
Clecak, Peter: "Revolution Delayed: Political and Cultural Revolutionaries in America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 590
Box 7
Cleghorn, James D.: "Poetry Signature #3: Where Am I Now; Small Town; Rain Bears This Early Hour" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 717
Box 7
Cletham, Charles: "Notes on Edwin Romanzo Elmer and Maud Elmer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 144
Box 7
Clifton, Lucille: "After Kent State; Driving Through New England, Being Property Once Myself" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 414
Box 7
Clifton, Lucille: "Good Times" (Poetry). vol. 10 (4): 81
Box 7
Clifton, Lucille: "The Way it Was, The Lost Baby Poem, Richard Penniman" (Poetry). vol. 12 (1): 108
Box 7
Clifton, Lucille: "Turning; Walking Through Walls" (Poetry). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 105
Box 7
Clifton, Lucille: "Cutting Greens" (Poetry). vol. 14 (3): 630
Box 7
Clingman, Stephen: "Music of New Orleans" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 92
Box 7
Clough, Wilson: "No Comparable To" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 739
Box 7
Clurman, Harold: "That Which Is Called Decor" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 809
Box 7
Cluster (trans.), Dick: "Absences; Imperfections" (Fiction). vol. 40 (2): 184
Box 7
Cobham-Sanders, Rhonda: "Introduction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 337
Box 7
Cochrane, Lynn: "No Reason; The Street; In Insect Light" (Poetry). vol. 8 (3): 420
Box 7
Cofer, Judith Ortiz: "The Tip" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 600
Box 7
Cohen, Kim: "Aunt Adelaide's Recipe Cards" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 330
Box 7
Cohen, Lester: "What's in a Name? The Presence of the Victim in The Pioneers." (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 688
Box 7
Cohen, Marc: "Lines Written in A Barbershop" (Poetry). vol. 23 (1): 112
Box 7
Cohen, Marshall: "Civil Disobedience in a Constitutional Democracy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 211
Box 7
Cohen, Marshall: "Reply to Michael Katz" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 172
Box 7
Cohen, Robert: "Dostoyevsky's Whore" (Fiction). vol. 26 (1): 47
Box 7
Cohen, William: "Riots, Racism, and Hysteria" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 373
Box 7
Cohen (trans.), Jonathan: "Visit to the Weimar: The Price of Bras" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 506
Box 7
Cohen trans., Jonathan: "Visit to Weimar; The Price of Bras" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 506
Box 7
Cole, Charles: "Metaphor and Syllogism (On Robert Frost)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 239
Box 7
Cole, Johnette: "Affirmation of Resistance: A Response to Angela Davis " (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 101
Box 7
Cole, Johnette: "note with Six Cuban Photographers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 661
Box 7
Cole, Lewis: "Student Thoughts: On Sweeney" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 522
Box 7
Coleman, Wanda: "In My Kitchen My Potatoes are Polemical" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 705
Box 7
Coles, Robert: "The South That Is Man's Destiny" (Poetry). vol. 5 (2): 257
Box 7
Coles, Robert: "The Achievement of Anna Freud" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 203
Box 7
Coles, Robert: "Both Ways" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 761
Box 7
Coles, Robert: "Returning" (Poetry). vol. 41 (2): 254
Box 7
Collett, Merrill: "Ebb and Flow in Panama" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 629
Box 7
Collett, Walter: "The Committal" (Fiction). vol. 8 (1): 98
Box 7
Collins, Billy: "After; Flock (2 poems)" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 542
Box 7
Collins, Billy: "Aubade" (Poetry). vol. 46 (1): 34
Box 7
Collins, Martha: "Blue Roses" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 177
Box 7
Colt, B.: "Festivals of Autumn; Beach" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 195
Box 7
Comer, Brooke: "El Bawiti" (Poetry). vol. 42 (4): 590
Box 7
Comer, Brooke: "Life and Death in Bab-El-Louq" (Poetry). vol. 42 (4): 644
Box 7
Commager, Henry Steele: "Debate on Vietnam Policy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 412
Box 7
Commager, Henry Steele: "Debate on Vietname Policy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 412
Box 7
Commager, Henry Steele: "On The American Presidency" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (3): 561
Box 7
Commager, Henry Steele: "Community and Commonwealth" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 658
Box 7
Conley, Susan: "When We Are Low We Go To The Pyramids " (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 551
Box 7
Conn, Jan: "Fragment" (Poetry). vol. 41 (4): 498
Box 7
Conn, Jan: "The Flower Carriers" (Poetry). vol. 43 (3): 382
Box 7
Conn, Jan: "Cameta" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 354
Box 7
Connor, Linda: "Portfolio" (Art). vol. 15 (3): 445
Box 7
Connor, Linda: "Egypt Photo Insert" (Art). vol. 42 (4): 609
Box 7
Connor, Tony: "A Death by the Seaside" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 254
Box 7
Connor, Tony: "My Mother's Husband" (Poetry). vol. 7 (2): 286
Box 7
Connor, Tony: "Saying It; Kom in Springtime" (Poetry). vol. 9 (2): 227
Box 7
Connor, Tony: "And Leave the Voice of Commerce " (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 368
Box 7
Conoley, Gillian: "Death as Described by the Living" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 818
Box 7
Conoley, Gillian: "Lost" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 818
Box 7
Conover, Grandin: "Fragmet from Poor White Trash" (Poetry). vol. 11 (4): 745
Box 7
Conover, Grandin: "Homage" (Poetry). vol. 11 (4): 745
Box 7
Conover, Grandin: "Proposals for a New Society" (Poetry). vol. 11 (4): 745
Box 7
Conover, Grandin: "Revolution" (Poetry). vol. 11 (4): 745
Box 7
Conta, Marcia Maher: "Orchids on a Rope" (Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 50
Box 7
Conti, Christine: "Poison Pen Letters" (Fiction). vol. 21 (1): 45
Box 7
Conway, Martha: "Relapse" (Fiction). vol. 38 (1): 101
Box 7
Conway, Steve: "new age teenh bopper ho turns jetset " (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 93
Box 7
Conway, Steve: "there were too few mometns how many" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 93
Box 7
Cook, Albert S.: "Song of the Half-Willing Insomniac" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 712
Box 7
Cook, Reginald L.: "A Fine Old Eye/The Unconquered Flame" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 242
Box 7
Cook, Reginald L.: "Think of This, Yandees'!" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 44
Box 7
Cooke, Jay G.: "Girls and Drums" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 478
Box 7
Cooke, Jay G.: "Miss Edna's Epitaph" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 478
Box 7
Cooke, M. G.: "From Comedy to Terror" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 331
Box 7
Cooke, Reginald L: "Robert Frost: An Equilibrist's Field of Vision" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 385
Box 7
Cooley, Peter: "Naked Poetry" (Poetry). vol. 16 (3): 447
Box 7
Coombs, Patricia: "Nah's Cats" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 128
Box 7
Cooney, Blanche: "In My Own Sweet Time" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (2): 221
Box 7
Cooney, Blanche: "Christmas 1989" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (4): 535
Box 7
Cooney, Gabriel: "Photographs" (Art). vol. 33 (2): Cover
Box 7
Cooper, Carolyn: "Lyrical Gun: Metaphor and Role Play in Jamaican " (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 429
Box 7
Cooper, Darius: "Beyond the Chamelleon's Skill" (Poetry). vol. 29 (4): 671
Box 7
Cooper, Darius: "Prestonjee's Tower of Silence" (Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 666
Box 7
Cooper, David: "From the memoirs ofRabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus" (Poetry). vol. 33 (2): 171
Box 7
Coover, Robert: "The Tinerer" (Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 600
Box 7
Copeland, Rober: "Photography and the World's Body" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 797
Box 7
Copeland, Thomas W.: "S. N. Behrman's Portrait of Max" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (04 & 03): 767569
Box 7
Copeland, Thomas W.: "The Other Boswell" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 767
Box 7
Corman, Cid: "The Farmer's Daughters: a True Story about People" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 319
Box 7
Corman, Cid: "The Saying" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 517
Box 7
Cornell, Jennifer C: "Rise" (Fiction). vol. 34 (4): 565
Box 7
Cornish, Samuel: "Harriet Tubman; My Mother; Lord, while I Sow" (Poetry). vol. 10 (4): 771
Box 7
Corodimas, Peter: "Dog-Burial" (Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 284
Box 7
Corpora, James: "The Castellan" (Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 45
Box 7
Corrales, Paul: "Photograph" (Art). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 661
Box 7
Corrington, John William: "The Late Late Show" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 770
Box 7
Corwin, Virginia: "The Gnostics Speak Again: the Gospel of Truth" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 218
Box 7
Coss, Clare: "Daughters" (Drama). vol. 24 (1): 141
Box 7
Cotler, T. Zachary: "The Cables" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 7
Cotter, Sean: "Tableaux In Motion" (Poetry). vol. 45 (1): 158
Box 7
Cottle, Thomas j: "A Child's Election" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (4): 707
Box 7
Cottle, Thomas j: "The School Maker" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (4): 723
Box 7
Couch, William: "New Black Playwrights, An Anthology" (Non-Fiction). vol. (3): 604
Box 7
Coughlin, Jack: "Gravestone " (Art). vol. 8 (1):
Box 7
Coughlin, Jack: "Portrait of Denis Johnston" (Art). vol. 23 (3):
Box 7
Courtney, Barbara: "Visit to a Child with Leukemia; Fall`" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 169
Box 7
Courtney, Barbara: "O Pioneers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (2): 227
Box 7
Courtney, Barbara: "The Lives of the Saints: Tolstoy, Marya Alexandrovna, and the nature of sanctity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (1): 31
Box 7
Couture, Christin: "Artwork" (Art). vol. 46 (4): 617
Box 7
Covi, Dario: "The Genius of Michalangelo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 172
Box 7
Cox, James: "The Muse of Samuel Clemens" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 127
Box 7
Coxe, louis o: "halcyon days" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 244
Box 7
Coxe, louis o : "soliloquy" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 749
Box 7
Coxe, louis o : "unknown soldiers" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 147
Box 7
Coy, stephen: "three plays by ernst barlach" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 170
Box 7
Cozier, christopher: "searching for a way out" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 509
Box 7
Cozza, martin: "trip to falls" (Fiction). vol. 41 (3): 399
Box 7
Craig, g armour: "d.H. Lawrence on thinghood and selfhood" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 56
Box 7
Craighead-Kintis, anna marie: "across the free zone; mirsada" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 367
Box 7
Cramer, Jeffery S.: "With Jane and Without" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (4): 493
Box 7
Crawford, jack jr: "there i a blue wolf" (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 39
Box 7
Creedon, Carolyn: "Ganges Ophelia" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 7
Crenshaw, Brad: "Nude Reclining" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 7
Crews, judson: "desnuda" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 784
Box 7
Crick, bernard: "the character of american politiacl thought" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 454
Box 7
Cripps, thomas: "paul robeson and black identity in american movies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (3): 468
Box 7
Cripps, thomas: "the abscent presence in glory" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 154
Box 7
Critchlow, Jane: "Canadian Film: An Unexpected Emergence" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (1 and 2): 213
Box 7
Critchlow, "jane, trans.: "cnadian film: and unexpected emergence" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 213
Box 7
Croghan, Melissa: "Communion" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 10
Box 7
Crome, Nicholas: "Walking with the Old Man's Last Book; The end of the world; sal's song" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 790
Box 7
Crossley, Robert: "Culture and Controversy: a diagnosis" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (3): 405
Box 7
Crossley, Robert: "Pervical lowell and the history of mars" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (3): 297
Box 7
Crouse, David: "Code" (Fiction). vol. 45 (1): 108
Box 7
Crow, Mary: "Shopping in Santiago; Fever" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 30
Box 7
Crow, Mary: "Damn Melancholy: A Memoir" (Poetry). vol. 43 (1): 42
Box 7
Crow, "Mary, trans.: "Alice in nightmareland" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 472
Box 7
Cruickshank, Frederick: "John James Audubon" (Art). vol. 6 (2):
Box 7
Crus, Victor Hernandez: "islandis; the lower east side of manhattan" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 601
Box 7
Cruse, Harold: "Black Studies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 726
Box 7
Cruse, Harold: "Directions in Black Studies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 701
Box 7
Csoori, sandor: "sunday still life with table, with knife" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 409
Box 8
Culter, Charles: "Amazonas, Land of Water" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 693
Box 8
Cummings, e. e.: "Freedom, Joy, Indignation: letters from e.e. cummings" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (3): 497
Box 8
Cummings, e. e.: "now i lay (with everywhere around)" (Poetry). vol. 4 (3): 437
Box 8
Cummings , e. e. : "poem" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 154
Box 8
Cumo, George: "Fire" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 729
Box 8
Cumo, George: "Thinkers and Writers, Writers and Thinkers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (4):
Box 8
Curley, Daniel: "After the Game is Over: Seven Ways of Accounting" (Poetry). vol. 12 (2): 293
Box 8
Curley, Daniel: "Epithanlamium; It's a Woman's World; George Eliot" (Poetry). vol. 14 (1): 174
Box 8
Curley, Daniel: "What Rough Beast" (Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 344
Box 8
Curley, Daniel: "In Northcumberland Once" (Poetry). vol. 15 (3): 423
Box 8
Curran , Mary Doyle: "Poems Public and PRivate" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 411
Box 8
Curran , Mary Doyle: "The Devil's Advocate" (Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 133
Box 8
Curran , Mary Doyle: "Mrs Rearden's Gamble" (Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 47
Box 8
Curran , Mary Doyle: "My Mother and Politics" (Fiction). vol. 8 (01 & 02): 147
Box 8
Curran , Mary Doyle: "The Paper City" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (2): 382
Box 8
Curran , Mary Doyle: "No Fear" (Poetry). vol. 20 (1): 46
Box 8
Curran , Mary Doyle: "Prayer for my 62nd Birthday" (Poetry). vol. 20 (3): 416
Box 8
Currin, Jen: "Chanting Indoors" (Poetry). vol. 45 (4): 778
Box 8
Curtis, Dana: "Retreat" (Poetry). vol. 46 (1): 128
Box 8
Curtiss, Mina: "In Memory of Caniel Halevy: 1872-1962" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 798
Box 8
Curtiss, Mina: "Manet Caricatures: Olympia" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 725
Box 8
Curtiss, Mina: "Some American Negroes in Russia in the Nineteenth century" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 268
Box 8
Curtiss, Mina: "Chosen" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 425
Box 8
Cushing, James: "Some Enchanted Evening; Misty" (Poetry). vol. 31 (3): 355
Box 8
Czitrom, Daniel: "Volunteers for Liberty: letters from Joe and Leo Gordon, Americans in Spain 1937-38" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 349
Box 8
"Czitrom, ed. and trans.", Daniel: "Volunteers for Liberty: Letters from Joe and Leo Gordon; Americans in Spain, 1937-38" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 349
Box 8
Czyz, Vince: "Arif's Refusal to Bargain" (Fiction). vol. 46 (1): 7
Box 8
Dabney, Lewis M: "Heritage: Edmund Wilson's Russian Legacy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (3): 631
Box 8
Dabney, Stuart: "Double Exposures" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 135
Box 8
Dabney, Stuart: "Sounding" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 156
Box 8
Dabney, Stuart: "In Time Nothing" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 520
Box 8
Dacey, Philip: "Getting Caught in a Rainstorm" (Poetry). vol. 19 (3): 460
Box 8
Dacey , Philip: "Porno Love; The Obscene Caller" (Poetry). vol. 14 (1): 187
Box 8
D'Aguiar, Fred: "At Sea" (Poetry). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 380
Box 8
Dahlberg, Edward: "and so My Mother" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 221
Box 8
Dahlberg, Edward: "Essays and Poems: a Micellany: On Woman" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 463
Box 8
Dahlberg, Edward: "Four Poems" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 476
Box 8
Dahlberg, Edward: "On Poetry and Philosophy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 469
Box 8
Dahlberg, Edward: "Confessions" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 259
Box 8
Dahlberg, Edward: "St. Pragma" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 11
Box 8
Daiches, David: "Richardson's Characters" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 208
Box 8
Dakin, A. H.: "The Return of More's Laundered Asceticism " (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 428
Box 8
Dalton, Karen C Chambers: "The Alphabet is an Abolisionist: literacy and African-Americans in the Emancipation Era" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (4): 545
Box 8
Dalton, Roque: "No, I Wasn't Always so Ugly" (Poetry). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 276
Box 8
Dalton, Roque: "Sayings; Agreed: It's true that you look like Mai Britt" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 442
Box 8
Danhauser, Josef: "Beethoven: Death Mask" (Art). vol. 3 (4):
Box 8
Daniel, Arnaut: "En Cest Sonet Coind'e Leri" (Poetry). vol. 17 (2): 390
Box 8
Daniels , Barbara: "This is Practice Planet; The Woman Who Tries to Believe" (Poetry). vol. 36 (1): 119
Box 8
Daniels , Kate: "On the River" (Poetry). vol. 22 (1): 40
Box 8
Daniels , Kate: "Bus Ride; War Photograph" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 262
Box 8
Dankleff, Ricard: "In Mem; Mac; Runaway" (Poetry). vol. 10 (2): 381
Box 8
Dankleff, Richard: "Grandma" (Poetry). vol. 11 (21): 283
Box 8
Danner, Craig: "Where Two Rivers Meet" (Fiction). vol. 39 (4): 575
Box 8
Dason, Shymala B.: "All the Necessary Things" (Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 229
Box 8
Daumier, Honore: "Twelve Reproductions from Don Quixote" (Art). vol. 6 (4): 805
Box 8
Davidson, Jo: "Henry David Thoreau" (Art). vol. 4 (1): 109
Box 8
Davies, Hanlyn: "An Innovation in Offset Lithography: the Press as the rtists Tool" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (2): 262
Box 8
Davies, Hanlyn: "Chieftain" (Art). vol. 20 (2):
Box 8
Davies, Hanlyn: "Ghost" (Art). vol. 20 (2): 265
Box 8
Davies, Robert A: "Poetry Reading" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 504
Box 8
Davis, Angela: "Reflections on the Black Woman's Role in the Community of Slaves" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 81
Box 8
Davis, Christopher: "Trying not to Drown Out One's Own Voice" (Poetry). vol. 40 (2): 248
Box 8
Davis, Christopher: "Her Renaissance" (Poetry). vol. 46 (1): 47
Box 8
Davis, Cortney: "Partial Detachment" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 435
Box 8
Davis, Debra Anne: "Guitars" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (2): 301
Box 8
Davis, William Virgil: "Driving Alone in Winter" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 708
Box 8
Davis, William Virgil: "Ashes" (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 486
Box 8
Davis, William Virgil: "On a Hill in Crete" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 305
Box 8
Davison, Peter: "Second Nesting; The Farm Animal's Desertion" (Poetry). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 357
Box 8
De Alba, Alicia Gaspar: "Literary Wetback" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (2): 242
Box 8
De Carva, Roy: "Untitled" (Art). vol. 29 (3): 477
Box 8
De Conick, Herman: "Paris, May 1st; Genesis" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 103
Box 8
de la vega, luz mendez: "Evocation of Carmen Miranda" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 660
Box 8
de Mello, Thiago: "From Amazonas, Land of Water" (Poetry). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 693
Box 8
de Unamuno, Miguel: "Me Destierro" (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 327
Box 8
Decker, Peter: "Cowboys Need not Apply" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (3): 515
Box 8
Decker, Peter: "Cowboys Need Not pply" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (3): 515
Box 8
deCormier-shekerjian, regina: "From The Journal of and Unknown Lady-in -Waiting" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 139
Box 8
Defeor, rONALD: "Dust to Dust" (Fiction). vol. 8 (3): 411
Box 8
DeFrees, madeline: "Imaginary Ancestors: What Makes or Breaks Them; Ulysses S. Grant" (Poetry). vol. 20 (4): 683
Box 8
DeFrees, madeline: "Vaiations on the Edible Tuber" (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 804
Box 8
DeFrees, madeline: "Scenes from the Great Round; Recessional from the Cloister" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 270
Box 8
DeFrees, madeline: "Requiem for the Outiftter to the Sisterhood" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 477
Box 8
DeFrees, madeline: "The Whaling Wife Awaits the Captian's return; Whale Watch" (Poetry). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 401
Box 8
DeFrees, madeline: "The Garden of Botanical Delights; Dialogue Partly Platonic" (Poetry). vol. 30 (2): 212
Box 8
DeFrees, Madeline: "Paula Executes the Angels; The Scissor-Tailed Swallow" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 320
Box 8
Deihl, Randall: "Six Illustrations" (Poetry). vol. 18 (2): 285
Box 8
Deimling, Brian: "A Nineteenth-Century Church for the New Millennium: the legacy of Pius IX and John Paul 11" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 121
Box 8
Deitz, Paula: "The Photogaphs of Katherine Elizabeth McClellan" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 405
Box 8
DeKoven, Bernard: "An Apology of Rain" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 525
Box 8
DeKoven, Bernard: "Dagon Flies" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 603
Box 8
Delany, "P, ed.: "Parents and Children" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (4): 833
Box 8
Delany, "P, ed.: "W.B. Yeats to John Masefield: two letters." (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 159
Box 8
Delany, P.: "Two Letters to John Masefield (Edited by P. Delany) by Yeats, W.B." (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 159
Box 8
Delany, Sheila: "Red Rosa: Bread and Roses" (Fiction). vol. 16 (2): 373
Box 8
Delany, Sheila: "Tree Day" (Fiction). vol. 26 (1): 146
Box 8
Delattre, Genevieve: "Realism, Romance, Reality" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 587
Box 8
Delbo, Charlotte: "Phantoms, My Companions" (Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 10
Box 8
Delbo, Charlotte: "Phantoms, My Companions" (Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 310
Box 8
Dell, William C: "Big Mountain; Hometown" (Poetry). vol. 6 (1): 112
Box 8
Delvin, Arthur L: "Going to Chicago; N.; Graves Registration Unit" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 673
Box 8
DeMan, Paul: "A New Vitalism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 618
Box 8
DeMarinis, Rick: "You, Clark Gable; Ribera's Holy Family" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 479
Box 8
DeMott, Benjamin: "Cultivated Politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 777
Box 8
DeMott, Benjamin: "The Other Man" (Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 12
Box 8
Denis, Manuel Maldonado: "The Political Situation in Puerto Rico" (Fiction). vol. ():
Box 8
Denton, Elizabeth: "Lice" (Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 17
Box 8
Depestre, Rene: "Mouth of Lights" (Fiction). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 136
Box 8
Deppe, Theodore: "Admission, Children's Unit" (Poetry). vol. 36 (1): 134
Box 8
Derber, Charles: "The Greening of America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 336
Box 8
Derricotte, Toi: "Blackbottom: 1945; The Struggle; At an Artisits Colony" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (2): 230
Box 8
Despestre, Rene: "Violence; Black Ore" (Poetry). vol. 15 (4): 596
Box 8
Despot, Adriane: "Some Principles of Clowning" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (4): 661
Box 8
Dethier, Vincent G: "The Moth and the Primrose" (Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 233
Box 8
Detrani, Geoffrey: "Room" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 8
Dibble, Ellen: "Depression; Calling the Babysitter" (Poetry). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 290
Box 8
dICKEMAN, mILDRED: "Thoughts on the Dominant American" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 405
Box 8
Dickey, William: "Mythological Figures; Dialogue" (Poetry). vol. 3 (2): 255
Box 8
Dickey, William: "Killing to Eat; Alligators and Paris and North America" (Poetry). vol. 19 (3): 509
Box 8
Dickey, William: "Horn, Mouth, Pit, Fire; The Problem of Pain" (Poetry). vol. 21 (3): 460
Box 8
Dickey, William: "I Know, Let's put on a Show Ourselves" (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 505
Box 8
Diehn, Andi: "Walking Circles" (Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 732
Box 8
Dietz, Sheila: "Near Black Mesa" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 658
Box 8
Dillard, Annie: "The State of the Art: Ficiton and it's Audience" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 85
Box 8
Diop, David: "Africa" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 505
Box 8
Dipiero, W. S.: "Serious Vulgarity: Recent American Cinema" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (2): 391
Box 8
Dixon, Melvin: "Toward a World Balck Literature Community" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 750
Box 8
Dixon, Stephen: "Movies" (Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 317
Box 8
Dobbs, Jeannine: "When it Was; Arrival" (Poetry). vol. 17 (4): 713
Box 9
Dobson, Joanne: "The Great Miramichi Fire" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 110
Box 9
Dobyns, Stephen: "Flaws in the Latex" (Fiction). vol. 38 (2): 197
Box 9
Dockins, Mike: "Stalking the Bumblebee: An Exploration of "Cruelty" in Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 636
Box 9
Dodd, Elizabeth: "Konza" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (2): 257
Box 9
Doherty, Garrett: "Beth Our Dead Man" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 546
Box 9
Doherty, Herbert J: "Soka Gakkai: Religion and Politics in Japan" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 281
Box 9
Doherty, Richard: "Thoreau's Politics of the Upright Mans" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 126
Box 9
Dolan, Frederick M: "Fear of Simultation: Life, Death, and Democracy in Postwar America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (1): 61
Box 9
Dolbeare, Kenneth M: "Alternatives to the New Fascisim" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (1): 50
Box 9
Domini, John: "At the Dig" (Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 445
Box 9
Domino, Ruth: "The Wound; Night song" (Poetry). vol. 6 (4): 782
Box 9
Donaghy, Michael: "The Natural and Social Sciences" (Poetry). vol. 25 (2): 322
Box 9
Donahue, Joseph W.: "Dramatic Character in the English Romantic Age" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2): 343
Box 9
Donnelly, Patrick: "The Second Going" (Poetry). vol. 45 (1): 129
Box 9
Donnelly , Susan: "The Garden Statues" (Poetry). vol. 27 (1): 97
Box 9
Donnelly , Susan: "Why I Can't" (Poetry). vol. 30 (3): 423
Box 9
Donnelly , Susan: "Chain" (Poetry). vol. 40 (3): 367
Box 9
Donohue, H. E. F. : "An Occasion for Tremendous Music" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 338
Box 9
Donovan, Josephine: "A Woman's View of Transcendence: the works of Sarah Orne Jewett" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 365
Box 9
Donovan, Karen: "Clot" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 545
Box 9
Donovan, Susan: "The Landlocked Bride" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 437
Box 9
Donovan, Susan: "Why the Bride Kept a Bear" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 414
Box 9
Doolittle, Hilda ( H. D.): "Sheltered Garden" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 255
Box 9
Doreski, William: "After Dreaming of Turtles" (Poetry). vol. 14 (4): 768
Box 9
Doreski, William: "Black Ice; Stonington Harbor" (Poetry). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 475
Box 9
Dorfman, Ariel: "Into Another Sort of Jungle: The Lost Voyage of the Matacos" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 673
Box 9
Dorfman, Elsa: "Charles Olson" (Art). vol. 12 (1):
Box 9
Dorman, Soyna: "Storm in Gloucester" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 459
Box 9
Dorman, Soyna: "Passage with Ancestors; Kid Sister" (Poetry). vol. 2 (4): 775
Box 9
Dougherty, Sean Thomas: "Canzone Told to the Time of a Falling Leaf" (Poetry). vol. 40 (1): 133
Box 9
Douglas, Lawrence: "Last Bus From Auschwitz" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (1): 7
Box 9
Douglas , Susan J: "Technology, Media, and the Idea of Progress" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 640
Box 9
Dove, rita: "Anti-father; Three Days of Forest, A River, Free" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 253
Box 9
Dow, Robert: "How Should I Say This " (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 524
Box 9
Dow, Robert: "We Are Lost" (Poetry). vol. 42 (4): 700
Box 9
Downey, D: "Miss Emily Faithful" (Art). vol. 24 (2): 253
Box 9
Doyle, James: "Bony Mares" (Poetry). vol. 46 (4): 668
Box 9
Drinnon , Richard: "The Metaphysics of Empire-Building: American Imperialism in the Age of Jefferson and Monroe" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 666
Box 9
Drinnon , Richard: "The Maypole of Merry Mount" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 382
Box 9
Drinnon , Richard: "American Pastime: rediscovering the indians" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (1): 97
Box 9
Driscoll, Roz: "Sculpture" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 254
Box 9
Dryansky, Amy: "The Lull Between Spokes" (Poetry). vol. 36 (3): 474
Box 9
Dubnov, Eugene: "Poem" (Poetry). vol. 21 (3): 594
Box 9
Dubnov, Eugene: "The Evenki; Running Mates" (Fiction). vol. 32 (3): 335
Box 9
Dubois, Page: "tristes tropiques: framing the woman question" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 334
Box 9
Du Bois, W. E. B.: "A Negro Student at Harvard at the End of the 19th Century" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 439
Box 9
Duckett, Leanor: "Sacredotium Versus Regnum" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (4): 800
Box 9
Dudley, Ellen: "New Hampsire" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 236
Box 9
Duffin, K.E.: "Taking the Chinese Ferry" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 367
Box 9
Dugan, Allan: "On Shields; Against World War III" (Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 285
Box 9
Dugan, James: "On E. P. Thompson's History" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 648
Box 9
Duhamel, Denise: "The Day the First Grade Voted for the Death Penalty" (Poetry). vol. 29 (1): 39
Box 9
Duhamel, Denise: "Wuthering Heights; Wuthering Heights 2" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 565
Box 9
Dumm, Thomas L.: "Who Is Ishmael?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (3): 398
Box 9
Duncan, Mrs James: "A Fair Chance of a Disturbed ireland: letters from W. B. Yeats" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 315
Box 9
Dunham, Barrows: "Paul Elmer More" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 157
Box 9
Dunn, Sharon: "American Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 287
Box 9
Dunn, Stephen: "Anatomy Lesson: A school for boys" (Poetry). vol. 16 (3): 430
Box 9
Dunn, Stephen: "My Brother's Work" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 786
Box 9
DunShee, E. S. : "Thoreau in 1861" (Art). vol. 4 (1): 119
Box 9
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau: "Psyche, or Wholeness" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 77
Box 9
Durando, Neal: "Investment of Vicksburg" (Fiction). vol. 38 (2): 143
Box 9
Durando, Neal: "My Tie Has Been Loosened by Someone" (Fiction). vol. 39 (4): 481
Box 9
Durando, Neal: "London and Berlin" (Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 33
Box 9
Dybek, Stuart: "Infrared" (Poetry). vol. 18 (1): 177
Box 9
Dymond, Justine: "Cherubs" (Fiction). vol. 46 (3): 513
Box 9
Eakins, Patricia: "The Old Animal Floating in Bandages" (Poetry). vol. 18 (2): 271
Box 9
Eakins, Thomas: "Six Reproductions" (Art). vol. 7 (1): 105
Box 9
Eakins, Thomas: "Whistling for Plover" (Art). vol. 7 (1):
Box 9
Early, Gerald : "Battling Siki: The Boxer as Natural Man" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (3): 451
Box 9
Eaton, Charles Edward: "Needlepoint in Autumn" (Poetry). vol. 22 (3): 448
Box 9
Eberhart, Richard: "Evtushenko in Washington" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 785
Box 9
Eberhart, Richard: "Loss (To V.R. Lang)" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 297
Box 9
Eberhart, Richard: "Seven Sonnets" (Poetry). vol. 8 (1): 94
Box 9
Eby, Cecil D: "The National Hymn Contest and "Orpheus C. Kerr" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 400
Box 9
Ecale, Carol Lynn: "The Happiest Day" (Fiction). vol. 31 (3): 327
Box 9
Ecale, "Carol Lynn, trans.: "The Happiest Day" (Fiction). vol. 31 (3): 327
Box 9
Echevarria, Roberto Gonzales: "Socrates Among the Weeds: blacks and history in Carpentier's Explosion in a Cathedral" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 545
Box 9
Edenbaum, Robert I: "John Hawkes: The Lime Twig and Other Tenuous Horrors" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 462
Box 9
Edson , Russell: "Charity; A dog's Tail; Elephant Tears; The Park Bench; The Restaurant Explosions" (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 628
Box 9
Edwards, Ivana: "A Funeral in Prague" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (3): 317
Box 9
Edwards, Lee R: "Changing Our Imagination" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (3): 604
Box 9
Edwards, Lee R: "Women, Energy, Middlemarch" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (01 & 02): 223
Box 9
Efron, Arthur: "Technology and the Future of Art" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 677
Box 9
Ehrlich, Leonard H: "Jaspers and the Great Philosophers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 383
Box 9
Eisenstadt, A. S. : "The Perennial Myth: Writing American History Today" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 757
Box 9
Eisenstadt, A. S. : "The Special Relationship: Britian Through American Eyes" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 824
Box 9
Eisenstein, Samuel: "Gone to Korea" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 163
Box 9
Eklund, George: "Tuesday at 6; Waiting for the Duchess" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 397
Box 9
Eklund, Jane: "Hawthorne Poem; After Supper" (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 487
Box 9
Elder, Gary: "Dorian Woman" (Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 635
Box 9
Elder, John C: "John Muir and the Literature of the Wilderness" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 375
Box 9
Elevitch, BErnard: "Satire and Genet" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 408
Box 9
Elevitch, BErnard: "Jean-Paul Sartre: From the Roof of the World" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 367
Box 9
Elevitch, BErnard: "Taormine Journal" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (3): 525
Box 9
Elevitch, BErnard: "Hannah Arent's Testimony" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (2): 369
Box 9
Elevitch, BErnard: "A Pilgrim of Culture: Bernard Berenson" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (2): 245
Box 9
Eliot, Samuel A: "Theatre in India: Bewildering Diversities" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 429
Box 9
Elkin, Stanley: "The Fixer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 388
Box 9
"Ellert, trans.", Frederick C.: "Whereto Now?" (Poetry). vol. 25 (4): 556
Box 9
Ellis, Juniper: "Melville's Literary Cartographies of the South Seas" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (1): 9
Box 9
Ellison, Ralph: "Backwacking, A Plea to the Senator" (Fiction). vol. 18 (3): 409
Box 9
Ellison, Ralph: "Backwashing, A Plea to the Senator" (Fiction). vol. 18 (3): 411
Box 9
Ellison, Ralph: "The Art of Romare Bearden" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 673
Box 9
Elmer, Maud Valona: "Edwin Romanzo Elmer As I Knew Him: Memoir with Portrait and Five Reproductions of His Paintings" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 121
Box 10
Elon, Florence: "The Ruined Countess" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 671
Box 10
Elsen, Albert: "Rodin's The Walkiing Man" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 289
Box 10
Ely, David: "Living in Sin" (Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 273
Box 10
Ely , Gladys: "Panic" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 320
Box 10
Endres, Clifford: "The High Pastures" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 419
Box 10
Engberg, Susan: "Riffraff" (Fiction). vol. 16 (2): 259
Box 10
Engberg, Susan: "Trio" (Fiction). vol. 21 (4): 697
Box 10
Engles, John: "The Ash Grove in October" (Poetry). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 263
Box 10
Enright, D. J.: "Of Growing Old" (Poetry). vol. 17 (2): 369
Box 10
Enright, D. J.: "Concerning the Future of Britian; Oyster Lament" (Poetry). vol. 18 (1): 104
Box 10
Epstein, Renee: "Talking Dirty; Memories of War and the Vietnam War Novel" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (3): 457
Box 10
Erdich, Louise: "The Ritual" (Poetry). vol. 30 (3): 433
Box 10
"Erdman, Ed.", David V.: "Visionary Forms Dramatic" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4): 717
Box 10
Erickson, Peter B: "Sexual Politics and the Spocial Structure in As You Like It" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 65
Box 10
Erlandson, Kelly Madigan: "Nebraska" (Poetry). vol. 45 (4): 755
Box 10
Erwin, Robert: "The Critic of Progress" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (2): 289
Box 10
Espada, Frank: "Dona Isobel" (Art). vol. 36 (4):
Box 10
Espada, Martin: "Imagine the Angels of Bread" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 24
Box 10
Espada, Martin: "Do Not Put Dead Monkeys in the Freezer" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 607
Box 10
Espada, Martin: "El Coro: A Chorus of Latino/Latina Poets" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (4): 579
Box 10
Espada, Martin: "Ghazal For Open Hands" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 319
Box 10
Espada, Martin: "You Got a Song, Man" (Poetry). vol. 46 (3): 365
Box 10
Espinet, Ramabai: "Indian Cuisine" (Fiction). vol. 35 (03 & 04): 563
Box 10
Esslin, Martin: "On Willet's Martin Esslin on Bertolt Brecht: a Questionable Portrait" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 184
Box 10
Estavillo, Jack Lopez: "Pathos, Bathos, and Mexiphobia" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 355
Box 10
Esteves, Sandra maria: "Puerto Rican Discovery #12: Token Vows" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 609
Box 10
Esther, Terry: "Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass in Florence, Massachusetts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (2 & 3): 425
Box 10
Estrin, Barbara L: "Surviving McCarthyism: Doctorow's Boom of Daniel" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (3): 577
Box 10
Etter, David: "The Episicopal Windows on John Street; The Hometown Hero Comes Home; In Dubuque County; Two Dreams of Kansas; Words for a Friend Who Was Accidentially Shot" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 588
Box 10
Euben, Peter J: "Relevance and Deauthorization in America's Problem" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 409
Box 10
Evans, Walker: "Brooklyn Bridge" (Art). vol. 4 (4):
Box 10
Evans, Walker: "Photography" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 644
Box 10
Evtimova, Zdravka: "Time to Mow" (Fiction). vol. 46 (3): 354
Box 10
Faderman, Lillian: "Emily Dickinson's Letters to Sue Gilbert" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (2): 197
Box 10
Fainlight, Ruth: "A Child Crying" (Poetry). vol. 19 (3): 570
Box 10
Fainlight, Ruth: "Seven Sibyls" (Poetry). vol. 20 (1): 97
Box 10
Falk, Richard: "Appropriating Tet" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (3): 391
Box 10
Fallon, Peter: "The Rag-tree; Carnaross 2; The mEadow; Dipping Day; Neighbors; An Open Fire; Caesarean; Madeline; My Care" (Poetry). vol. 28 (3): 412
Box 10
Farb, Oriole: "Mothers and Daughters: the Inner Landscape" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (2): 357
Box 10
Farb, Peter: "Speaking Seriously About Humor" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (4): 760
Box 10
Farb , Oriole: "Self-Portrait" (Art). vol. 20 (2): 267
Box 10
"Farb, Ed.", Oriole: "Self Portraits" (Art). vol. 19 (1): 129
Box 10
Farber, Charles: "The Running Peddler" (Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 77
Box 10
Farmer , Gregory: "The Evergreens" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (4): 545
Box 10
Farrell, Kirby: "Beauty and the Beast of L.A." (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (2): 312
Box 10
Farrell, Kirby: "Thinking Through Others: Prosthetic Fantasy and the Cultural Moment" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (2): 213
Box 10
Faudree, Paja: "Quarters" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 52
Box 10
Feinstein, Herbert: "Buster Keaton: An Interview" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 392
Box 10
Feit, Edward: "Rhodesia: Background, Crisis, and Future" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 336
Box 10
Feldman, Susan L.: "Fort Funston" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (1): 151
Box 10
Felstiner, John: "20 Questions I wish I'd asked my Father" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 316
Box 10
Felstiner (trans.), John: "Three Poems" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 291
Box 10
"Felstiner, tRANS.", John: "Three Poems" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 291
Box 10
Fenton, John: "My Father; A Carol" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 795
Box 10
Fergusom, Willian: "Schamyl in Corisca" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 671
Box 10
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: "Allen Ginsberg Dying" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 209
Box 10
Fernandes, : "The Son of God and His Sorrow" (Fiction). vol. 12 (4): 681
Box 10
Fernandez, James: "The Sound of Bells in a Christian Country: In Quest of the Historical Schweitzer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 537
Box 10
Fernandez, Roberta: "Zulema" (Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 42
Box 10
Ferre, Rosario: "The Glass Box" (Fiction). vol. 27 (4-Mar): 699
Box 10
Ferre, Rosario: "La Sombra de la Culpa (The Shadow of Guilt)" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 610
Box 10
Ferre, Rosario: "Requiem" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 610
Box 10
Ferriss, Lucy: "Bones" (Fiction). vol. 31 (3): 371
Box 10
Ferry, dAVID: "Patterns of Consciouness in Coleridge" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (4): 836
Box 10
Feshbach, Oriole farb: "Rina and Sally After Eakins" (Art). vol. 24 (2): 359
Box 10
Feshbach, Oriole Farb: "Brancusi's Golden Bird" (Art). vol. 34 (2): 247
Box 10
Feshbach, Oriole Farb: "Gertrude Stein" (Art). vol. 34 (2): 245
Box 10
Feshbach, Oriole Farb: "Sadie and Maud" (Art). vol. 34 (2): 243
Box 10
Feshbach, Sidney: "On Names in James Aloysius Augustine Joyce and Samuel Barclay Beckett" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (4): 593
Box 10
Feshbach , Oriole Farb: "Kwan Yin" (Art). vol. 34 (2): 253
Box 10
Fessenden, Anne: "Holocaust at U.S. Steel" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 540
Box 10
Field, Ben: "Three Sisters" (Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 417
Box 10
Field, Ben: "In Egypt" (Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 255
Box 10
Field, Farrah: "Dear Farrah" (Poetry). vol. 46 (4): 648
Box 10
Fields, Julia: "Birmingham 1962-4, Moths, Birmingham" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 270
Box 10
Figueroa, Jose Alberto: "untitled" (Art). vol. 27 (4-Mar):
Box 10
Filiatreau, John: "Jefferson County Jail" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 563
Box 10
Filkins, Peter: "I Step Outside Myself" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 10
"Filkins, trans.", Peters: "Borrowed Time" (Poetry). vol. 36 (3): 342
Box 10
Finch, John: "Dancer and Clerk" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 33
Box 10
Fink, Jon-Stephen: "Six" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 139
Box 10
Finkel, Donald: "Call of the Call Girls (for N.M.)" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 492
Box 10
Finkel, Donald: "The Strange One" (Poetry). vol. 20 (4): 745
Box 10
Finkelstein, Caroline: "The Gods" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 654
Box 10
Finkelstein, Sidney: "The Mystery of Henry James' "The Sacred Fount" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 753
Box 10
Finnell, Dennis: "Letter to Wang Wei, Envoy to the Barbarian Pass" (Poetry). vol. 33 (2): 174
Box 10
Finnell, Dennis: "Acmeist" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 544
Box 10
Fischer, William C.: "The Pre-Revolutionary Writings of Imamu Amiri Baraka" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 259
Box 10
Fisher, David L.: "The Land of Cockaigne" (Poetry). vol. 20 (4): 800
Box 10
Fisher, David L.: "Homer" (Poetry). vol. 21 (3): 502
Box 10
Fisher, Franklin: "First Wives" (Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 519
Box 10
Fister, Mary: "Parting Shots" (Poetry). vol. 43 (1): 183
Box 10
Fitzgerald, Gregory: "A Conversation with Anne Sexton: The Choir from the Soul" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (1): 69
Box 10
Fitzgerald, H.T.: "A Sigh and a Smile" (Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 643
Box 10
FitzGerald, Michael A.: "Toxoplasmosis; Or the Beginning of Things You Can't Take Back" (Fiction). vol. 46 (4): 649
Box 10
FitzGibbon, Constantine: "Selected Letters of Dylan Thomas" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2): 397
Box 10
Fitzsimons, Molly: "It Loses Its Grandeur" (Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 486
Box 10
FitzSimons, Molly: "It Loses Its Grandeur" (Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 486
Box 10
Flack, Audrey: "Hannah" (Art). vol. 24 (2): 361
Box 10
"Flackoll, trans.", Darwin J.: "The Two Cultures of El Salvador" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (4-Mar): 503
Box 10
Flanders, Jane: "The Portrait" (Poetry). vol. 12 (2): 334
Box 10
Flanders, Jane: "Sarah's Song" (Poetry). vol. 18 (2): 323
Box 10
Flanders, Jane: "Dandelion Greens" (Poetry). vol. 20 (4): 754
Box 10
Flanders, Jane: "Roses" (Poetry). vol. 20 (3): 520
Box 10
Flanders, Jane: "Ancersters (a Daguerroeotype)" (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 412
Box 10
Flanders, Jane: "Spin the Bottle at Eleanor Hartle's" (Poetry). vol. 27 (1): 131
Box 10
Flanzbaum, Hilene: "Reflections on Editing Jewish American Literature" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 63
Box 10
Flavin, Harold: "MR Poetry Signature #3: The Summer Virgins in the Library; Semifinal in the China Room; The Turkey Buzzard Ode; Cardinal R Current" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 717-40
Box 10
Flavin, Jack: "An Interview with the Oracle" (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 660
Box 10
Fleissner, E.M.: "Revolution as Theatre: Danton's Death and Marat/Sade" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 543
Box 10
Fleming, Harold: "This Scene" (Poetry). vol. 2 (4): 775
Box 10
Fletcher, Bob: "untitled" (Art). vol. 7 (2): 375
Box 10
Fletcher, Marjorie: "Alice James Books: The First Decade" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 474
Box 10
Flokos, nicholas: "Bogart" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 539
Box 10
Flores, r.: "Cocktail" (Poetry). vol. 15 (2-Jan): 279
Box 10
Flower, Dean: "The Annotated Lolita" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 498
Box 10
Flower, Dean: "The View from Prospect House" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 217
Box 10
Flowers, Selena: "Before the fall of Saigon" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 395
Box 10
Flowers, Selena: "Birthplace of my Brother" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3):
Box 10
Fogel, Alice B: "Variation 18: Baker" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 10
Foley, Martha: "Autobiography: Paris in the Twenties" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (1): 67
Box 10
"Foner, ed.", Philip S.: "Facsimilie: Interview with Karl Marx" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (445):
Box 10
"Foner, ed.", Philip S.: "Count Leo Tolstory and Violence in the Philippines" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 241
Box 10
Fong, Herman: "Autumn, No Answer" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 332
Box 10
Ford, Edsel: "On A Warm Winter Day, On a Residential Street" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 518
Box 11
Ford, Edsel: "Love is a Donkey" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 71
Box 11
Ford-Smith, Honor: "My Mother's Last Dance" (Fiction). vol. 35 (4-Mar): 595
Box 11
Ford-Smith, Honor: "History's Posse" (Fiction). vol. 37 (1): 45
Box 11
Forrest, Leon: "Packwood's Sermon by Firelight" (Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 621
Box 11
Fost , Robert: "Somewhat Dietary" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 24
Box 11
Fost , Robert: "In an Art Factory; The Guardeen" (Poetry). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 265
Box 11
Foster, Richard: "The Americanization of Martin Green" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 397
Box 11
"Foster, trans.", David William: "Hopeful Letter to a General: A Fragment" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (4-Mar): 712
Box 11
Fowlie, Wallace: "Rimbaud and the Commune" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 517
Box 11
Fox, Hugh: "Roarias Dos Mutilados" (Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 368
Box 11
Fox, Robert: "Coming of Age with the Blues" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (4): 621
Box 11
Fox, Ruth Beebee: "The Catbird Seat is Not Really; Metaphysician Heal Thyself " (Poetry). vol. 4 (3): 578
Box 11
Fox, Ruth Beebee: "Deed; from the Tropics" (Poetry). vol. 5 (2): 397
Box 11
Fox, Siv cedering: "In the Flowering Nightshade; My Father's Oldest Sister; Grandmother" (Poetry). vol. 14 (3): 541
Box 11
Fox, Siv Cedering: "Five Stanzas for My Two Brothers" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 293
Box 11
Frail, David: "To the Point of Folly: Touchstone's Function in "As You Like It" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (4): 695
Box 11
Frances, Driscoll: "The Frontier; Home Birth; Saturday Night; Flat Spring" (Poetry). vol. 25 (2): 247
Box 11
Frances, Driscoll: "Donor Mentality" (Poetry). vol. 29 (3): 556
Box 11
Francis, H.E.: "Julian" (Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 483
Box 11
Francis, Lesley Lee: "Robert Frost and susan Hayes Ward" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 341
Box 11
Francis, Lesley Lee: "Robert Frost and the Child: Mother Goose and 'The Imagination Thing'" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (5): 256
Box 11
Francis, Pat Therese: "Harold and Linda" (Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 213
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "Stellaria" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 35
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "Thoreau in Italy; Sniper; Cinna: Edith Sitwell Assumes the Role of Luna or If You Know What I Mean Said the Moon; The Packing Case; Dophin; Observation; Coin Diver" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 475
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "Two Pictures" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 237
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "The Articles of War; The Eagle Plain" (Poetry). vol. 6 (4): 690
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "The Satirical Rogue" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 451
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "The Satirical Rogue Again" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 645
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "Silent Poem; Going to the Funeral; A theme by Robert Frost; Cats" (Poetry). vol. 11 (4): 645
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "A Garland of verse by Robert Francis for His 75th Birthday" (Poetry). vol. 17 (3): 433
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "The Pumpkin Man; Light and Shadow; Gray Squirrel; The Nuthatch; Old Poet" (Poetry). vol. 25 (1): 19
Box 11
Francis, Robert: "Nostalgia; Surf; Late Fire Late Snow" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 217
Box 11
"Francis, trans.", H.E.: "Julian" (Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 483
Box 11
"Francis, trans.", H.e.: "The Story of the Green Falcon and the Marvelous Flute" (Fiction). vol. 27 (4-Mar): 401
Box 11
Frank, Joseph: "Lemmings and Moles" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 398
Box 11
Frank, Judith: "Crybaby Butch" (Fiction). vol. 40 (3): 410
Box 11
Franklin, H. Bruce: "The Literature of the American Prison" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (1): 50
Box 11
Franklin, Joh Hope: "Birth of a Nation--Propaganda as History" (Non-Fiction). vol. ():
Box 11
Franklin, John Hope: "Slavery and the Personality: A Fresh Look" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 181
Box 11
Franklin, John Hope: "Birth of a Nation: Propaganda as History" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (3): 417
Box 11
Franklin, John Hope: "W.E.B. Du Bois: A Personal Memoir" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (3): 409
Box 11
"Franzen, trans.", Cola: "Traicon" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 595
Box 11
Fraterrigo, Melissa: "The Attached Couple" (Fiction). vol. 44 (3):
Box 11
Frazier, John: "Imperial Cities and One More: Casablanca" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 340
Box 11
Fredrickson, Robert: "Where Stoned Men Talk God in the Early Sun" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (3): 437
Box 11
Freeman, Castle: "My Life on the Snowplow" (Fiction). vol. 24 (4): 691
Box 11
Freeman, Castle: "How to Survive Childhood" (Fiction). vol. 30 (2): 241
Box 11
Freeman, Castle: "Far from the Coast" (Fiction). vol. 34 (3): 433
Box 11
Freeman, Castle: "Charity Suffers Long" (Fiction). vol. 36 (2): 283
Box 11
Freeman, Castle: "Say Something" (Fiction). vol. 39 (3): 387
Box 11
Freeman, Donald C.: "Pei's Histoire D'Histoire" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 179
Box 11
Freeman, James: "Roman Writers for Modern Readers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 613
Box 11
Freeman, James: "A Modern Meditation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (4): 830
Box 11
Freeman, Jan: "A Winter's Story" (Poetry). vol. 38 (3): 300
Box 11
Freeman, Jan: "My Country 'Tis of Thee" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 710
Box 11
Freeman, Castle: "Before He Went Out West" (Fiction). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 208
Box 11
French, Roberts W.: "Good Times" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 186
Box 11
French, Roberts W.: "Lost Names" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (4): 840
Box 11
Freriks, Kester: "Grand Hotel Lembang" (Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 203
Box 11
Friebert, Stuart: "Has Been Recorded; More on the End of the Dock" (Poetry). vol. 19 (3): 462
Box 11
Friebert, Stuart: "Meadow Death" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 408
Box 11
Fried, Eric Wolf: "Traffic" (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 180
Box 11
Fried, Lewis: "Henry Hurwitz, The Menorah Journal, and the Last Years of an American Romance" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 283
Box 11
Fried, Philip: "Testament" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 563
Box 11
Friedensohn, Elias: "Resurrecting Phillipe Hodart" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (3): 369
Box 11
Friedman, Alvin: "Debate on Vietnam Policy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 407
Box 11
Friedman, Melcin J.: "The Achievement of Frederick Hoffman" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 862
Box 11
Frink, Elizabeth: "Sculpture and Watercolor 1964 - 1979" (Art). vol. 21 (1): 81
Box 11
Frohock, W. M.: "Trauma and Recoil: the Intellectuals" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 528
Box 11
Frohock, W. M.: "The Years of Shame" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 789
Box 11
Frohock, W.M.: "Andrew Malraux: Last Roundup" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (1): 119
Box 11
"from the London Times Sept. 11, 1978", : "Mr. Hugh MacDiarmid:Creator of the Scottish Renaissance" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 4
Box 11
Fromm, Harold: "Emerson and Kierkegaard: The Problem of Historical Christianity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (4): 741
Box 11
Fromm, Harold: "Air and Being: The Psychedelics of Pollution" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 660
Box 11
Fromm, Harold: "Public Worlds / Private Muses: Criticism, Professionalism and the Audience for the Arts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (1): 13
Box 11
Frost, Elisabeth A: "Prose #2" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 589
Box 11
Frost, Richard: "Collecting" (Poetry). vol. 18 (3): 607
Box 11
Frost, Richard: "The Village" (Poetry). vol. 18 (3): 607
Box 11
Frost, Richard: "The Growth of Appetite; The Vegetarian" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 289
Box 11
Frost , Carol: "Getting it Right" (Poetry). vol. 21 (2): 254
Box 11
Frost , Carol: "The Argument" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 599
Box 11
Frost , Carol: "Robinson Crusoe's Hair" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 331
Box 11
Fryer, Judith: "What Goes on in the Ladies Room? Sarah Orne Jewett, nnie Fields, and their Community of Women" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (4): 608
Box 11
Fuller, Blair: "Bakti's Hand" (Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 609
Box 11
Fuller, George: "14 Reproductions" (Art). vol. 26 (02 & 03): 405
Box 11
Funkhouser, Erica: "Snapper" (Fiction). vol. 47 (1):
Box 11
Gabis, Rita: "The Potato Field; The Scientist's Widow" (Poetry). vol. 27 (1): 68
Box 11
Gadlin, Howard: "Private Lives and Public Order: A Critical View of the History of Intimate Relations in the U.S." (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (2): 304
Box 11
Gagnon, Paul: "Between Fragmentation and Globalism: Are We Still a Nation?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 707
Box 11
Gagnon, Paul A.: "The Future of America's Ideals: Three French Views" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 183
Box 11
Gaines, Ernest: "In My Father's House" (Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 650
Box 11
Galarza, Jaime: "Geometry" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 248
Box 11
Gall, Sally: "Domestic Monologue: the Problem of Voice in Contemporary American Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (3): 489
Box 11
Gallant, James: "Home Again, Home Again" (Fiction). vol. 28 (1): 81
Box 11
Galligan, Edward L: "Hemingway's Staying Power" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (3): 431
Box 11
Gallo, Ernest: "Troubadours and Minnesanger: Six Medieval Lyrics with Illustrations" (Poetry / Art). vol. 16 (4): 781
Box 11
Gallo, Ernest: "Little Orphan Annie Meets Oedipus Rex" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 59
Box 11
"Gallo, Trans.", Ernest: "En Cest Sonet Ciond'e Leri" (Poetry). vol. 17 (2): 390
Box 11
Galvin, Brendan: "MR Poetry Signature #3: When You go; Hitch-hiker; Inversions of Summer; The Eternal Silence of These Infinite Spaces Frightens Me" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 717
Box 11
Galvin, Brendan: "The Last Day of October" (Poetry). vol. 12 (1): 277
Box 11
Gamboa, Fernando: "Posado's Life and Times" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 387
Box 11
Gandbhir, Lalita: "Free and Equal" (Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 733
Box 11
Garcia, Abigail: "Rebecca de la Familia Buendia" (Art). vol. 27 (4-Mar): 666
Box 11
Garcia Lorca, Federico: "The Unfaithful Wife" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3):
Box 11
Gardinier, Suzanne: "Isaac" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 738
Box 11
Garis, Robert: "B.H. Haggin's Reasonable Procedures" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 389
Box 11
"Garnett, Ed.", David: "Carrington: Letters and Extracts from Her Diaries" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2-Jan): 291
Box 11
Garrigue, Jean: "Suite" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 337
Box 11
Garvey, Amy Jacques: "The Role of Women in Liberation Struggles" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 109
Box 11
Gaspar, Frank: "The Holyoke" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 609
Box 11
Gaspar, Frank: "Waking" (Poetry). vol. 25 (3): 455
Box 11
Gaspar, Frank: "Chowder" (Fiction). vol. 30 (3): 347
Box 11
Gaspar, Frank: "Work" (Poetry). vol. 32 (1): 38
Box 11
Gaspar, Frank: "George Herbert" (Poetry). vol. 39 (4): 461
Box 11
Gauteaux, Tim: "Just Turn Like a Gear" (Fiction). vol. 27 (1): 5
Box 11
Gavin, Wendy M.: "Grace" (Fiction). vol. 38 (2): 177
Box 11
"Gayle, Jr., Ed.", Addison: "The Black Aesthetic" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4): 715
Box 11
Geiger, Don: "Consoling Meditations on the Great Majority (II); Fathers" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 78
Box 12
Gelfant, Blanche: "Chronicles and Chroniclers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (1): 127
Box 12
Gelfant, Blanche: "Revolutionary Turnings: The Mountain Lion Reread" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 117
Box 12
Gelman, Juan: "Heartache and Thousand Natural Shocks" (Poetry). vol. 15 (2-Jan): 120
Box 12
Gelman, Juan: "Lament for the Death of Parsifal Hoolig" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4):
Box 12
Gelman, Juan: "Lament for the Death of Parsifal Hoolig; Lament for the Nape of Tom Steward's Neck; Errata" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4): 612
Box 12
Gensler, Kinereth: "At Such Times of Divesture" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 364
Box 12
Gensler, Kinereth: "Alfalfa" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 281
Box 12
Gensler, Kinereth: "Alfalfa" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 281
Box 12
George, Alexander: "Witness: Ruminations of a Vegetarian" (Fiction). vol. 33 (3): 447
Box 12
George, Sally: "Hard Winter" (Fiction). vol. 20 (4): 787
Box 12
George, Stefan: "Cain the Beautiful" (Poetry). vol. 6 (1): 119
Box 12
George, Stefan: "German texts" (Poetry). vol. 6 (1): 120
Box 12
George, Stefan: "Nun lass mich rufen uber die verschneiten; Der Tater" (Poetry). vol. 6 (1): 120
Box 12
George, Stefan: "Your Turning Year" (Poetry). vol. 6 (1): 118
Box 12
"Gerdes, trans.", Dick: "A Good Mother" (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 450
Box 12
"Gerner-Mathisen, trans.", Aina: "Black Spruce" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 503
Box 12
Gershgoren, Sid: "Fragments of a Journey" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 730
Box 12
Gessert, George: "The Golden World: Report from Siberia" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 107
Box 12
Getty, Sarah: "Lewis Carroll's Last Photograph of Alice Liddell" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 92
Box 12
Gewertz, k. l.: "I Thought of Chatterton, the Marvelous Boy" (Fiction). vol. 22 (1): 9
Box 12
Gharagozlou, Yahya: "The Mirror Triptych" (Fiction). vol. 32 (1): 9
Box 12
Gibb, Robert: "Phoenix; The Solace of Stevens" (Poetry). vol. 15 (4): 704
Box 12
Gibson, Morgan: "Dusk on Scollay Square" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 237
Box 12
Gibson, Walker: "An Exercise in Observation" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 717
Box 12
Gibson, Walker: "How Bongo-Bongo Got the Bomb; An African Tale" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 426
Box 12
Giesenkirchen, Michaela: "Where English Speaks More Than One Language: Accents in Gertrude Stein's "Accents in Alsace" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (1): 45
Box 12
Gilbert, Christopher: "Pleasant Street: The Republic of Particulars" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 203
Box 12
Gilbert, Sandra: "Bas Relief; Bacchante 17" (Poetry). vol. 17 (4): 676
Box 12
Gilbert, Sandra: "A Fine, White Flying Myth: Confessions of a Plath Addict" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 585
Box 12
Gilbert, Sandra: "The Summer Kitchen; The Return of the Muse" (Poetry). vol. 21 (2): 289
Box 12
Gildner, Gary: "Whitman: Six Fat Paragraphs" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 75
Box 12
Gillespie, frances Cohen: "The Paintings of Frances cohen Gillespie, The Artist on Her Life and Work" (Non-Fiction / Art). vol. 17 (2): 357
Box 12
Gillespie, Gregory: "Self Portraits" (Art). vol. 19 (1): 129
Box 12
Gillett, Charlie: "The Sound of the City" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2): 359
Box 12
Gillman, Richard: "Lady in the Garden" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 541
Box 12
Gillman, Richard: "To a Scapegoat" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 123
Box 12
Gillman, Richard: "Between Flying and Falling; Quasimodo on Sunday" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 379
Box 12
Gilman, Janet: "Boxes" (Fiction). vol. 18 (1): 23
Box 12
Gilman, Milton: "Poem" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 760
Box 12
Gilsdorf, Ethan: "Sadness is Fuel, A Nutrient" (Poetry). vol. 41 (2): 255
Box 12
Gilsdorf, Ethan: "Tea Leaves" (Poetry). vol. 42 (2): 288
Box 12
Ginsberg, Allen: "I Love Old Whitman So" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 77
Box 12
Ginsberg, Allen: "Document: Final Report on the Activities of the American Poet Allen Ginsberg and His Deportation from Czechoslovakia" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (2): 187
Box 12
Ginsberg, Allen: "Kral Majales" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 185
Box 12
ginsberg, Allen: "Photographs of Allen Ginsberg: Prague 1965 and Amherst 1986; Stills from "King of May," a documentary film, Prague 1965" (Art). vol. 39 (2): 197
Box 12
Ginsberg, Louis: "Bridal Song; Refugees" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 575
Box 12
Ginsberg, Louis: "Bridal Song, A Tribute to Allen Ginsberg" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 224
Box 12
Giroux, Henry: "The Struggle to Save the Cities" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (2): 325
Box 12
Glasser, Leah Blatt: "Mary E. Wilkins Freeman: The Stranger in the Mirror" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (2): 323
Box 12
Glatstein, Jacob: "From "Songs for an Open Door" (Poetry). vol. 11 (1): 34
Box 12
Glave, Thomas: "Baychester: A Memory" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (4-Mar): 448
Box 12
Glave, Thomas: "On the Difficulty of Confiding, With Complete Love and Trust, in Some Heterosexual 'Friends'" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 583
Box 12
Glave, Thomas: "These Blocks, Not Square (Five Movements)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 571
Box 12
Glazer, Myron P. and Penina M.: "National Security and the Citizens' Crusade for a Safe Environment in the United States, Israel, and Czechoslovakia" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (2): 271
Box 12
Glazer, Penina Migdal: "Organizing for Freedom" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 29
Box 12
Gleason, Ralph J.: "Like a Rolling Stone" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2): 359
Box 12
Glen, Emilie: "In Ciudad" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 507
Box 12
Glenn, Laura: "The Spiral" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 633
Box 12
Glenstone, Sunshine: "House Built on a Hairpin Curve" (Poetry). vol. 42 (2): 310
Box 12
Glenstone, Sunshine: "The Struggles of Shrimp and Squirrel" (Poetry). vol. 46 (2): 241
Box 12
Gloeggler, Tony: "The Way a World Can Change " (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 416
Box 12
Gloman, David: "Inside Out" (Art). vol. 46 (2): 233
Box 12
Gloria, Eugene: "Sweet Talk" (Poetry). vol. 41 (2): 238
Box 12
Glueck, Grace: "Jean Morrison Becker" (Art). vol. 45 (4): 665
Box 12
Gocker, Paula: "Patty's Poem" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 479
Box 12
Godard, Barbara: "The Discourse of the Other: Canadian Literature and the Question of Ethnicity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (2-Jan): 153
Box 12
Goding, Sandra G.: "Matrix" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 306
Box 12
Goedicke, Patricia: "The Structures We Love" (Poetry). vol. 22 (3): 470
Box 12
Goedicke, Patricia: "After Lovemaking" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 701
Box 12
Goedicke, Patricia: "Letter to Jonathon From Missoula" (Poetry). vol. 30 (2): 295
Box 12
Goffette, Guy: "The Shepherd Reproached; The Shepherd Answers (2 poems)" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 688
Box 12
Goldbarth, Albert: "Lining Up; Return; The Expedition to the Edge of the World" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 633
Box 12
Goldberg, Beckian Fritz: "Nights in the Constellation of the Twin-Hearted Prisoner; Dialogue; Memory and Forgetting" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 358
Box 12
Goldberg, Beckian Fritz: "Open; Sudden Masters" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 691
Box 12
Goldberg, Myra: "Sylvia and Wendy" (Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 317
Box 12
Goldemberg, Isaac: "Hunger Invited God to Seder" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 119
Box 12
Goldensohn, Berry: "Sacramental Acts" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 651
Box 12
Goldensohn, Berry: "Lula" (Poetry). vol. 25 (1): 79
Box 12
Goldensohn, Berry: "Contra Botticelli" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 118
Box 12
Goldensohn, Lorrie: "Terms" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 40
Box 12
Goldensohn, lorrie: "The Rite" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 411
Box 12
Goldensohn, lorrie: "Approaching Home Ground: Galway Kinnel's "Mortal Acts, Mortal Words" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (2): 303
Box 12
Goldleaf, steven: "Used Goods" (Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 723
Box 12
Goldman, Anita Haya: "Negotiating claims of Race and Rights: Du Bois, Emerson, and the Critique of Liberal Nationalism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (2): 169
Box 12
Goldman, Arnold: "The Tragic Sense of Newton Arvin" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 823
Box 12
Goldman, Michael: "Comic Problems; The Drowning; The First Good Day; The Heat Glare; Humn; The Lens; On Making a Name; The Spring; The Waves; What If Those Lips; A Winter Beam" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 491
Box 12
Goldman, Michael: "The Blessing; The Plane Coming In; Jerking to Land; If There Was a Camera for the World" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 440
Box 12
Goldman, Michael: "For Andrei Voznesensky" (Poetry). vol. 10 (1): 48
Box 12
Goldman, Miriam: "Prey" (Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 681
Box 12
Goldman, Miriam: "The Fur Coat" (Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 481
Box 12
Goldman, Miriam: "The Lost" (Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 67
Box 12
Goldman, Miriam: "Fireflies" (Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 485
Box 12
Goldman, Miriam: "Doctor Sifer" (Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 39
Box 12
goldner, Beth: "Plan B" (Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 575
Box 12
Goldstein, Richard: "Goldstein's Greatest Hits" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2): 359
Box 12
Golffing, Francis (trans.): "The Shot; Sonnet" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 380
Box 12
Goll, Yvan: "The Chaplinade: A Film Poem" (Poetry / Art). vol. 6 (3): 497
Box 12
Golub, Deborah: "Pas de Deux" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 248
Box 12
Gomez-Gomolka, Magdalena: "Making It" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 41
Box 12
Gomez-gomolka, Magdalena: "La Terraza" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 614
Box 12
Gongora, leonel: "The Seven New Deadly Sins" (Art). vol. 27 (4-Mar): 557
Box 12
Gonzalez, Ray: "Ese; The Cost of Family; These Days" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 616
Box 12
Goodale, Alfred: "Voices in the Dark" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 567
Box 12
Goodall, Donald B.: "Gaston Lachaise, 1882-1935" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 674
Box 12
Goodfellow, robin: "A Grappling of Light" (Fiction). vol. 18 (2): 273
Box 12
Gooding-Williams, Robert: "Evading Narrative Myth, Evading Prophetic Pragmatism: Cornel West's "The American Evasion of Philosophy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (4): 517
Box 12
Gooding-Williams, Robert: "Du Bois's Counter with Introduction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (2): 168
Box 12
Goodman, Andrew: "Corollary to a Poem by A.E. Housman" (Poetry). vol. 6 (1): 12
Box 12
Goodman, Joanna: "The Dry Spell" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 26
Box 12
Goodman, Paul: "Sonnet; What Have I Lost" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 619
Box 12
Goodpastor, Nancy: "Jesus with Braids and Mint Mask" (Art). vol. 36 (2): cover
Box 12
Goodwin, "George, Jr.: "The Last Hurrahs: George Apley and Frank Skeffington" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 461
Box 12
Gorbanevskaya, Natalya: "What Grief Descends; Recollection; My Friend; Tomorrow No Trance" (Poetry). vol. 16 (4): 625
Box 12
Gordon, Beverly: "Playing at Being Powerless: New England Ladies Fairs, 1830-1930" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (1): 144
Box 12
Gordon, Joe and Leo: "Volunteers for Liberty: Letters from Joe and Leo Gordon; American in Spain, 1937-38" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 349
Box 12
Gordon, Peter: "The Cougar" (Fiction). vol. 36 (2): 179
Box 12
Gorlin, Deborah: "Teen Angels" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 158
Box 12
Gorlin, Debra: "Fleshing In" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 94
Box 12
Gorlin, Debra: "Of a Feather; Slow Burial" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 27
Box 12
Gornick, L. K.: "Misto" (Fiction). vol. 32 (4): 581
Box 12
Gornick, l. K.: "Raya in Ramapo" (Fiction). vol. 34 (2): 193
Box 12
Gottlieb, Ann: "Lady Luck" (Poetry). vol. 11 (4): 810
Box 12
Gotwals, Vernon: "The Cool Night" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 174
Box 12
Gould, Thomas: "The Innocence of Oedipus and the Nature of Tragedy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 281
Box 12
Goulianos, Joan: "Women and the Avant-Garde Theater: Interviews with Rochelle Owens, Crystal Field, Rosalyn Drexler" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 257
Box 12
Gourse, Leslie: "In the Heyday of the Studio Musician, Thad Jones and Mel Lewis Stuart: A Big Band at the Village Vanguard" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (4): 585
Box 12
Gozzi, Raymond: "Hawthorne by Daylight" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 207
Box 12
Grabo, Norman S.: "The Puritan Colonists" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 195
Box 12
Graham, John: "John Hawkes on His Novels" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 449
Box 12
Grant, Richard B.: "Edmund De Goncourt and the Paris Commune" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 521
Box 12
"Grant, Ed.", John E.: "Visionary Forms Dramatic" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4): 717
Box 12
Grauerholz, Angela: "Seven Photographs" (Art). vol. 31 (2-Jan): 193
Box 12
Greeman, Richard: "The Permanence of the Commune" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 388
Box 12
Greeman, Richard: "Victor Serge and Socialist Thought" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (3): 553
Box 12
Green, Alan W. C. : "Jim Crow, Zip Coon: the northern origins of negro minstrelsy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 385
Box 13
Green, Philip: "I have Philosophoy, You Have and Ideology: Is Social Criticism Possible?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 195
Box 13
Green, Rayna: "The Pocahontas Perplex: The Image of Indian Women in American Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 698
Box 13
Green, Rayna: "When I Cut My Hair; Mexico City Hand Game" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 63
Box 13
Green , Philip: "Decentralization, Community Control, and Revolution" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (3): 415
Box 13
Green , Philip: "Ideology and Ambiguity in Cinema" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (1): 102
Box 13
Greenberg, Alvin: "The Beaat in the Jungle vs. A Sense of the Comic" (Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 536
Box 13
Greenberg, Douglas: "Worlds Not Our Own: Centrifugal and Centripital Forces in the Humanities" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 297
Box 13
Greenfield, Jeremy: "Longitude at Sea" (Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 405
Box 13
Greenfield, Jeremy: "Longitude at Sea: a novel in verse" (Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 405
Box 13
Greenfield, Sumner M: "On Prizes and Prize Winners" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 423
Box 13
Greenfield, Sumner M.: "The Problem of Mariana Pineda" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 751
Box 13
Greenstein , George: "Creativity in Science" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (1): 133
Box 13
Greenstreet, Kate: "Lives of the Saints" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 527
Box 13
Greger, Debora: "Crossing the Plains" (Poetry). vol. 16 (3): 468
Box 13
Greger, Debora: "The First Movement" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 144
Box 13
Greger, Debora: "Whitman: Leaves of Asphalt" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 79
Box 13
Greger, Deborah: "Inventing a Childhood for Myself; Going to Sleep" (Poetry). vol. 19 (4): 379
Box 13
Gregerman, Debra: "After the Blues; Jealousy; The Things You Are Not" (Poetry). vol. 32 (2): 281
Box 13
Gregg, Linda: "A Dangerous Trade; A Small Thing Love Is; Glistening" (Poetry). vol. 29 (1): 20
Box 13
Gregory, Michael: "Hungry Weather" (Poetry). vol. 9 (2): 344
Box 13
Gregory, Robert: "With and Without" (Poetry). vol. 46 (2): 273
Box 13
Grella, George: "Baseball and the American Dream" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (3): 550
Box 13
Griesemer, John: "The Deck" (Fiction). vol. 25 (1): 44
Box 13
Griffin, Daniel: "A Perfect Circle" (Fiction). vol. 42 (3): 441
Box 13
Grogan, Tamara: "Ten Lunar Months" (Fiction). vol. 38 (1): 31
Box 13
Grosholz, E: "Following The Dordogne" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 270
Box 13
Gross, Robert A: "A Response" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (3): 461
Box 13
Grossinger, Richard: "Observor: The System of Economics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 135
Box 13
Grossman, Allen: "Teaching Literature in a Discreditied Civilization" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 419
Box 13
Grossman, "Edith, trans.: "The Brain Dead" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (03 & 04): 445
Box 13
Grunzweig, Dorthea: "Spell" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 337
Box 13
Grushin, Olga: "Seven Variation on a Theme of Untied Shoelaces" (Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 141
Box 13
Grynberg, Henry: "Drohobycz, Drohobycz" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (4): 513
Box 13
Gubar, Susan: "Blessings in Disguise: Cross Dressing as Re-Dressing for Female Modernists" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (3): 477
Box 13
Guehenno, Jean: "Jean-Jacques Rousseau" (Non-Fiction). vol. (1): 195
Box 13
Guillen, Nicolas: "Poems from the New Cuba" (Poetry). vol. 11 (3): 486
Box 13
Guillen, Nicolas: "The Bourgeoisie" (Poetry). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 278
Box 13
Guinan, Stephen: "The Queen of Spelling" (Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 507
Box 13
Gullans, Charles: "Labuntur Anni" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 126
Box 13
Gunderson, Keith: "Dog Gone Blues; Do-It-Yourself-Night; Hawks and Sparrows and Sparrows; Therszacat Boogie" (Poetry). vol. 4 (3): 563
Box 13
Gunderson, Keith: "Beautiful Tiger; Tree is" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 751
Box 13
Gunderson, Keith: "How the Baby Pigeon Comes To Do What Everyone Want After He Knows Through Bug That They Really Love Him; Honeycomb a Go Go" (Poetry). vol. 7 (1): 58
Box 13
Guttmann, Allen: "Mechanized Doom: Ernest Hemingway and the Spanish Civil War" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 541
Box 13
Guttmann, Allen: "Rejoinder to John M. Muste (letter)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 627
Box 13
Guttmann, Allen: "The Wound in the Heart; Two volumes on the Spanish Civil War (review)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 197
Box 13
Guttmann, Allen: "Walter Lowenfels' Poetic Politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 843
Box 13
Guttmann, Allen: "Stanley Elkin's Orphans (review)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 597
Box 13
Guttmann, Allen: "Think back on the Thirties (review)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (3): 605
Box 13
Haag, John: "One More Version of an Old Version" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 188
Box 13
Haag, John: "Second Sight" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 40
Box 13
Habegger, Alfred: "Precocious Incest: First Novels by Louisa May Alcott and Henry James" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 233
Box 13
Hacker, Marilyn: "The Shepherd Reproached; The Shepherd Answers (2 poems)" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 688
Box 13
Hacker, Marilyn: "Corona" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 392
Box 13
Hacker, Marilyn: "Open Windows XVI; Open Windows XVII" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 57
Box 13
Hacker, Marilyn: "The Dark Night of the 747; I; II; III; IV; V" (Poetry). vol. 27 (1): 102
Box 13
Hacker, Marilyn: "Rue Des Ecouffes; Les Scandaleuses; Les Scandaleuses II; Nulle Part" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 497
Box 13
Hacker, Marilyn: "Saint-Lieux: The Teacher's Daughter; Saint-Lieux: Before the War; What Remains: Poems by Claire Malroux" (Poetry). vol. 40 (1): 26
Box 13
"Hacker, trans.", Marilyn: "Citroen by Claire Malroux" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 53
Box 13
Hadas, Rachel: "The Blue Snake" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 585
Box 13
Hadeed, Abigail: "7 photographs Guyana-Rupununi" (Art). vol. 35 (4-Mar): 509
Box 13
Haffernan, Michael: "MR Poetry Signature #3: Porsche" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 717
Box 13
Hagen, F. W.: "Recents Texts in Philosophy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (4): 858
Box 13
Haggin, B. h.: "Ballet Chronicle" (Non-Fiction). vol. (3): 487
Box 13
Hahn, Robert: "Houses / My House" (Poetry). vol. 16 (2): 234
Box 13
Hahn, Robert: "Berrymean's "Dream Songs": Missing the Poet Beyond the Poet" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 117
Box 13
Hahn, Robert: "Caught in the Act: Looking at Tintoretto's Susanna" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 633
Box 13
Haines, John: "Interlight; The Traveller; The Invasion; The Cave of Animals; Watching the Fire" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 631
Box 13
Hakim, Eleanor: "In Defense of Fallen Comrades: Janis Joplin" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (3): 463
Box 13
Hakim, Eleanor: "In Defense of Fallen Comrades: Halicarnassus" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 237
Box 13
Halberstadt, John: "The Voyeurs of Beersheba" (Poetry). vol. 10 (2): 246
Box 13
Hales, Corrinne: "Collapse: A Love Story" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 11
Box 13
Hales, Daniel: "Dear Shahid" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 276
Box 13
Haley, Jack: "I Fell in Love with a Woman of the Opposite Sex" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 241
Box 13
Halio, Jay L.: "No Laughing Matter by Angus Wilson" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 394
Box 13
Hall, Donald: "Whitman Commentary" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 80
Box 13
Hall, Gail: "Plots and Plans: Molly Bloom's Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (4):
Box 13
Hall, James Baker: "The Story of My Life" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 189
Box 13
Hall, James Baker: "A Suite for Bellhawks" (Poetry). vol. 19 (3): 448
Box 13
Hall, Joan Joffe: "In Place; Watching" (Poetry). vol. 20 (2): 237
Box 13
Hall, Joan Joffe: "Romance and Capitalism in the Movies" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 217
Box 13
Hall, Joan Joffe: "No Hanukah Bush; Putting Down Roots; Four Questions About Surviving" (Poetry). vol. 25 (3): 402
Box 13
"Hall, trans.", Anne: "The Flood" (Drama). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "And What Has Carried Us; Dear God, the Day is Grey" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 290
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "From Between Wars: the Chosen; Rante Ulla; Tante Didi; Tante Tienchen; Emblems, 1936; American Reprise" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 16
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "The Good Life in Recent Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 190
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "A Visit" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 40
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "Recent American Poetry: Outside Relevancies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (4): 696
Box 13
halley, anne: "Autograph Book / Prophecy" (Poetry). vol. 11 (4): 741
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "Confessions of Mother Goose" (Fiction). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 159
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "Lotte Jacobi: Shaker Women in New Hampshire" (Art). vol. 24 (1): 113
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "Parallels: Artists / Poets" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (2): 239
Box 13
Halley, Anne: "Before the Deportation: A German Jewish Fate, Edith Marcuse, 1898-1945" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 521
Box 13
"Halley, trans.", Anne: "Selections froom "Deutschland, Deutschland uber Alles" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 365
Box 13
"Halley, trans.", Anne: "August Sander" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 663
Box 13
Halliday, Mark: "Casualty Report" (Poetry). vol. 23 (1): 156
Box 13
Halme III, Kathleen: "The Brain Tells Us What Is Real" (Poetry). vol. 46 (3):
Box 13
Halperin, Irving: "Books and Bodies at San Francisco State" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 367
Box 13
Halpern, Martin: "Anyman on Shipboard; Blast from a Bad Season" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 540
Box 13
Halpern, Martin: "Verse in the Theatre; the Language of Tragedy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (1): 137
Box 13
Hamadani, Malak Roya: "Looking for Shahbazi" (Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 267
Box 13
Hamann, Shannon: "The Kite" (Poetry). vol. 34 (1): 31
Box 13
Hamburger, Michael: "Feeeing the Chickadees" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 333
Box 13
Hamer, Forrest: "Charlene-N-Booker 4 Ever" (Poetry). vol. 40 (2): 174
Box 13
Hammond, Jeff: "American's Pastime: How Ty Cobb Taught Me to Live with the Dead" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 535
Box 13
Hammond, Jeffrey: "Egypt Land" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (4): 629
Box 13
Hand, Jack: "It is Enough; Marty Dreams of Glory; Nevada; Song" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 702
Box 13
Handlin, oscar: "The Civil War as Symbol and as Actuality" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 133
Box 13
Hanley, Lynne T.: "To El Salvador" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 13
Box 13
Hanley, Lynne T.: "Virginia Woolf and the Romance of Oxbridge" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 421
Box 13
Hanley, Lynne T.: "War Stories" (Fiction). vol. 28 (1): 107
Box 13
Hanley, Lynne T.: "Thinking Bayonets" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (3): 435
Box 13
Hanley, Lynne T.: "Writing Across the Color Bar: Apartheid and Desire" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (4): 495
Box 13
Hanlon, Robert: "The Roman Catholic Church" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 192
Box 13
Hanna, Julia: "Big Bus" (Fiction). vol. 40 (2): 265
Box 13
Hannigan, Paul: "Child Builds Chair; The Rate at Which Things Happen; Philoctetes; Meditation" (Poetry). vol. 11 (1): 129
Box 13
Hannigan, Paul: "No Ideas But in Things; Anodyne Love Poem; First Love" (Poetry). vol. 14 (2): 415
Box 13
Hansen, Carol Baker: "Job; Die Liebe Farbe" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 192
Box 13
Hansen, Chadwick: "The Character of Jim and the Ending of Huckleberry Finn" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 45
Box 13
Hansen, Chadwick: "The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry as a Subject for American Arts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 745
Box 13
Hanson, kenneth O.: "The Provinces" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 460
Box 13
"Hanson, trans.", Elizabeth: "Delicious Poison" (Poetry). vol. 19 (1): 128
Box 13
Haracz, David: "To the Editor: Letter from a C.O. in the Army" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 408
Box 14
Harding, Walter: "Five Way of Looking at Walden" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 149
Box 14
Hardy, Edward: "What I Do" (Fiction). vol. 32 (3): 403
Box 14
Hare, Nathan: "Black Studies: Questions and Answers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 727
Box 14
Hare, Nathan: "Directions in Black Studies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 701
Box 14
Harjo, Joy: "Rainy Night; The Woman Hanging from the 13th Floor" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 57
Box 14
Harmon, Joshua: "Dundee" (Fiction). vol. 40 (1): 64
Box 14
Harmon, Maurice: "The Man from Half Moon Street" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 636
Box 14
Harper, Carol Ely: "Jim Hill Mustard" (Poetry). vol. 10 (4): 675
Box 14
Harper, George Mills: "William Force Stead's Friendship with Yeats and Eliot" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (1): 9
Box 14
Harper, L. L.: "Teaching Composition" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 620
Box 14
harper, michael: "The Morse Recount; Time for Tyner; Mission: 1 January '70" (Poetry). vol. 12 (1): 69
Box 14
Harper, michael: "Bristol; Made Connections; Crossing Lake Michigan; Smoke" (Poetry). vol. 18 (3): 467
Box 14
Harper, michael: "Gayle Jones: An Interview" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 692
Box 14
Harper, Michael: "Study and Experience: Interview with Ralph Ellison" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (3): 417
Box 14
Harper, michael: "Uplift from a Park Tower" (Poetry). vol. 18 (4): 660
Box 14
Harris, Janice H.: "D.H. Lawrence and Kate Millett" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 522
Box 14
Harris, "Robert l., Jr.: "Early Black Benevolent Societies 1780-1830" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (3): 603
Box 14
Harris, Webb: "World Book Apocalypse" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (1): 18
Box 14
Harrison, Royden: "Marx, Engels, and the British Response to the Commune" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 463
Box 14
Harth, Erica: "Children of Manzanar" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (3): 367
Box 14
Harth, Sydney: "The Art of Growing Bonsai" (Fiction). vol. 23 (2): 255
Box 14
Hartman, Renee G.: "Paris; A Stone in Hand" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 306
Box 14
Harvard, William C.: "Louisiana Secedes: Collapse of a Compromise" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 134
Box 14
Harvard, William C.: "Beyond Behavioralism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (3): 608
Box 14
Harvey, Kenneth R.: "33 1/2" (Fiction). vol. 37 (1): 99
Box 14
Haskins, Lola: "Interstate Dreams" (Poetry). vol. 40 (1): 131
Box 14
Hassan, Ihab: "The Existential Novel (in symposium: Fiction Today)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 795
Box 14
Hassan, Ihab: "The Sorrows of Edward Dahlberg" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 457
Box 14
Hassan, Ihab: "Silence, Revolution, and Consciousness" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 461
Box 14
Hassan, Ihab: "Beyond Arcadians and Technophiles: New Convergences in Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (1): 7
Box 14
hatch, James V.: "Owen Dodson: Excerpts from a Biography in Progress" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 627
Box 14
Hathaway, Richard D.: "Cats" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 535
Box 14
Haug, James: "Walk-Up Off Sixth Ave.; Cloud Rises Seven Miles from Observers" (Poetry). vol. 30 (1): 12
Box 14
Haug, James: "In the Town of Endless Reduction" (Poetry). vol. 32 (2): 218
Box 14
Haug, James: "In the Missing Town" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 239
Box 14
"Hausammann, trans.", Rita: "Gerhard Marcks: On His Life and Work" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 518
Box 14
"Hauser, trans.", Ronald: "Adolf Rieth's Gerhard Marcks and the Third Reich" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 538
Box 14
Haven, Chris: "Body" (Fiction). vol. 38 (2): 255
Box 14
Haven, Richard: "Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Universe" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 646
Box 14
Haven, Richard: "Noises Off: Catullus on Stage" (Poetry). vol. 30 (4): 571
Box 14
Hawass, Sahi: "The Legend of the Pharaoh's Lost Tomb from the Valley of the Golden Mummies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (4): 475
Box 14
Hawkes, John: "Notes on the Wild Goose Chase (in symposium: Fiction Today)" (Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 784
Box 14
Hawkes, John: "John Hawkes on His Novels" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 449
Box 14
Hawkes, John: "Oh His Novels: Interview with John Graham" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 449
Box 14
Hawkes, John: "An Amorous Bestiary" (Fiction). vol. 22 (4): 602
Box 14
Hawkes, John: "The Blood Oranges" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4):
Box 14
Hawkey, Christian: "Goya's Grotesquerie" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 438
Box 14
Hay, John: "Music by the Waters; The Storm; Comb Jelly" (Poetry). vol. 16 (2): 237
Box 14
Hay, john: "The Communication of Nature" (Poetry). vol. 21 (2): 231
Box 14
Hay, John: "Climbing" (Fiction). vol. 24 (4): 819
Box 14
Hay, john: "Flies, Dancing at Sundown" (Poetry). vol. 24 (4): 704
Box 14
Hayden, Robert: "Elegies for Paradise Valley" (Poetry). vol. 18 (3): 436
Box 14
Hayden, Robert: "Names; Astronauts; Zinnias; A Letter from Phillis Wheatley from "The Snow Lamp" (Poetry). vol. 18 (4): 643
Box 14
Hayes, Daniel: "What I Wanted Most of All" (Fiction). vol. 30 (1): 65
Box 14
Hayes, Daniel: "Kissing You" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 75
Box 14
Hayford, James: "The never last Outpost; Star in the Window; The Winter Lamb" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 411
Box 14
Hayford, James: "The Principle is Growth" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 159
Box 14
Hayford, James: "Sonata III" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 563
Box 14
Haynes, Mary: "Cold Mountain; Imitation; Pechal Moya Svelta" (Poetry). vol. 17 (3): 536
Box 14
Haynes, muriel: "Dangerous Thoughts on Women" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (4): 867
Box 14
Haynes, Muriel: "Women: The Blurred Vision" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 809
Box 14
Hazo, Samuel: "The Resurrection of the Dead" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 542
Box 14
Heaney, Seamus: "The Placeless Heaven: Another Look at Kavanagh" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 371
Box 14
Heartfield, John: "Fifteen Photomontages, reprods." (Art). vol. 4 (2): 309
Box 14
Heath, Catherine: "First Night, Old Vic" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 179
Box 14
Heath, Gordon: "Deep Are the Roots: Memoirs of a Black Expatriate" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 279
Box 14
Heath, Gordon: "Memoirs / Deep are the Roots: Memoirs of a Black Expatriate" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 225
Box 14
heath, Mary: "Marriages: Zelda and Scott, Eleanor and Franklin" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 281
Box 14
Heath, William: "Melville and marquesan Eroticism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (1): 43
Box 14
Heath, William W.: "Two Lives of John Keats" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 784
Box 14
Heath, William W.: "Wordsworth: Letters and Life" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 179
Box 14
"Heath-Stubbs, trans.", John: "The Evenki; Running Mates" (Fiction). vol. 32 (3): 335
Box 14
Hebald, Carol: "Note from Bellevue" (Poetry). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 289
Box 14
Hebert, Anne: "Bread is Born" (Poetry). vol. 14 (4): 688
Box 14
Hecht, Anthony: "Aesopic (couplets)" (Poetry). vol. 11 (1): 97 and cover
Box 14
Hecht, Jamey: "Scarcity and Compensation in Moby Dick" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (1): 111
Box 14
Hegarty, Terence: "Wyndham Lewis the Writer: A Preoccupation with the Real" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (2): 335
Box 14
Heiman, Jeffrey: "A Lakh of Ears" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (2): 159
Box 14
Heiman, Jeffrey: "The Waiting to Dying House" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (4): 557
Box 14
Heiman, Jeffrey: "Vin La Forge" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 73
Box 14
Heimarck, Claire: "Before Names; What are Years?; Sheltered Gardens" (Art). vol. 34 (2): 249, 254, cover
Box 14
Heine, Heinrich: "Whereto Now?" (Poetry). vol. 25 (4): 556
Box 14
Heineman, B.W., Jr.: "Greece Today: Grecian Summer - 1957" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 79
Box 14
Heineman, B. W., Jr.: "Grecian Summer, 1967" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 79
Box 14
Heines, Donald: "A Coversation with Alan Dugan" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 285
Box 14
Heinzelman, Kurt: "Just Living" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 273
Box 14
Heinzelman, Kurt: "The Year in Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (1): 137
Box 14
Heinzelman, Kurt: "Pedagogy" (Poetry). vol. 39 (4): 583
Box 14
Heinzelman, Kurt (trans.): "For Instance" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 338
Box 14
Heisenberg, Werner: "Physics and Beyond: Enounters and Coversations" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4): 709
Box 14
Heisey-Clark, Robyn: "On Palm Sunday; Widow Sleep" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 564
Box 14
Hejmadi, Padma: "Uncle Monkey" (Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 599
Box 14
Helgason, Linda: "False Haiku" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 867
Box 14
Heller, Peter: "The Autonomy of Despair: an Essay on Kafka" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 231
Box 14
Heller, Peter: "Gerhard Marcks: On His Life and Work" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 518
Box 14
Heller, Yehudit Ben-Zvi: "The Woman in a Purple Coat" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 260
Box 14
Heller, Yehudit Ben-Zvi: "Salt Women" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 314
Box 14
"Heller, trans.", Ben A.: "All that Jazz" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 549
Box 14
Helleren, Maureen: "They Say God has His Hands in His Pockets" (Poetry). vol. 20 (3): 472
Box 14
Hellerstein, Kathryn: "Ne'ilah" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 358
Box 14
Hellman, Roberta: "The Photographs of Helen Levitt" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 729
Box 14
Hendricks, James: "Orbital Pleasures" (Art). vol. 37 (4): cover
Box 14
Henkin, Bill: "Time is Not Just Chronology: Interview with Wallace Stegner" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 127
Box 14
Henkin, Joshua: "Spitting Image" (Fiction). vol. 33 (2): 201
Box 14
Hennessy, John: "My Father Explains" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 150
Box 14
Henry, Brian: "George Sale" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 549
Box 14
Henry, Henderson III: "Heritage: John Reed's Urban Comedy of Revolution" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 421
Box 14
Henson, Sandra Meek: "Refugee" (Poetry). vol. 34 (3): 42=31
Box 14
Hentoff, Nat: "Beyond Civil Rights: A Reply to the Coalitionists" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 581
Box 14
Herbst, Josephine: "Behind the Swastika" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 333
Box 14
Herdeck, Donald E.: "A New Letter by Ezra Pound about T.S. Eliot" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 287
Box 14
Herman, Ellen: "The Guest" (Fiction). vol. 29 (3): 493
Box 14
Herman, Joanna: "No Longer and Not Yet" (Fiction). vol. 37 (4): 493
Box 14
Herman, Joanna: "Snow Struck" (Fiction). vol. 38 (2): 231
Box 14
Herman, Sondra R.: "Sex-Roles and Sexual Attitudes in Sweden: The New Phase" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 45
Box 14
Herman, William: "Smoke" (Fiction). vol. 36 (2): 221
Box 14
Hernandez, Juan Jose: "Julian" (Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 483
Box 14
Hernandez, Miguel: "#51" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 397
Box 14
Herr, William A.: "A More Perfect State: Thoreau's Concept of Civil Government" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (3): 470
Box 14
Herrera, Juan Felipe: "Aphrodisiacal Dinner Jacket; The Anthropomorphic Cabinet" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 619
Box 14
Herrera, Juan Felipe: "Last Call: how to Make a Chile Verde Smuggler" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 567
Box 14
Hershman, M.F.: "For Aleichem" (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 430
Box 14
Hershon, Robert: "Kelly; Uptown" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 272
Box 14
Hershon, Robert: "Mouths; Cleanliness" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 367
Box 14
Herzfelder, Richard: "Even Country Clubs Get the Blues" (Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 47
Box 14
Heuler, Karen: "The Revolt of Everyday Things" (Fiction). vol. 34 (2): 297
Box 14
Hewat, Alan V.: "Getting Up" (Fiction). vol. 16 (2): 215
Box 14
Hewitt, John: "Man Fish and Bird; The Sheep Skull; The Stoat" (Poetry). vol. 5 (2): 377
Box 14
Hewitt, John H.: "A Black New York Newspaperman's Impressions of Boston" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (3): 445
Box 14
Heyen, William: "The Shine of the World: A Conversation with Archibald MacLeish" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 681
Box 14
Hickok, Betsy Snow: "The Animal in Life" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 452
Box 15
Hicks, John: "Early Days" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 25
Box 15
Hicks, John: "Anniversary" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (4): 670
Box 15
Hicks, Priscilla Gibson: "James' Case: the New York Edition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 815
Box 15
Hicks, Priscilla Gibson: "Frayings" (Poetry). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 144
Box 15
"Hicks, Ed.", John H.: "A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 41
Box 15
"Hicks, Ed.", John H.: "Afterword for A Centenary Gathering" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 172
Box 15
Hicok, Bob: "To the Moon, Alice" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 467
Box 15
Hicok, Bob: "First Do No Harm; Angels of Mercy" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 15
Higgins, George V.: "Something Dirty You Could Keep" (Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 631
Box 15
Higgins, George V.: "Witness: Something of a Memoir" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 596
Box 15
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: "Letter to a Young Contributor" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 570
Box 15
Highes, Dorothy: "Falling in Love" (Poetry). vol. 21 (3): 486
Box 15
Hildebidle, John: "A Decade of Seamus Heaney's Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 393
Box 15
Hilderbrand, Elin: "Pick-Up" (Fiction). vol. 34 (1): 131
Box 15
Hill, Errol: "Remarks on Black Theater History" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 609
Box 15
Hill, Mary A.: "Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Feminist's Struggle with Womanhood" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (3): 503
Box 15
Hill, Patricia: "Luminaria" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 240
Box 15
Hill, Patricia: "In Lieu of Elegy" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 529
Box 15
Hines, Debra: "As a Young Youth; At Gitcheegoomee; Cake for One" (Poetry). vol. 29 (3): 473
Box 15
Hines, Debra: "Sarah's Triumvirate" (Poetry). vol. 32 (2): 54
Box 15
Hinkson, Jackie: "Interior, Mt. Irvine Sunset and The Selectors" (Art). vol. 35 (4-Mar): 509
Box 15
Hippolyte, Kendel: "Three Sonnets for Mister Kent; Castires" (Poetry). vol. 35 (4-Mar): 463
Box 15
Hitchcock, George: "The Palace" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 696
Box 15
Hitchcock, George: "Afternoon in the Canyon; A Hot Day with Little Result; The Ohio at Night" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 574
Box 15
Hjertenae, Astrid: "Black Spruce" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 503
Box 15
Hoagland, Everett: "Paul Cuffe: Indian Blood" (Poetry). vol. 17 (4): 665
Box 15
Hoagland, Tony: "Are You Experienced?; Ecology" (Poetry). vol. 38 (3): 373
Box 15
Hoagland, Tony: "India" (Poetry). vol. 39 (3): 385
Box 15
Hoagland, Tony: "Commericial for a Summer Night" (Poetry). vol. 42 (1): 7
Box 15
Hoagland, Tony: "Encyclopedia of Ethers" (Poetry). vol. 42 (2): 238
Box 15
Hockstein, Rolaine: "In a Very Low Voice, Words that Can Hardly Be Understood" (Fiction). vol. 16 (3): 433
Box 15
Hodgen, John: "Bodywash; News" (Poetry). vol. 30 (2): 319
Box 15
Hodgen, John: "Stopping the Jesus" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 526
Box 15
Hoegberg, Norman: "All the Way from Thermopylae" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 486
Box 15
Hoenisch, Michael: "Symbolic Politics Perceptions of the Early Rastafari Movement" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (3): 432
Box 15
Hofer, Philip: "Aesopic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 97
Box 15
Hoffman, Malvina: "Henry David Thoreau" (Art). vol. 4 (1): 110
Box 15
Hoffman, Roald: "Dream Corps" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 567
Box 15
Hoffman, Stanley: "Homage to Camus" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 212
Box 15
Hoffman, Thomas: "The Young Man" (Poetry). vol. 11 (2): 256
Box 15
Hogan, Linda: "November; Saint Coyote" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 60
Box 15
Holden, David: "The Riddle of Beethoven's "Eroica" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 635
Box 15
Holden, Jonathan: "Waking Up as a Child on a Summer Morning; Hitting Against Cutler" (Poetry). vol. 14 (1): 51
Box 15
Holden, Jonathan: "The man Who is Finished" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 750
Box 15
Holesovsky, Vaclav: "Rediscoveries of Karl Marx" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (3): 487
Box 15
Hollander, John: "After a Shocking Execution" (Poetry). vol. 3 (2): 275
Box 15
Hollander, John: "Idea" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 547
Box 15
Hollander, Robert: "You Too? Me Too - Why Not? Soda Pop" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 550
Box 15
Hollis, William: "Mozart in Thetford" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 652
Box 15
Holloway, Eachan: "Recovery; I Saw the Face" (Poetry). vol. 33 (3): 429
Box 15
Holloway, Karla: "The Death of Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (1): 31
Box 15
Holmes, Doris: "To the Moulted Snake" (Poetry). vol. 2 (4): 684
Box 15
Holmes, Doris: "To the September Bathers" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 407
Box 15
Holmes, John: "Constants Carried Forward: Naturalness in Robert Francis' Poems" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 765
Box 15
Holmes, John: "Free Will and Fire Truck" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 61
Box 15
Holmes, John: "Truth about Pictures" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 576
Box 15
Holmes, John: "My Father's Silence" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 654
Box 15
Holmes, Theodore: "The Affair" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 492
Box 15
Holmes, Theodore: "Doom" (Poetry). vol. 12 (1): 31
Box 15
Holsworth, Robert D.: "Recycling Hobbes: The Limits to Political Ecology" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 9
Box 15
Homer, Winslow: "Five Reproductions" (Art). vol. 7 (1): 105
Box 15
Hong, Sara: "Pillow" (Poetry). vol. 34 (3): 455
Box 15
Hongo, Garrett: "Commentary on Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 81
Box 15
Honig, Edwin: "Calderon's Strange Mercy Play" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 80
Box 15
Hoogland, Cornelia: "White Bread and Cake; Frog Prince" (Poetry). vol. 30 (1): 83
Box 15
Hooker, Eva: "There Be Phantasies" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 254
Box 15
Hoover, Michelle: "Sausages" (Fiction). vol. 42 (3): 385
Box 15
Hoover, Paul: "Lesson of the Forgetful House" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 317
Box 15
Hopkins, Diane: "Being Occupied" (Fiction). vol. 25 (1): 61
Box 15
Horn, Andrew: "The Making of Musa Maikudi" (Fiction). vol. 23 (3): 413
Box 15
Horner, Joyce: "A Church at Noon" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 230
Box 15
Horowitz, Paula: "Nonessential People" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (3): 365
Box 15
Horsman, A.L.: "Summer School" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 499
Box 15
Hoshino, Marvin: "The Photographs of Helen Levitt" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 729
Box 15
Hoshiwo, Marvin: "The Photographs of Helen Levitt" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 729
Box 15
Hoslworth, Robert D.: "A World Worth Living In" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 573
Box 15
Hosmer, Alfred W.: "John Thoreau, Sr.; Helen Thoreau" (Art). vol. 4 (1): 73;75
Box 15
Houghton, Firman: "The Crane" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 438
Box 15
Houseman, John: "Three Books on the Film" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 410
Box 15
Houseman, John: "Three books on the Film" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 410
Box 15
Houston, Beth: "Epistemology; Menstruation" (Poetry). vol. 33 (3): 427
Box 15
Houston, Beth: "When the Lord God Gathered Up the Spirit of Virginia Woolf" (Poetry). vol. 34 (1): 63
Box 15
Howard, Daniel F: "The Art of Victorian Life" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 417
Box 15
Howard, Donald: "Literature and Sexuality" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (3): 442
Box 15
Howard, Gail Hall: "Chicago Spring" (Fiction). vol. 43 (2): 317
Box 15
Howard, Ravi: "Ways of the World" (Fiction). vol. 44 (3): 383
Box 15
Howe, Fanny: "The Confessions of Persephone" (Poetry). vol. 10 (1): 55
Box 15
Howe, Fanny: "A Memory, A Thought" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (2): 205
Box 15
Howe, Florence: "From Race and Class to the Feminist Press" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 117
Box 15
Howe, Irving: "On Harvey Swados" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 637
Box 15
Howell, Christopher: "Enough" (Poetry). vol. 22 (1): 203
Box 15
Howell, Christopher: "Close to the Vein; Something to Love; We Who Have Found Wisdom" (Poetry). vol. 28 (2): 331
Box 15
Howes, Barbara: "On Sleeping Together; For Chloe; For Cleo" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 662
Box 15
Howes, Barbara: "Three Women Writers" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 583
Box 15
Howes, Barbara: "A Note on Ariel" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (1): 225
Box 15
Hoy, Nancy Jo: "Of Holy Writing & Priestly Voices" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 254
Box 15
Huberman, Elizabeth: "St. Magnus Visited" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (1): 109
Box 15
Hudgins, Andrew: "My Father's House" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 648
Box 15
Hudgins, Andrew: "Dangling" (Poetry). vol. 25 (2): 302
Box 15
Hudson, Frederick: "My Relatives for the Most" (Poetry). vol. 20 (2): 311
Box 15
Hudson, Marc: "A Monk on Heimaey" (Poetry). vol. 25 (1): 172
Box 15
Hudson, Marc: "Nondescript Landscape" (Poetry). vol. 25 (3): 444
Box 15
Huges, Dorothy: "Inwood" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 484
Box 15
Hughes, D. J.: "Arms and the Poet: Eight Books of Verse" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (3): 606
Box 15
Hughes, D. J. : "Castrato to Audience" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 506
Box 15
Hughes, D. J. : "Character of Contemporary Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 788
Box 15
Hughes, Daniel: "The Luck of William Blake" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4):
Box 15
Hughes, Dorothy: "Strawberries" (Poetry). vol. 21 (1): 176
Box 15
Hughes, Ingrid: "Crazy Baby" (Poetry). vol. 30 (3): 485
Box 15
Hughes, Judith: "Self-Supression and Attatchment: Mid-Victorian Emotional Life" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 541
Box 15
Hughes, R.L.: "Western Hero" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 542
Box 15
Hughes, William: "Catching Up, a Time in Jail" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (2): 333
Box 15
Hughes , Daniel J: "American Poetry 1969" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (4): 650
Box 15
Hugo, Richard F: "A Chapel Further West Than Most; Holy Family; Northwest Retrospective; Mark Tobey The Way a Ghost Behaves; The way a Ghost Dissolves" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 562
Box 15
Hugo, Richard F: "Houses Lie; Believe in the Lying Sea; Port Townsend" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 288
Box 15
Hugo, Richard F: "Maratea pORTO" (Poetry). vol. 6 (1): 71
Box 15
Huidobro, Vincente: "It Can Happen" (Poetry). vol. 27 ( 02 & 04): 422
Box 15
Hui-Ming, Wang: "Woodcuts" (Art). vol. 10 (4): 757
Box 15
Humbolt, Charles: "The Art of Igmar Bergman" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (2): 352
Box 15
Humes, Harry: "Building a Tower" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 706
Box 15
Humphries, Jefferson: "The Sorcery of Rhetoric in French and American Letters" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 178
Box 15
Humphries, Rolfe: "Lucretius" (Non-Fiction). vol. (3): 613
Box 15
Huxley, Laura Archera: "This Timeless Moment" (Non-Fiction). vol. (4):
Box 15
Hwang, Leo: "Near Prodigy " (Poetry). vol. 46 (2): 243
Box 15
Hye-Sun, Kim: "Father is Heavy, What Do I Do?; A Dream the Moon Is Dreaming" (Poetry). vol. 45 (4): 730
Box 15
Hynes, Samuel: "The Edwardian Turn of Mind" (Non-Fiction). vol. (1): 191
Box 15
Ifowodo, Ogaga: "The Agonist" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 298
Box 15
Iglesias, Holly: "Subjunctive Monologue; Upside Down" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 285
Box 15
Iglesias, Holly: "Subjunctive Monologue; Upside Down" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 285
Box 15
Inez, Colette: "Things Dream of Their Likenesses and Needs" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 201
Box 15
Inez, Colette: "Things Dream of Their Likenesses and Needs" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 201
Box 15
Inez, Colette: "Hearing New Year's Eve" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 501
Box 15
Inez, Colette: "Hearing New Year's Eve" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 501
Box 15
Inez, Colette: "Encounter at the Jardins Botaniques" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 218
Box 15
Inez, Colette: "Encounter at the Jardins Botaniques" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 218
Box 15
Inez, Colette: "The Gracious Daughter and the Man by the River" (Poetry). vol. 44 (4): 614
Box 15
Institute of thr Black World, : "Directions in Black Studies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 701
Box 15
Jackson, Merilyn Oniszczuk: "A Sow of Violence" (Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 367
Box 15
Jacobsen, Josephine: "Peter Viereck: Durable Poet" (Non-Fiction). vol. ():
Box 15
Jaeger, Luke: "1978 (Ladies & Gentlemen, The Rolling Stones)" (Art). vol. 46 (1): 99
Box 16
Janko, James: "Buffalo Boy" (Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 649
Box 16
Jenkins, Paul: "Walt Whitman in Chile" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 348
Box 16
Jernigan, Daniel: "Los Chicharrones" (Drama). vol. 45 (3): 346
Box 16
Johnquest, Amy: "cover art for 4603" (Art). vol. 46 (3): cover
Box 16
Johnson, Mark: "Keep Looking: Mary Oliver's Emersonian Project" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (1): 78
Box 16
Joo, Rachael Miyung: "Chamoe [cha-meh]" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 285
Box 16
Joyce, Kathryn: "Emigration and Cosmetics: South Africa Now" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 5
Box 16
Junk, Ursula: "Four Radio Scripts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 136
Box 16
Kadi, Joanna: "A Recipe Card Is Far Too Small" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (1): 123
Box 16
Kahane, Claire: "The Re-vision of Rage: Flannery O'Conner and Me" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (3): 439
Box 16
Kalamaras, George: "Handling Fruit at a Calcutta Market" (Poetry). vol. 39 (1): 67
Box 16
Kaplan, Paul: "Contraband Guides: Twain and His Contemporaries on the Black Presence in Venice" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 182
Box 16
Kartiganer, Donald M.: "Process and Product: A Study of Modern Literary Form" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 297
Box 16
Kartiganer, Donald M.: "Process and Product: A Study of Modern Literary Form" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (4): 789
Box 16
Kartiganer, Donald M.: "The New Novel in America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 174
Box 16
Kartini, Raden Adjeng: "Letters" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 567
Box 16
Kateb, George: "Intellectuals as Heroes in French Novels" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 430
Box 16
Kateb, George: "On the Report from Iron Mountain" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (3): 581
Box 16
Kates, J.: "Life Story; Orientation" (Poetry). vol. 20 (3): 435
Box 16
Kates, J.: "The Reply of the Sheperdess to the Shepherd; The Road" (Poetry). vol. 38 (1): 39
Box 16
Kates, J.: "Hunger Invited God to Seder" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 119
Box 16
"Kates, Trans.", J.: "Hunger Invited God to Seder" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 119
Box 16
Katra, K.: "Changing Traditions: South Asian American and Cultural / Communal Politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 75
Box 16
Katrak, Ketu: "Changing Traditions: South Asian Americans and Cultural/Communal Politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. ():
Box 16
Katz, Michael: "The Supreme Court and Civil Disobedience: a Commentary on Marshall Cohen's "Civil Disobedience" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 163
Box 16
"Katzenback, Jr.", Edward L.: "U.S. Military Policy and the lesser Objectives" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 105
Box 16
Kaufman, Andrew: "The Cinnamon Bay Sonnets" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 270
Box 16
Kaufman, Shirley: "Sorrow, Sorrow; Signs" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 678
Box 16
Kaufman, Shirley: "Arches" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 572
Box 16
Kaufman, Shirley: "For the Sin" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 308
Box 16
Kaufman, Shirley: "Divorce; The Words; Thinking about the Future of Jerusalem" (Poetry). vol. 28 (1): 120
Box 16
Kaufman, Shirley: "Survival Kit" (Poetry). vol. 31 (3): 315
Box 16
Kaufmann, Donald L.: "Review: The Architecture of a Trilogy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (1): 164
Box 16
Kaufmann, R.J.: "The British Public Psyche: an Analytical Sketch" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 521
Box 16
Kavorkian, Karen: "Softball Dreams" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 412
Box 16
Kazin, Cathrael: "Hoping These Letters Reach You; Anima Poetarum" (Poetry). vol. 22 (3): 574
Box 16
Kearney, Lawrence: "The Dead" (Poetry). vol. 19 (1): 181
Box 17
Kearney, Richard: "Friel and the Politics of Language Play" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 510
Box 17
Kearns, Rick: "Aurelio's Vengeance, Puerto Rico; Jibaros" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 621
Box 17
Keefe, Robert: "On Cowboys and Collectives: The Kennedy-Nixon Generation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (3): 551
Box 17
Keefe, Robert: "A Cold War Elegy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (4): 705
Box 17
Keisler, Paula: "Swimmer" (Fiction). vol. 25 (2): 182
Box 17
Keithley, George: "Choices" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 189
Box 17
Keithley, George: "After Antietan, The Fillmore" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 296
Box 17
Keithley, George: "You are Never Happy; The Land of the Dead; With King in Memphis; Charlie Chaplin has the Last Laugh" (Poetry). vol. 11 (1): 75
Box 17
Keithley, George: "The Donner Party" (Poetry). vol. 12 (4): 709
Box 17
Keithley, George: "In Early Spring" (Poetry). vol. 14 (2): 376
Box 17
Kelley, Maeve: "Pilgrim's Tale" (Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 441
Box 17
Kelly, Brigit: "Brightness from the North" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 703
Box 17
Kelly, Brigit Pegeen: "All Wild Animals were Once Called Deer" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 616
Box 17
Kelly, Robert: "Deasil and Widdershins" (Poetry). vol. 10 (4): 685
Box 17
Kelsey, Robert: "Mother and Child Re-Union" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (4): 579
Box 17
Kelsey, Robert: "Julio" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (1): 56
Box 17
Kenary, James S.: "untitled" (Fiction). vol. 13 (4):
Box 17
Kennedy, Haymond A.: "In an Orchard" (Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 345
Box 17
Kennedy, Haymond A.: "Let's to the Music, Herbert!: an impertinent piece" (Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 335
Box 17
Kennedy, Haymond A.: "Trillium; April Hymn" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 345
Box 17
Kennedy, Haymond A.: "Delia and the Sunfishes" (Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 688
Box 17
Kennedy, Haymond A.: "The Expulsion" (Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 674
Box 17
Kennedy, Haymond A.: "Into Many a Green Valley" (Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 585
Box 17
Kennedy, Herbert A.: "All Birds, Ships and Poetry" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 385
Box 17
Kennedy, John F.: "On Poetry and National Power" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 207
Box 17
Kennedy, Melinda: "Befana; Towards the End of November" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 635
Box 17
Kennedy, Raymond A.: "A Private Station" (Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 475
Box 17
Kennedy, Rebecca: "Tree" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 704
Box 17
Kennedy, Terry: "An Interview with Kathleen Spivack" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (3): 540
Box 17
Kennedy, X.J.: "Conland - Gold Bought Here" (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 779
Box 17
Kennelly, Brendan: "Straying" (Poetry). vol. 28 (3): 410
Box 17
Kenner, Hugh: "The Drama of Utterance" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 328
Box 17
Kenner, Hugh: "The Jokes at the Wake" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (4): 722
Box 17
Kenney, "Susan M. and Edwin J., Jr.: "Viginia Woolf and the Art of Madness" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 161
Box 17
Kennick, William E.: "Kicking Philosophy Upstairs" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 793
Box 17
Kenseth, Arnold: "Five Poems from the Holy Merriment" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 255
Box 17
Kenseth, Arnold: "Jacob" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 122
Box 17
Kenseth, Arnold: "The Magician" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 350
Box 17
Kenseth, Arnold: "Seasons and Sceneries" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 221
Box 17
Kent, Sarah: "Elizabeth Fink: Notes on the Hayward Annual" (Non-Fiction). vol. (1): 102
Box 17
Kerber, Linda K.: "Women and Individualism in American History" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (4): 589
Box 17
Kercheval, Jesse Lee: "The Fair" (Fiction). vol. 34 (3): 445
Box 17
Kern, Robert W.: "The Spanish Dilemma" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 188
Box 17
Kessler, Jascha: "Chaos or Control: Our No-Win Situation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 429
Box 17
Kessler, Jascha: "Never at the Horse at Two; Spoiled Poem" (Poetry). vol. 32 (3): 333
Box 17
ketrak, Ketu H.: "Changing Traditions: South Asian American and Cultural/Communal Politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 75
Box 17
Ketu, H.: "Changing Traditions: South Asian American and Cultural / Communal Politics" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 75
Box 17
Keyes, John: "Where It is That Things Go" (Fiction). vol. 43 (4): 676
Box 17
Keyes, Robert Lord: "Radio Comics; Baseball" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 738
Box 17
Keyishian, Marjorie: "Slow Runner" (Poetry). vol. 32 (2): 318
Box 17
Keyssar, Helene: "The Dramas of Caryl Churchill" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 198
Box 17
Khair, Tabism: "The Maidservant, Now Married" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 84
Box 17
Kicknosway, Faye: "Religious Poem 2: For Robert Bly" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 702
Box 17
Kidner, "Frank L., Jr.: "Jean-Jacques" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 179
Box 17
Kikel, Rudy: "Autographs" (Poetry). vol. 22 (2): 273
Box 17
Kikel, Rudy: "My Eyes; My Penis; My Soul" (Poetry). vol. 29 (3): 428
Box 17
Kilson, Martin: "Black Studies - Anatomy of the Black Studies Movement" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 718
Box 17
Kilson, Martin: "Directions in Black Studies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 701
Box 17
Kim, Shirley Geok-lin: "Starlight Haven; Mean Confession" (Poetry). vol. 29 (3): 421
Box 17
Kimball, L. E.: "Space Dwellers" (Fiction). vol. 46 (2): 295
Box 17
Kimel, Leslie: "Wish Slipper" (Fiction). vol. 36 (2): 266
Box 17
King, Amanda Brauman: "Fam da Sham" (Fiction). vol. 44 (3): 494
Box 17
King, Bruce: "West Indian Drama and the Rockefller Foundation, 1957-70: Derek Walcott, The Little Carib and the University of the West Indies" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (4-Mar): 493
Box 17
King, Jane: "Domesticity; Jealousy" (Poetry). vol. 35 (4-Mar): 410
Box 17
King, Jerome: "Reform of a College" (Poetry). vol. 11 (3): 522
Box 17
King, "Rev. Martin Luther, Jr.: "A Legacy of Creative Protests" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 43
Box 17
King, Rima: "Snodgrass on Eliot" (Fiction). vol. 17 (4): 715
Box 17
King, Rima: "Accidents Will Happen" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 148
Box 17
King, Robert: "Fatal Metaphors" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 709
Box 17
King, Robert: "Psychic Numbing and Grumberg's L'Atelier" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (4): 580
Box 17
King, Robert: "Recent Drama" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (1): 87
Box 17
King, Robert: "Recent Drama" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (1): 122
Box 17
King, Robert: "Recent Drama" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (2-Jan): 273
Box 17
King, Robert: "Recent Drama" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (1): 147
Box 17
King, Robert: "Edinburgh and the Idea of a Festival" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (2): 305
Box 17
King, Robert: "Rising Up Together" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 580
Box 17
King, Robert: "The Play of Uncertain Ideas" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (2): 165
Box 17
King-Farlow, John: "The Logic of Tyranny: A New Russian Voice" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 11
Box 17
King-Farlow, John: "Recent Texts in Philosophy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (4): 858
Box 17
Kingsley, Chris: "Flag Etiquette" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 296
Box 17
Kinnell, Galway: "Street of Gold" (Poetry). vol. 31 (3): 338
Box 17
Kinney, Arthur: "Lear" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (4): 677
Box 17
Kinney, Arthur: "Flannery O'Connor and the Fiction of Grace" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (1): 71
Box 17
Kinney, Arthur: "Dorothy Parker's Letter to Alexander Woolcott" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (3): 487
Box 17
Kinsella, Thomas: "Downstream (ii)" (Poetry). vol. 5 (2): 323
Box 17
Kirchway, Karl: "Lost Wax" (Poetry). vol. 29 (3): 519
Box 17
Kirecci, M. Akif: "Political Criticism in the Short Stories of Yusuf Idris: Innocence and 19502" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (4): 672
Box 17
Kirschner, Elizabeth: "Life in the Orphanage" (Poetry). vol. 32 (2): 194
Box 17
Kirstein, Lincoln: "William Rimmer - His Life and Art" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 685
Box 17
Kirstein, Lincoln: "Das Schloss Restspielhaus" (Poetry). vol. 3 (2): 269
Box 17
Kirstein, Lincoln: "Eisenstain" (Poetry). vol. 7 (1): 145
Box 17
Kirstein, Lincoln: "March" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 247
Box 17
Klappert, Peter: "Lugging Vegetables to Nantuckett" (Poetry). vol. 10 (1): 36
Box 17
Klappert, Peter: "Instructions from the Dean of Menopause" (Poetry). vol. 12 (2): 332
Box 17
Klein, Jacob: "Socrates and Aristophanes" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 399
Box 17
Kleinschmidt, Edward: "Avenues in Bloom; Celebrating Thinking" (Poetry). vol. 25 (4): 513
Box 17
Kleinschmidt, Edward: "Mumbo Jumbo" (Poetry). vol. 29 (3): 450
Box 17
Kleinschmidt, Edward: "Tabula Rasa" (Poetry). vol. 30 (2): 238
Box 17
Kleinschmidt, Edward: "Syllable; Vice Versa" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 159
Box 17
Kleinschmidt, Edward: "Do-It-Yourself" (Poetry). vol. 34 (3): 332
Box 17
Kleinschmidt, Edward: "The Next to the Last Supper" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 250
Box 17
Klimo, Jon: "Christmas 1964" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 797
Box 17
Kline, Nancy: "In My Son's Cambodia" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (3): 323
Box 17
Knapp, Peggy A.: "Hamlet and Daniel (and Freud and Marx)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (3): 487
Box 17
Knapp, Peggy A.: "Women's Freud" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 338
Box 17
Knight, Arthur Winfield: "Harvey Swados" (Poetry). vol. 15 (3): 404
Box 17
Knight, Arthur Winfield: "The Writer" (Poetry). vol. 15 (3): 521
Box 17
Knight, John: "Open Eyed: Impera Poem" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 566
Box 17
Knoepfle, John: "Mexican Independence Day, Fairmont City, IL" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 539
Box 17
Knott, Bill: "Self-Portrait of the Poet as Hyena" (Poetry). vol. 38 (2): 196
Box 17
Knox, Caroline: "Sacagawea" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 387
Box 17
Knox, Caroline: "Angelo" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 580
Box 17
Knox, Caroline: "Lizzie Borden Through Art and Literature" (Poetry). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 446
Box 17
Kobin, J.: "Sisters" (Fiction). vol. 20 (4): 689
Box 17
Koehler, G. Stanley: "Coming through Fog; Footprints for Fresh Earth; Over the Side; Report on a Gunnery Exercise" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 125
Box 17
Koehler, G. Stanley: "Notes for a Gathering" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 278
Box 17
Koehler, G. Stanley: "The Perfect Destroyers" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 509
Box 17
Koehler, G. Stanley: "Contours of Greece" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 273
Box 17
Koehler, Stanley: "Mulch" (Poetry). vol. 43 (1): 182
Box 17
Kohler, Sandra: "The Wedding" (Poetry). vol. 20 (2): 310
Box 17
Kohler, Sandra: "Trying to Talk about Sex" (Poetry). vol. 31 (3): 369
Box 17
Kohler, Sandra: "Stubborn Weed" (Poetry). vol. 32 (4): 507
Box 17
Kohler, Sheila: "Luck" (Fiction). vol. 38 (1): 113
Box 17
Kolen, Amy: "Fire" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (1): 13
Box 17
Kolumban, Nicholas: "Contemporary Hungarian Poets" (Poetry). vol. 32 (4): 487
Box 17
Komunyakaa, Yusef: "Kosmos" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 87
Box 17
Koncel, Mary A.: "Doing the Town in Cleveland, Ohio; Ho-Hum" (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 679
Box 17
Koncel, Mary A.: "Learning to Ride the Elephant" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): inside front cover
Box 17
Koncel, Mary A.: "Bless This Night; Love Poem" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 85
Box 17
Konecky, Edith: "The Power" (Fiction). vol. 9 (4): 651
Box 17
Koopman, Louise Osgood: "The Thoreau Romance" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 61
Box 17
Kornblith, Gary J.: "Self-Made Men: The Development of Middling-Class Consciousness in New England" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 461
Box 17
Kostelanetz, Anne: "Manifesto for a New French Novel" (Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 181
Box 17
Kostelanetz, Richard: "Into the Pressure Cooker" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (3): 595
Box 17
Kostelanetz, Richard: "Conversation with Berryman" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (2): 340
Box 17
Kostelanetz, Richard: "Glenn Gould as a Radio Composer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (3): 557
Box 17
Kostopulos-Cooperman, Celeste: "Los Desparecidos "The Disappeared" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 582
Box 17
Kothari, Geeta: "I Brake For Moose" (Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 660
Box 17
Kovacik, Karen: "To Warsaw" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 70
Box 17
Kramer, Aaron: "12:35 Express" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 694
Box 18
Kramer, Hilton: "Remembering Harvey Swados" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 226
Box 18
Kramer, Hilton: " (Non-Fiction). vol. (1): 105
Box 18
Kraus, Sharon: "Yellow Sweater; The Messenger" (Poetry). vol. 40 (2): 189
Box 18
Krause, David: "Sean O'Casey: 1880-1964" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 233
Box 18
Krause, David: "The Paradox of Ideological Formalism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 516
Box 18
Kreilkamp, Vera: "The Persistent Pattern: Molly Keane's Recent Big House Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 453
Box 18
Kress, Leonard: "Coach" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 128
Box 18
Kress, Leonard: "Terrible Liberty" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 54
Box 18
Kress, Leonard: "Overalls" (Poetry). vol. 45 (1): 155
Box 18
Krich, A.M.: "1985 Memorial Day" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 503
Box 18
Krieger, Murray: "After the New Criticism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 183
Box 18
Kritzberg, Barry: "Thoreau, Slavery, and Resistance to Civil Government" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (4): 535
Box 18
Kroll, Kathleen: "The White Papers: Letter (1861-1865) of Pvt. herman Lorenzo White, 22nd Regiment MA Volunteers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (2): 248
Box 18
Krolow, Karl: "Keeping on Going; Together" (Poetry). vol. 22 (3): 551
Box 18
Kronen, Steve: "Tolstoy on the Train to Astapovo" (Poetry). vol. 32 (3): 357
Box 18
Krysl, Marilyn: "Apples; January; February Without Death" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 414
Box 18
Kuffel, Frances: "Homes and Gardens" (Fiction). vol. 26 (1): 93
Box 18
Kulik, Gary: "Factory Discipline in the new Nation; Almy, Brown and Slater and the First Cotton-Mill Workers, 1790-1808" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (1): 164
Box 18
Kulkarni, Venkatesh Srinivas: "The Diamond at the Bottom of the Well" (Fiction). vol. 22 (3): 449
Box 18
Kumin, Maxine: "Miss Cusack's Familiars; The Edge" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 123
Box 18
Kumin, Maxine: "Hello, Hello, Henry" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 436
Box 18
Kumin, Maxine: "Life's Work" (Poetry). vol. 13 (2-Jan): 144
Box 18
Kumin, Maxine: "Bread is Born" (Poetry). vol. 14 (4): 688
Box 18
Kumin, Maxine: "My Elusive Guests; New England Gardener Gets Personal" (Poetry). vol. 26 (3-Feb): 175
Box 18
Kumin, Maxine: "Whitman Commentary" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 90
Box 18
Kumin, Maxine: "The Exchange" (Poetry). vol. 37 (4): 529
Box 18
Kupelweiser, Leopold: "Schubert, Franz Peter" (Art). vol. 19 (2): back cover
Box 18
Kuykendall, Mabel M.: "The Penitente" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 564
Box 18
Kuzma, Greg: "America" (Poetry). vol. 25 (2): 285
Box 18
Kuzma, Greg: "The Rain" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 222
Box 18
Kuznetz, Ella: "The Soul of Oliver Sacks" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (2): 175
Box 18
L.B., : "A Note on Micheal Ayrton" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 752
Box 18
La Duke, Betty: "Embroideries of Life and Death" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 33
Box 18
La Leau, Leon: "Delicate Silence" (Poetry). vol. 15 (2-Jan): 125
Box 18
La Rose, John: "Morning of the 2nd of May" (Poetry). vol. 15 (2-Jan): 85
Box 18
La Rose, John: "Prose Poem for a Conference" (Poetry). vol. 15 (2-Jan): 86
Box 18
La Rue, Dorie: "Leda" (Poetry). vol. 28 (2): 350
Box 18
La Salle, Peter: "Whispering Saturday" (Fiction). vol. 23 (2): 289
Box 18
La Salle, Peter: "The Idea of Haiti" (Poetry). vol. 25 (4): 605
Box 18
La Salle, Peter: "A Good Chowder" (Fiction). vol. 34 (3): 347
Box 18
La Salle, Peter: "True Tales" (Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 557
Box 18
Lachaise, Gaston: "A Comment on My Sculptures" (Art). vol. 1 (4): 693
Box 18
Lachaise, Gaston: "Eight Sculptures" (Art). vol. 1 (4): 684
Box 18
Lachaise, Gaston: "Marianne Moore" (Art). vol. 1 (4): cover
Box 18
Lacy, Suzanne: "Violence; Black Ore" (Poetry). vol. 15 (4): 596
Box 18
Ladd, "Everett Carll, Jr.: "The Changing Face of American Political Ideology" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 251
Box 18
Laing, Dilys: "Ghost Story; Night Creatures; Scape-Grace" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 646
Box 18
Laing, Dilys: "Kwan Yin" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 252
Box 18
Laino, E.J. Miller: "One of the Professors" (Poetry). vol. 34 (1): 78
Box 18
Laino, E.J. Miller: "Hard Woods; Skimming the Turtle" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 60
Box 18
Laino, E.J. Miller: "Telling the Truth" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 205
Box 18
Laino, E.J. Miller: "Door" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 148
Box 18
Lally, Michael D.: "More Notes from a Dark Secret; Once" (Poetry). vol. 10 (2): 377
Box 18
Lamberg, Fernando: "LXXI" (Fiction). vol. 15 (2-Jan): 280
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "The Nouvelle Vague in French Theatre" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 381
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "Death and Tragi-Comedy: Three Plays for the New Theatre" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 381
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "The Confessions of Moses Herzog (review)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 630
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "An Interview with Eugene Ionesco" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 128
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "The Gap, by Eugene Ionesco, translated by Rosette Lamont" (Drama). vol. 10 (1): 119
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "Phantoms, My Companions" (Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 10
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "Dionysus' Coming to New York (review)" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 515
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "Joseph Brodsky: A Poet's Classroom" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (4): 553
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "Louise Bourgeois: Sculpture as Happening" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 229
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "Coma Versus Comma: John Donne's Holy Sonnets in Edson's Wit" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 569
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "The Triple Courage of Charlotte Delbo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 483
Box 18
Lamont, Rosette: "Edward Bond's DE-LEAR-IUM" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 308
Box 18
Lamott, Kenneth: "Colonel Higashi" (Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 11
Box 18
Lan, Ly: "The Black Horse" (Fiction). vol. 39 (3): 333
Box 18
Landis, Joseph C.: "The Sadness of Philip Roth: an Interim Report" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 259
Box 18
Landor, R.: "The Curtain Raised - An Interview with Karl Marx" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 445
Box 18
Landy, Marcia: "Anecdote as Destiny: Isak Dinesenand the Storyteller" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (2): 389
Box 18
Langland, Joseph: "From Haruspicating on Valley-View Farm: Sacrifice of My Neighbors; Sacrifice of the Sparrows of the Fields" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 312
Box 18
Langland, Joseph: "How Ir, So Help Me, Was" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 53
Box 18
Langland, Joseph: "A Stone for a Maker" (Poetry). vol. 10 (1): 9
Box 18
Langland, Joseph: "Norwegian Rivers" (Poetry). vol. 16 (3): 567
Box 18
Langland, Joseph: "In the Shell of the Ear and Other Poems" (Poetry). vol. 18 (2): 333
Box 18
Langland, Joseph: "In Our Time, A Long Time" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 660
Box 18
Langland, Joseph: "Recognitions & Recollections" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 329
Box 18
Langland, Joseph T.: "For Ralph Ellison: Then and Now" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 614
Box 18
Langton, Daniel F.: "Chinese Sound" (Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 414
Box 18
Lanoie, Christine: "Cities Beneath Them" (Fiction). vol. 46 (3): 484
Box 18
Lansky, Aaron: "Yiddish in the Soviet Union: A First-Person Report" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (4):
Box 18
Lapinsky, Steven: "Deer" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 313
Box 18
Larkin, Oliver W.: "Daumier: The Later Phase" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (4): 805
Box 18
Larson, Jean Russell: "Racing Fragments" (Poetry). vol. 11 (3): 584
Box 18
Larson, Kathy: "Arraignment" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 107
Box 18
LaSalle, Peter: "The Forest of Titles" (Fiction). vol. 45 (1): 33
Box 18
Lasch, Christopher: "Herman Kahn on Thermonuclear War: What Price Survival?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (5): 574
Box 18
Laser, Michael: "The American Queen" (Fiction). vol. 26 (1): 128
Box 18
Laser, Michael: "Mr. Ng at the Great Wall" (Fiction). vol. 29 (1): 136
Box 18
Laser, Michael: "O Nosso Amor" (Fiction). vol. 34 (4): 505
Box 18
Lash, Joseph P.: "Eleanor and Franklin" (Non-Fiction). vol. (2-Jan): 281
Box 18
Lash, Kenneth: "Fair Elayne and the Frogman" (Fiction). vol. 23 (2): 203
Box 18
Lash, Kenneth: "The Unnecessay Overcoat" (Fiction). vol. 26 (4): 595
Box 18
Lass, Andrew: "The King of May: A Conversation Between Allen Ginsberg and Andrew Lass" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (2): 169
Box 18
Lass, Andrew: "The King of May: An Update" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (2): 165
Box 18
Lass, Andrew: "Julius" (Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 331
Box 18
Latham, Earl: "Democracy and Power in an American City" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 606
Box 18
Lau, Evelyn: "My Tragic Opera" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 511
Box 18
Laurie, Bruce: "Interview with Jules Chametsky" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 47
Box 18
Laurie, Bruce: "Jules Chametsky's Union Years" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 34
Box 18
Lauter, Paul: "A Stranger and Afraid" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 777
Box 18
Lauter, Paul: "Kissinger and Cousins: No Guarantee Exist" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 362
Box 18
Lauter, Paul: "Thoreau's Prophetic Testimony" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 111
Box 18
Lauterbach, Ann: "What is a Day" (Poetry). vol. 43 (3): 498
Box 18
Lauterbach, Ann: "What Is a Day?" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 498
Box 18
Lavery, David L.: "The Visionary Art of Annie Dillard" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 255
Box 18
Lawall, Sally: "Dada and Surrealist Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 354
Box 18
Lawrence, Leslie: "I Don't Eat Potatoes" (Fiction). vol. 21 (4): 769
Box 18
Lawrence, Leslie: "Fits and Starts: Notes on (Yet) Another Writer's Beginnings" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (1): 43
Box 18
Lawrence, Shaffer: "Obsessed with Vertigo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (3): 383
Box 18
Lawson, Jack B.: "A Question of Taste" (Fiction). vol. 8 (3): 457
Box 18
Laxness, Halldor: "The Fish Concert" (Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 7
Box 18
Lay, Norma: "Clearance" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 471
Box 18
Lay, Norma: "Thought in Time of Sorrow" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 411
Box 18
Lazard, Naomi: "The Last Covenant" (Poetry). vol. 16 (2): 400 - 404
Box 18
Lazard, Naomi: "I Will Go to Israel" (Poetry). vol. 19 (1): 167
Box 18
Lazarus, Arnold: "Traveler's Agent" (Poetry). vol. 7 (1): 104
Box 18
Lazerowitz, Morris: "The Hidden Structure of Philosophical Theories" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (4): 723
Box 18
Le Fave, Kelley: "Hair" (Poetry). vol. 39 (4): 511
Box 18
Lea, Henry A.: "Gerhard Marcks' On His Life and Works" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 518
Box 18
Lea, Henry A.: "A Descriptive Approach to Mahler" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 401
Box 18
Lea, Henry A.: "A Descriptive Approach to Mahler" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 401
Box 18
Lea, Henry A.: "Mahler's Extraterritoriality" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (3): 341
Box 18
Lea, Sydney: "A Dream near Water" (Poetry). vol. 21 (2): 271
Box 18
Leal, Vivian: "Pigeons" (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 328
Box 18
Lealand, S.C.: "Siren" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 496
Box 18
Leavis, F.R.: "Trust Fund Appeal" (Poetry). vol. 5 (2): 407
Box 18
Leavis, F.R.: "T.S. Eliot and the Life of English Literature" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (02\1): 9
Box 18
Leblond, Marius-Ary: "Bresdin in America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 91
Box 18
Lebrun, Rico: "Clown" (Art). vol. 1 (2): cover
Box 18
Lebrun, Rico: "Eight Drawings" (Art). vol. 1 (2): 300f.
Box 18
Lebrun, Rico: "Random Notes" (Art). vol. 1 (2): 300
Box 18
Lee, Donna J. Gelagotis: "First Night in Athens" (Poetry). vol. 45 (3): 391
Box 19
Lee, Li-Young: "Become Becoming" (Poetry). vol. 44 (4): 596
Box 19
Lee, Li-Young: "Earth Unsung " (Poetry). vol. 44 (4): 596
Box 19
Lee, Sharon Heijin: "The Story of Gimchi Chigae" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 381
Box 19
Lee, Yu-Hwa: "The Scholar's Woman" (Fiction). vol. 6 (4): 785
Box 19
Leger, Fernand: "The Chaplinade" (Art). vol. 6 (3): 497
Box 19
Leger, Frenand: "The Chaplinade: A Film Poem" (Art). vol. 6 (3): 497
Box 19
Leger, Susan Hl: "The Strange Impossibility of Feminist Criticism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 330
Box 19
Lehrman, Emily: "a Week Like Any Other Week" (Fiction). vol. 15 (4): 657
Box 19
Lehrman, Leonard: "The Days of the Commune" (Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 541
Box 19
Leight, Peter: "Frame" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 721
Box 19
Leitao, Lino: "Accident" (Fiction). vol. 30 (1): 85
Box 19
Leitch, Vincent: "personal Retrospective on Theory: Changing Paradigms from the 1960s to 1990s" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (1): 44
Box 19
Leland, S.C.: "Playing Under the Apple Tree, This River that is East of Eden" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 690
Box 19
"Lemmon, Jr.", Dallas M.: "Third Day" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 460
Box 19
Lenoux, Penny: "When Republics Go Banans" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (4-Mar): 473
Box 19
Lenson, David: "Hopkins: The Bedspring; Wordsworth: The Moose Flayer" (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 782
Box 19
Lenson, David: "Herodiade" (Drama). vol. 30 (4): 573
Box 19
Lenson, David: "L'Homme des Sept Jours and Independence is for 1993" (Poetry). vol. 31 (2-Jan): 28 / 61
Box 19
Lenson, David: "Mystery Drug One" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 43
Box 19
Lenson, David: "Interview with Michael Lenson" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (3): 421
Box 19
Lenson (trans.), David: "Independence is for 1993" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (01 & 02): 61
Box 19
Lenz, Dr. Gunter: "The riffs, runs, breaks, and distortions of the music of a community in transition Redefining African Modernism and the Jazz Aesthetic in Langston Hughes' Montage of a Dream Deferred and Ask Your Mama" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 269
Box 19
Lerman, Eleanor: "Five Poems from "Come the Sweet" and "By and By" (Poetry). vol. 14 (2): 273-280
Box 19
Lerner, Jimmy A. : "And Shapiro's Little Dog Too!" (Poetry). vol. 43 (1): 181
Box 19
Leroux, Jean Marie: "Franz Peter Schubert" (Art). vol. (): cover
Box 19
LeRoy, Gaylord C.: "American Innocence Reconsidered" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 623
Box 19
Lesley, Craig: "Elk Hunt" (Fiction). vol. 24 (4): 747
Box 19
Lesser, Rika: "Ein Geliebtes: The Body of the Work" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 30
Box 19
Lesser, Rika: "Prescriptions from Sleeplessness" (Poetry). vol. 17 (4): 763
Box 19
Lesser, Rika: "Etruscan Things: Lucien's Ploughman 1848" (Poetry). vol. 21 (1): 39
Box 19
Lester, Julius: "The Ram's Horn" (Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 329
Box 19
Lester, Julius: "Photographs" (Art). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 88
Box 19
Levenson, J.C.: "Thorstein Veblen's Practical Cats" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 753
Box 19
Levertov, Denise: "Song for Ishtar" (Poetry). vol. 3 (2): 345
Box 19
Levin, Bob: "The Best Ride to New York" (Fiction). vol. 17 (2): 267
Box 19
Levin, David: "Baldwin's Autobriographical Essays: The Problem of Neghro Identity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 239
Box 19
Levin, Harry: "What was Modernism?" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 609
Box 19
Levin, Harry: "Revisiting Dos Passos' USA" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (3): 401
Box 19
Levin, Susan M.: "Subtle Fire: Dorothy Wordsworth's Prose and Poetry" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (2): 345
Box 19
Levin, Zachary: "Diana Makes the Rounds" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 734
Box 19
Levine, Paul: "The Intemperate Zone: The Climate of contemporary American Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (3): 505
Box 19
Levine, Philip: "Sisters" (Poetry). vol. 11 (1): 154
Box 19
Levine, Sara: "The Body of a Cow" (Non-Fiction). vol. 47 (1):
Box 19
Leviten, David: "An Autumnal; To a Classical Fragment" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 722
Box 19
Leviten, David: "I See, for W.C. Williams" (Poetry). vol. 3 (2): 300
Box 19
Levitt, Helen: "The Photographs of Helen Levitt" (Art). vol. 19 (4): 729
Box 19
Levoy, Myron: "the Invention" (Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 113
Box 19
Levoy, Myron: "Absurd, Absurd" (Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 239
Box 19
Levy, Howard: "Grandfather" (Poetry). vol. 25 (3): 366
Box 19
Lewalski, Barbara K.: "Frederico Fellini's Purgatorio" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 567
Box 19
Lewin, Ralph A.: "A Stroll on Buzzards bay" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 292
Box 19
Lewin, Ralph A.: "One Summer in Paris" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 571
Box 19
Lewis, Cynthia: "Sporting Adam's Rib: The Culture of Women Bodybuilders in America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 604
Box 19
Lewis, David Levering: "Dr. Johnson's Friends: Civil Rights by copyright" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (3): 501
Box 19
Lewis, Karen: "Sorority" (Art). vol. 24 (2): 363
Box 19
Lewis, Lesle: "Noisy Bird" (Poetry). vol. 46 (4): 587
Box 19
Lewis, R.W.B.: "Hart Crane and the Clown Tradition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 745
Box 19
Lewis, R.W.B.: "Crane's visionary Lyric: the Way to the Bridge" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 227
Box 19
Lewis, Robin Coste: "She has Eight Arms, but Only Shows me Two" (Fiction). vol. 41 (2): 163
Box 19
Liben, Meyer: "You're it" (Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 415
Box 19
Lichtenstein, Jesse: "She with a Flower in Her Hair" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 19
Lieber, Emma: "St. Petersburg Portraits" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (1): 129
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "Four Photographs" (Art). vol. 2 (1): 141
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "Political Portraits" (Art). vol. 13 (3): 421
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "bronze bust of Paul Robeson by Jacob Epstein" (Art). vol. 17 (1):
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "Intro: Photography" (Art). vol. 19 (4): 630 intro; 783 photographs
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "Basket, Emily Dickinson's Window; Tombstone, marblehead, MA" (Art). vol. 26 (3-Feb): front and back cover
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "Palestinian boy in East Jerusalem" (Art). vol. 32 (1): front cover
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "photographs" (Art). vol. 34 (4): 545 and cover
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "3 Portraits" (Art). vol. 40 (3): 309
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "3 Portraits" (Art). vol. 40 (3): 309 / cover
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "City and Country" (Art). vol. 40 (4): 577
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "A Family Photograph, Brooklyn" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 13
Box 19
Liebling, Jerome: "Portrait of Jules Chametzky" (Art). vol. 44 (1 & 2): C
Box 19
Liebling, Madeline: "Photographs" (Art). vol. 11 (3): 537
Box 19
Liebling, Phyllis: "A Visit to Red Lake" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 139
Box 19
Lietz, Robert: "Poem After Seeing a Photograph of the Turin Shroud" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 695
Box 19
Lifshin, Lyn: "My Mother's Knife" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 363
Box 19
Lifson, Martha Ronk: "Ghost-Dreams from the Sea" (Poetry). vol. 20 (2): 335
Box 19
Lihn, Enrique: "Alice in Nightmareland" (Poetry). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 472
Box 19
Lim, Shirley Geok-Lin: "Identifying Foods, Identifying Selves" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 297
Box 19
Lima, Frank: "Maria Magdelena's Extreme Unction; "Dante and Beatrice are 57 Today" (Poetry). vol. 38 (3): 338
Box 19
Lim-Wilson, Fatima: "from The Bridal Book II" (Poetry). vol. 34 (1): 34
Box 19
Lindberg, Katheryne V.: "W.E.B. Du Bois's Dusk of Dawn and James Yates's Mississippi to Madrid..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (2): 283
Box 19
Lindeman, Jack: "Trying for Solitude" (Poetry). vol. 7 (1): 45
Box 19
Lindenbaum, Peter: "Prospero's Anger" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (1): 161
Box 19
Linder, Carl: "Death of a Mouse;The Gull and the Nun" (Poetry). vol. 4 (3): 529
Box 19
Lindquist-Cock, Elizabeth: "Sentiment, Compassion, Straight Record:The Mid-Victorians" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (4): 717
Box 19
Linn, Judith: " (Art). vol. 15 (3): 445
Box 19
Lintermans, Tony: "Two Brothers Renovate the Farmhouse & Stone Wall about to Fall" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 266
Box 19
Linton, W.J.: "from a letter of 1871" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 478
Box 19
Lippman, Matthew: "Out of the Air" (Poetry). vol. 34 (3): 365
Box 19
Lipsitz, Lou: "You will not be like those" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 440
Box 19
Lipsitz, Lou: "They are dreaming a lot in Warsaw these days, march1982" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 9
Box 19
Lisk, Thomas David: "Whitman's Attic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 47 (1):
Box 19
Little, Geraldine: "Revelations & Rosa Bonheur" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 227
Box 19
Little , Carl: "The Life and poetry of Abbie Huston Evans" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (2): 247
Box 19
Littlecrow-Russell, Sara: "A Good Night" (Poetry). vol. 43 (1): 412
Box 19
Liu, Timothy: "Survivors & poem" (Poetry). vol. 34 (4): 577
Box 19
Liu, Timothy: "Happy valley" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 596
Box 19
Liu, Timothy: "Last Day" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 216
Box 19
Llosa, Mario Vargas: "Taking a Stand" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 511
Box 19
Lock, Charles: "Derek Walcott's Omeros: Echoes from a White-throated vase" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (1): 9
Box 19
Locke, Edward: "For Winslow Homer" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 750
Box 19
Lockwood, Betty: "To our bodies" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 249
Box 19
Lockwood, Margo: "Anonymous and A weak friend" (Poetry). vol. 15 (3): 402
Box 19
Logan, John: "The Piano Scholar" (Poetry). vol. 23 (2): 349
Box 19
Loiseaux, William: "Beside the Passaic" (Fiction). vol. 28 (1): 50
Box 19
Long, James: "Prologue" (Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 577
Box 19
Long, Robert Hill: "Fleur-de-lys & Virgin oil" (Poetry). vol. 30 (1): 96
Box 19
Longley, Michael: "The King of the Island & Conversations" (Poetry). vol. 28 (3): 381
Box 19
Longsworth, Polly: "Was Mr. Dudley Dear? Emily Dickinson & John Langdon Dudley" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (2 & 3): 360
Box 19
Lonidier, Lynn: "Sow" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 540
Box 19
Lopenzina, Andrew: "Ursa Major" (Fiction). vol. 39 (1): 115
Box 19
Lopez, James: "Cousin Myth" (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 406
Box 19
Lorca, Frederica Garcia: "Ballad of the Moon, The Moon, Preciosa and the air, The Unfaithful wife" (Poetry). vol. 18 (4): 821
Box 19
Lorde, Audre: "Black mother woman" (Poetry). vol. 13 (1 & 2): 222
Box 19
Lorde, Audre: "Solstice, In Margaret's garden, Timing" (Poetry). vol. 16 (2): 369
Box 19
Lorenz, Johnny: "Education by Windows" (Poetry). vol. 46 (3): 494
Box 19
Lourie, Dick: "Letters to the dead:Carol Baum" (Poetry). vol. 377 (1): 132
Box 19
Louthan, Robert: "New of the Urban Life" (Poetry). vol. 21 (2): 332
Box 19
Louthan, Robert: "Mother's Routine" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 714
Box 19
Love, Monifa: "Attitude of the Spectator; Listening to Jimi Hendrix Near Lafayette Park (2 poems)" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 615
Box 19
Love, Peter: "Oblivion, Nebraska" (Fiction). vol. 39 (1): 37
Box 19
Low, Lisa: "Ridding Ourselves of Macbeth" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (4): 825
Box 19
Lowe, Charles: " (Art). vol. 12 (1): 33
Box 19
Lowenfels, Walter: "unpublished preface to Tropic of Cancer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 481
Box 19
Lowry, Betty: "The Unfulfilled" (Poetry). vol. 16 (1): 72
Box 19
Lowry, Malcolm: "The Devil's Kitchen, The exile, Bosum's song" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 412
Box 19
Loy, Mina: "Gertrude Stein, Bancusi's Golden Bird" (Poetry). vol. 34 (2): 244 & 246
Box 19
Lucid, Robert: "Norman Mailer: The Artist as Fantasy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (4): 581
Box 19
Lukacs, Attila Richard: " (Art). vol. 31 (1 & 2): 117
Box 19
Lund, Jane: " (Art). vol. 18 (1): 81
Box 19
Lund, Jane: " (Art). vol. 24 (2): 365
Box 19
Lunin, Jane: "Langley Porter Neuro Psychiatric institute 3 am" (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 354
Box 19
Lunn, Eugene: "European Social Thought in the 20th century" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (1): 98
Box 19
Luria-Sukenick, Lynn: "Still life with bath" (Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 33
Box 19
Luterman, Alison: "Poem for a refrigerator door" (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 734
Box 19
Luthra, Rashmi: "notes of an Indian Socialist Feminist" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 677
Box 19
Luvisi, Mary: "Summer" (Fiction). vol. 38 (3): 417
Box 19
Lux, Thomas: "The Midnight Tennis match, if you see this man, the 5 room apartment" (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 448
Box 19
Lux, Thomas: "Walt Whitman's brain dropped on laboratory floor" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 91
Box 19
Luzi, Mario: "The Whirlpools of sickness and health, " (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 425
Box 19
Lynes, Andrea: "A bone could never be a verb" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 238
Box 20
Lynn, Kenneth: "Hemingway's Dangerous Summer" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 177
Box 20
Lyon, David: "Salamander & Severed in Spring Plowing" (Poetry). vol. 22 (1): 152
Box 20
Lyon, Rick: "Confession" (Poetry). vol. 32 (4): 494
Box 20
Lyons, Brenda: "Interview with Ntozake Shange" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 687
Box 20
Lyons, Brenda: "Interview with Ntozake Shange" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 687
Box 20
Lyons, Louis: "The Legend of J.F.K." (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 209
Box 20
Macari, Anne Marie: "Elegy For a Girl Singer" (Poetry). vol. 45 (4): 648
Box 20
MacDiarmid, Hugh: "By Wauchopeside," "Whuchulls," "The Royal Stag" (Poetry). vol. 8 (1): 123
Box 20
MacDonald, Cynthia: "Supplanting the Beloved, Degrees of pen/man/ship,postcard of child..." (Poetry). vol. 22 (4): 718
Box 20
MacInnes, Mairi: "Helen" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 144
Box 20
MacInnes, Mairi: "I Object, said the object" (Poetry). vol. 8 (4): 618
Box 20
MacInnes, Mairi: "Mother" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 300
Box 20
MacKay, John: "Written after hearing Ellington in concert July 1961" (Poetry). vol. 3 (3): 490
Box 20
MacLeish, Archibald: "A Memorial Tribute to Carl Sandburg" (Poetry).
Box 20
MacLeish, Archibald: Correspondence
Box 20

Concerning interviews with MacLeish.

MacLeish, Archibald: Correspondence
Box 20

Concerning interviews with MacLeish.

MacLeod, Alistair: "The Boat" (Fiction). vol. 9 (2): 247
Box 20
MacMillan, Ian: "Ashes" (Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 765
Box 20
MacNeice, Louis: "One for the Grave" (Drama). vol. 8 (1): 13
Box 20
Macridis, Roy C.: "Greek Political Freedom and United States Foreign Policy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 147
Box 20
MacShane, Frank: "Ford Maddox Ford as Poet and Editor" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 768
Box 20
MacShane, Frank: "Edward Dahlberg" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (1): 55
Box 20
Madden, David: "Observer:The Cartridge Belt" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 681
Box 20
Madden , David: "The Theatre of Assault: Four Off-Off Broadway Plays" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 713
Box 20
Maddock, Mary: "From 'Northern Elegy'" (Poetry). vol. 24 (1): 107
Box 20
Madsen, William G.: "The Muse's Method" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (4): 798
Box 20
Maglin, Nan Bauer: "Women in 3 Sinclair Lewis Novels" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (4): 783
Box 20
Mahfouz, Naguib: "The Mummy Awakens" (Fiction). vol. 42 (4): 507
Box 20
Mahoney, Daniel: "#51" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 397
Box 20
Mailhot, Michele: "The Palm Tree" (Fiction). vol. 31 (1 & 2): 75
Box 20
Mainzer, Lewis C.: "Church,State, and Perfection" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 215
Box 20
Mairowitz, David Zane: "The Tidings Brought to Sylvie" (Fiction).
Box 20
Major, Clarence: "Tattoo" (Fiction). vol. 22 (4): 751
Box 20
Major, J.W. Jr.: "Mr. Green" (Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 33
Box 20
Makari, George J.: "The Most Forgotten Alien Land" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (3): 371
Box 20
Maki, John: "The Changing Society of Japan" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 171
Box 20
Malanga, Gerard: "21-Nov-95" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 512
Box 20
Malanga, Gerard: "Musings " (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 217
Box 20
Maldonado-Denis, Manuel: "The Political Situation in Puerto Rico" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (01 & 02): 221
Box 20
Malin, Irving: "Singer's Contraries" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 608
Box 20
Malinowitz, Harriet: "Lumps" (Fiction). vol. 20 (4): 779
Box 20
Malinowitz, Michael: "All the Subjects on the Threshold" (Poetry). vol. 23 (1): 192
Box 20
Malins, Edward: "Yeats and the Easter Uprising" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 271
Box 20
Manalansan, Martin F., IV: "Prairiescapes: Mapping Food, Loss and Longing" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 346
Box 20
Mandel, Oscar: "Island" (Drama). vol. 2 (2): 265
Box 20
Mandel, Oscar: "Reactionary Notes on the Theatre" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (1): 101
Box 20
Mandelbaum, Paul: "The Omelet King" (Fiction). vol. 40 (2): 229
Box 20
Mann, John: "Mr. Mann Visits the Free Medical Clinic, Pays Good Money for a Skinny au Lait" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 633
Box 20
Mannur, Anita: "Introduction for Volume 45, #3, Special Food Issue" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 209
Box 20
Mansbridge, Jane: "Conflict in a New England Town Meeting" (Non-Fiction).
Box 20
Maraniss, James: "Joaquina, Danae, and the Spanish Civil War" (Fiction). vol. 37 (1): 15
Box 20
Marcks, Gerhard: "On His Life & Work" (Art). vol. 2 (3): 515-517
Box 20
Marcus, Adrainne: "Feeding time at the Snake Cage" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 612
Box 20
Marcus, Mordecai: "Emily Dickinson: A Balanced View" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 183
Box 20
Marcus, Mordecai: "Frederick Goddard Tuckerman's 'The Cricket'" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 403
Box 20
Marcus, Morton: "Miners" (Poetry).
Box 20
Marder, Herbert: "Witness: Shoah's Children" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (2): 294
Box 20
Margulis, Lynn: "The Unfaithful Wife" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 505
Box 20
Margulis, Max: "The Duality of Bygone Jazz" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 385
Box 20
Mariani, Paul: "The Critic as friend in Pascagoula" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 162
Box 20
Mariani, Paul: "Fresh Flowers for the urn:" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 715
Box 20
Mariani, Paul: "From the Civil War Letters & Diary of E.W. Stone..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 759
Box 20
Mariani, Paul: "Goodnight Irene" (Poetry). vol. 24 (4): 763
Box 20
Mariani, Paul: "Towards the Canonization of WCW" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 661
Box 20
Mariani, Paul: "Two Essays on Ezra Pound" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 118
Box 20
Mariani, Paul: "Williams' Black novel" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 67
Box 20
Marin, Peter: "Desert" (Poetry). vol. 42 (4): 663
Box 20
Marinara, Martha: "Holding Cells" (Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 689
Box 20
Marion , Paul: "Alentour: One of the Lost 'Little Magazines'" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (2): 233
Box 20
Markels, Julian: "Dreiser and the Plotting of Inarticulate Experience" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (3): 385
Box 20
Markels, Julian: "King Lear and Moby Dick:" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 169
Box 20
Marks, Elaine: "The Revelance of Literary biography" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 815
Box 20
Markus, Peter: "Good, Brothers" (Fiction). vol. 43 (2): 257
Box 20
Marlis, Stefanie: "Fruit, Banner of Fish" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 332
Box 20
Marlis, Stefanie: "Sheet of Glass, Let Night Fall" (Poetry). vol. 32 (4): 638
Box 20
Marlis, Stefanie: "Instead, Getting" (Poetry). vol. 38 (1): 136
Box 20
Marques, Rene: "Three Men by the River" (Fiction). vol. 15 (1 & 2): 87
Box 20
Marquez, Roberto: "Poems from New Cuba" (Poetry). vol. 11 (3): 486
Box 20
Marquez, Roberto: "Nicaraguan poems and 3 others" (Poetry). vol. 12 (3): 637
Box 20
Marquez, Roberto: "Geometry" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 248
Box 20
Marquez, Roberto: "Sojourners, settlers, castaways & creators:" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 94
Box 20
Marquez, Roberto: "Prelude in Puerto" (Poetry). vol. 41 (1): 104
Box 20
Marshall, David: "Window" (Poetry). vol. 22 (3): 518
Box 20
Marti, Jose: "Dedication to the Statue of Liberty" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 423
Box 20
Martin, Herbert Woodward: "Playing until forgetfulness comes" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 159
Box 20
Martin, J.: "The Hurt" (Poetry). vol. 28 (2): 293
Box 20
Martin, James: "Concessions" (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 387
Box 20
Martin, Valerie: "The Year in Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (1 & 2): 257
Box 20
Martin, Valerie: "The Open Door" (Fiction). vol. 43 (2): 190
Box 20
Martinez, Demetria: "Imperialism, We Talk about Spanish Migors" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 624
Box 20
Martinez, Dionisio: "Prodigal Son Loses His Wfe, Prodigal Son Buys a New Car, Starfish" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 627
Box 20
Martz, Louis: "John Donne: The Meditative Voice" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 326
Box 20
Marx, Leo: "Two Kingdoms of Force" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 62
Box 20
Marx, Leo: "Shakespeare's American Fable" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 40
Box 20
Marx, leo: "Noble Shit, The Uncivil Response of American..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (4): 709
Box 20
Marx, Leo: "On Heidegger's Conception of 'Technology'" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (4): 626
Box 20
Marx, Leo: "Afterword: the Machine in the Garden" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 483
Box 20
Marzan, Julio: "The Translator at the Reception...,Foreign Heart" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 629
Box 20
Marzan, Julio: "Pablo Neruda's Dilemma" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (4): 675
Box 20
Masello, David: "Waiting for the Carillon" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (3): 411
Box 21
Masello, David: "Life Guard" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (3): 431
Box 21
Massa, Ronald: "The Man who Married my Sister" (Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 73
Box 21
Masters, Hilary: "The Moving Finger" (Fiction). vol. 14 (4): 629
Box 21
Masters, Hilary: "Bryant's Ride" (Fiction). vol. 18 (3): 573
Box 21
Masterson, Dan: "Sunday Dinner" (Poetry).
Box 21
Masur, Louis: "Stephen Jay Gould's Vision of History" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (3): 467
Box 21
Matheson, Donald R.: "Robert Frost" (Art). vol. 1 (1): cover
Box 21
Mathewson, W.A.: "Divorce" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 694
Box 21
Mathison, Margaret: "A Bellini in the Family" (Fiction). vol. 2 (2): 222
Box 21
Matosantos, Jose: "Between the Trumpet and the Bongo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 428
Box 21
Matthews, Jack: "The Hotel" (Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 621
Box 21
Matthews, Victoria Earle: "The Value of Race in Literature" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 169
Box 21
Mattison, Alice: "The Guidebook" (Poetry). vol. 18 (1): 79
Box 21
Mattison, Alice: "With Kate by the River" (Poetry). vol. 24 (4): 790
Box 21
Mattison, Alice: "The Committee, The Oyster Boats" (Poetry). vol. 25 (3): 469
Box 21
"Matzke, Ph.D.", Jason P. : "The John Brown Way: Frederick Douglass and Henry David Thoureau on the Use of Violence" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (1): 62
Box 21
Maxwell, Glyn: "Ending equaling, the Second son's escape" (Poetry). vol. 32 (1): 76
Box 21
Mayer, Milton: "By Power possessed" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 371
Box 21
Mayer, Milton: "The Red Room" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (3): 520
Box 21
Mayer, Milton: "The Ivory Tower of Babel" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (2): 249
Box 21
Mayo, C.M.: "Lay Thy Hand Upon Him" (Fiction). vol. 43 (3): 359
Box 21
Mayor, Hyatt, A.: "The Etchings of Jacques Callot" (Art). vol. 3 (1): cover & 121
Box 21
Mazzaro, Jerome L.: "Moragn Street" (Poetry). vol. 2 (1): 53
Box 21
McAllister, Claire: "Snowy Morning" (Poetry). vol. 2 (4): 651
Box 21
McArthur, Herbert: "In Ssearch of the Indian Novel" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 600
Box 21
McBride, Regina: "The Management of Dolls" (Poetry). vol. 34 (1): 127
Box 21
McCabe, Nancy: "Hanging On" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (1): 51
Box 21
McCallum, Shara: "Miss Sally's Wisdom" (Poetry). vol. 42 (2): 269
Box 21
McCarthy, Harold T.: "The Zeiss House" (Fiction). vol. 2 (2): 303
Box 21
McCarthy, Leonard, S.J., Rev.: "This Combination" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 647
Box 21
McClatchy, J.D.: "W.D. Snodgrass: The Mild, reflective art " (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (2): 281
Box 21
McCleary, Oren: "End of a Year" (Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 653
Box 21
McCleary, Oren: "A Supper in Greenwich Village" (Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 633
Box 21
McConnel, Frances Ruhlen: "What the wolves taught us" (Poetry). vol. 32 (1): 109
Box 21
McConnel, Frances Ruhlen: "Villanelle, Something like faith" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 131
Box 21
McConnell, Frank, D.: "William Burroughs & the Lit. of Addiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 665
Box 21
McConnell, Frank, D.: "Rock and the politics of frivolity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 119
Box 21
McConnell, Frank, D.: "Film & Writing: The Political Dimension" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 543
Box 21
McConnell, Frank, D.: "Uncle Tom and the Avant-Garde" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (4): 732
Box 21
McConnell, Frank, D.: "Film as Antipedagogy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 571
Box 21
McCully, Emily Arnold: "How's your vacuum cleaner working" (Fiction). vol. 17 (1): 23
Box 21
McDonald, Robert: "Greece: April 21, 1967" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 59
Box 21
McDonald , Walter: "In Green Pastures" (Poetry). vol. 29 (1): 69
Box 21
McDonnell, Thomas P.: "Walden Revisited" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 148
Box 21
McDonough, Jill: "Ghazam for Josey" (Poetry). vol. 40 (3): 386
Box 21
McDonough, Jill: "November 11, 1831: Nat Turner" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 21
McElroy, Colleen: "The Female As Taken From Freshman Essays" (Poetry). vol. 24 (2): 314
Box 21
McElroy, Colleen: "In The Blind Eye of Love's Shiny Moon, Drawing in the Dark, A Jazz Monochrome" (Poetry). vol. 33 (3): 355
Box 21
McElroy, Colleen: "The Year I Found Myself..." (Poetry). vol. 42 (2): 196
Box 21
McElroy, David: "In Memory of Arden Davis" (Poetry). vol. 15 (3): 420
Box 21
McFadden, Kevin: "Mode, Edom" (Poetry). vol. 45 (4): 795
Box 21
McFee, Michael: "Silo letter in the dead of a warm tree" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 692
Box 21
McFee, Michael: "Awake with Asthma" (Poetry). vol. 24 (4): 823
Box 21
McFeely, William: "Two reconstructions, two nations" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (1): 39
Box 21
McFeely, William: "In the presence of Art" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 164
Box 21
McGee, Alan: "A Beautiful Autopsy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (4): 812
Box 21
McGill, Barry: "The House of Commons" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 185
Box 21
McGimpsey, David: "Cosmologie de l'est" (Fiction). vol. 31 (1 & 2): 229
Box 21
McGrath, Kristina: "Under the eyelid" (Poetry). vol. 18 (2): 293
Box 21
McKay, Nellie: "Black Theater and drama in the 1920s..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (4): 615
Box 21
McKinney, Irene: "An Invitation to my Body" (Poetry). vol. 23 (1): 152
Box 21
McKinsey, Martin: "With a Distant Lighting; After the Rain" (Poetry). vol. 24 (4): 721
Box 21
McKnight, Reginald: "Mali is very dangerous" (Fiction). vol. 27 (2): 317
Box 21
McLaughlin, Lissa: "The Continental heart" (Fiction). vol. 22 (1): 33
Box 21
McLean, Sydney R.: "Emily Dickinson: partial portrait" (Poetry). vol. 8 (4): 650
Box 21
McManis, Jack: "Remembering the Third Ave El" (Poetry). vol. 9 (3): 438
Box 21
McMullen, Richard: "Bubble Gum" (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 358
Box 21
McNamara, Bob: "Domestic Animals" (Poetry). vol. 20 (2): 259
Box 21
McNamara, Robert: "After a year, some words for you, at my daughters school" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 355
Box 21
McNeill, Anthony: "wind change, the victors, straight seeking" (Poetry). vol. 15 (1 & 2): 325
Box 21
McNeill, William: "Dilemmas of Modernization" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 133
Box 21
McNelly, Cleo: "Natives, Women & Claude Levi-Strauss" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (1): 7
Box 21
McPherson, James Alan: "A Sense of Story" (Fiction). vol. 18 (3): 441
Box 21
McPherson, Sandra: "seven telegrams to miss Olive M. Richards" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 514
Box 21
McQuade, Molly: "under us, The Law" (Poetry). vol. 40 (1): 7
Box 21
Meander, John: "The Death of Harry Wells" (Fiction). vol. 12 (2): 187
Box 21
Meek, Anna: "The Moose and the Murderess" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 343
Box 21
Meek, Jay: "Harold Johnson's Comeback" (Poetry). vol. 13 (4): 566
Box 21
Meek, Martha George: "An interview w/ Maxine Kumin" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (2): 317-327
Box 21
Meinke, Peter J.: "Because" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 476
Box 21
Meisner, Maurice: "images of the paris Commune in Contemporary ..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (3): 479
Box 21
Meissner, Jan: "Angels in the water" (Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 553
Box 21
Memmi, Albert: "The Impossible life of Franz Fanon" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 9
Box 21
Mendez de la Vega, Luz: "The Evocation of Carmen Miranda" (Poetry)
Box 21
Menkiti, Ifeanyi: "Poem without a head or tail..." (Poetry). vol. 17 (4): 671
Box 21
Meredith, William: "Robert frost and the Quintessence of Things" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (1): 177
Box 21
Merriam, Eve: "Lullaby for mothers, parable, with feathers" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 298
Box 21
Merrill, James: "David's Night in Velies" (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 57
Box 21
Merrill, James: "Greece today:..." (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 57
Box 21
Merrill, James: "Last Mornings in California" (Poetry). vol. 14 (3): 567
Box 21
Messerschmidt, Manfred: "Rolf Zimmerman" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (3): 377
Box 21
Meyer, Howard N.: "Overcoming the White man's History" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 569
Box 21
Meyer, Howard N.: "The Rebirth of the nation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (2): 298
Box 21
Michaels, Leonard: "Sticks and stones" (Fiction). vol. 5 (3): 441
Box 21
Michaels, Leonard: "The Deal" (Fiction). vol. 7 (1): 61
Box 21
Michaels, Leonard: "Mannikin" (Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 33
Box 21
Michel, Laurence: "Shakespearean tragedy: critique..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 633
Box 21
Michel, Sam: "Enormous Languages were pitched against us" (Fiction). vol. 41 (3): 413
Box 21
Michelson, Bruce: "Wibur's words: the poetry of Richard Wilbur" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 97
Box 21
Mickier, Jerome: "Assessments of Huxley" (Non-Fiction)
Box 21
Mikkalo, Erika: "Some Villain" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 390
Box 21
Miles, Josephine: "trust, greed, clear day" (Poetry). vol. 4 (4): 672
Box 21
Miles, Josephine: "a conversation by Alexander Meikljohn" (Poetry). vol. 7 (1): 7
Box 21
Miles, Josephine: "the home book of modern verse 1970" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (4): 689
Box 21
Miles , Josephine: "American poetry in 1965" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 321
Box 21
Miller, Alyce: "In Chess Season" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (3): 401
Box 21
Miller, Andrew: "bertolt brecht, his name as is from tar" (Poetry). vol. 41 (3): 371
Box 21
Miller, Charles H.: "Amercian Friendship : Auden at Middlebury..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 741
Box 21
Miller, John N.: "Apology" (Poetry). vol. ? (2): 280
Box 21
Miller, Lewis H., Jr.: "The Poetry of Robert Frost" (Non-Fiction). vol. 11 (3): 602
Box 21
Miller, Matthew: "like a river on rails like" (Poetry). vol. 41 (2): 213
Box 21
Miller, Nancy K.: "Autobiographical Deaths" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 19
Box 21
Miller, S.G.: "The Meaning of Meaning" (Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 135
Box 21
Miller, Sandra: "Down Hills" (Fiction). vol. 41 (3): 319
Box 21
Mills, Richard: "Fat Audrey" (Fiction)
Box 21
Milton, Edith: "Arts in Review: The Year in Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 30 (1): 102
Box 21
Minard, Eugene R. : "His Grandmother, Hospitalized" (Poetry). vol. 12 (2): 334
Box 21
Minard, Eugene R. : "In Memory of Robert Minard" (Poetry). vol. 25 (1): 176
Box 21
Minear, Richard: "E.B. White Takes His Leave or Does He? " (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (1): 51
Box 21
Minor, William: "Germann Lukianov" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (3): 359
Box 21
Mirsky, Mark Jay: "Kennedy on the Mount of Olives" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (1): 160
Box 22
Mishkin, Henry: "A Quality of Bach's Complexity" (Non-Fiction)
Box 22
Mishkin, Henry: "The Music of Schubert's Last Year, 1828" (Non-Fiction)
Box 22
Mitchell, Kerrie: "A State of Grace" (Fiction). vol. 45 (2): 328
Box 22
Mitchell, Roger: "Early September" (Poetry)
Box 22
Mizota, Sharon: "On Leftovers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (3): 341
Box 22
Molodowsky, Kadya: "Ne'ilah" (Poetry). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 358
Box 22
Montemarano, Nicholas: "Light" (Fiction). vol. 42 (2): 271
Box 22
Moore, Linda McCullough: "Last Rites" (Fiction). vol. 45 (2): 356
Box 22
Morris, Wright: "Letter to a Young Critic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 93
Box 22
Mortimer, Lorraine: "Our Carnal Nature and Cosmic Flow" (Non-Fiction). vol. 43 (1): 107
Box 22
Mortimer, Lorraine: "The Grim Enchantment of "It's a Wonderful LIfe" (Non-Fiction). vol. ():
Box 22
Mozina, Andy: "Beach" (Fiction). vol. 38 (2): 225
Box 22
Mozina, Andy: "The Arch" (Fiction). vol. 47 (1):
Box 22
Mueske, Steve: "On Poetics" (Poetry). vol. 47 (1):
Box 22
Mullins, Sue: "Female Liberation; birth" (Poetry). vol. 13 (1,2): 188
Box 22
Munro, Jane Southwell: "The Only Snapshot I Have of My Father's Parents" (Poetry). vol. 43 (4): 656
Box 22
Myers, James: "Dying To Live" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 709
Box 22
Nacca, Judith: "Among Sorrows and Songs" (Poetry). vol. 40 (2): 192
Box 22
Nadler, Spencer: "The Language of Cells" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (4): 513
Box 22
Nadler, Spencer: "An Old Soldier" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (1): 11
Box 22
Nadler, Spencer: "The Burden of Sickle Cells" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (4): 463
Box 22
Nadler, Spencer: "Dying Matters" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (3): 339
Box 22
Nadler, Spencer: "Heart Rhythms" (Non-Fiction). vol. 42 (2): 209
Box 22
Nagpal, Prem.: "Elsa" (Poetry). vol. 29 (4): 632
Box 22
Naik, Panna: "Mother" (Poetry). vol. 29 (4): 701
Box 22
Napier, Winston: "Affirming Critical Conceptualism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (1): 93
Box 22
Napier, Winston: "Introduction: "Documenting Fin de Siecle Thought" (Non-Fiction). vol. 40 (1): 29
Box 22
Naqvi, Tahira: "Hiatus" (Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 745
Box 22
Nash , Mildred: "Elizabeth Bishop's Library" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 433
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "Orpheus Again and again" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 516
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "A Reading of History" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 62
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "Advancement" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 62
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "It Looks as if it Were Just Sleeping" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 62
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "WindWater" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 62
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "At the Winery" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 277
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "The Moods of Matchmaker and others" (Poetry). vol. 4 (1): 27
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "No Interpretations Please" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 660
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "those who only waited" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 27
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "You Think its Going to Be Easy" (Poetry). vol. 5 (4): 660
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "A Consolation" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 252
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "Brother Hood Week" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 267
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "Eichman" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 267
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "It Won't Work" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 267
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "The Matchmaker at Sea" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): cover
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "Callings" (Poetry). vol. 20 (3): 500
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "View from the Mid-Fifties" (Poetry). vol. 20 (2): 392
Box 22
Nathan, Leonard: "Altamira" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 662
Box 22
Nathanson, Tenney: "Veiled Landscape with Cows" (Poetry). vol. 23 (1): 153
Box 22
Naydan, Michael: "The Canon of Apologia" (Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 465
Box 22
Nebel, Jay: "The Witness" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 508
Box 23
Needham, Anuradha: "The Politics of Post-Colonial Identity in Salman Rushdie" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 609
Box 23
Needham, Anuradha: "An Interview with Ama Ata Aidoo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 123
Box 23
Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney: "Interview with Ama Ata Aidoo" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 123
Box 23
Neeld, Judith: "The Climb at Hound Tor" (Poetry). vol. 30 (1): 14
Box 23
Neelon, Ann: "Whatever Crept Away" (Poetry). vol. 26 (2 & 3): 445
Box 23
Neely, E.J.: "The Outward Bound" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 500
Box 23
Nehru, Jawaharlal: "Letter on Henry David Thoreau, Jan. 29, 1962" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 89
Box 23
Neimark, Jill: "Judy and the Real Estate Agent, others" (Poetry). vol. 20 (4): 751
Box 23
Nekola, Charlotte: "Alphabet; Before Her Life" (Poetry). vol. 27 (2): 330
Box 23
Nelson, Antonya: "Ft. Despair" (Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 167
Box 23
Nelson, Brooke: "Psalm 23" (Poetry). vol. 45 (3): 386
Box 23
Nelson, Cary: "Whitman in Vietnam" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (1): 55
Box 23
Nelson, Dale: "Incident in Ashland, Oregon" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 673
Box 23
Nelson, Paul: "Central H.S. '52" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 434
Box 23
Nelson, Paul: "Days Off" (Poetry). vol. 25 (2): 253
Box 23
Nelson, Wiliam Stuart: "Thoreau and the American Non-Violent Resistance" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 56
Box 23
Nemerov, Howard: "On Growth and Form and others" (Poetry). vol. 22 (1): 41
Box 23
Nepo, Mark: "Lorenzo and the Pazzi Conspiracy and others" (Poetry). vol. 28 (1): 7
Box 23
Nepo, Mark: "Polo" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4): 616
Box 23
Neruda, Pablo: "Ode to Numbers; Ode to Americas" (Poetry). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 461
Box 23
Neubauer, Carol: "Interview w/ Maya Angelou" (Fiction). vol. 28 (2): 286
Box 23
Neufeld, Claire: "Two Actresses: Betty Chancellor and Claire Neufeld" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 180
Box 23
Neugeboren, Jay: "My Life and Death in the Negro American Baseball League" (Fiction). vol. 19 (3): 545
Box 23
Neugeboren, Jay: "Cold Storage" (Fiction). vol. 26 (1): 63
Box 23
Neugeboren, Jay: "intro. Tamas Aczel" (Fiction). vol. 36 (2): 178
Box 23
Neville, Tam Lin: "Street" (Poetry). vol. 30 (1): 15
Box 23
Newman, Bill: "The Bird in 39 Main Street" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 243
Box 23
Newman, Bill: "Marionizing Massachusetts" (Non-Fiction). vol. 37 (1): 81
Box 23
Newman, Paul: "Angles" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 710
Box 23
Nezhukumata, Aimee: "Peacock; Winter Games" (Poetry). vol. 41 (2): 252
Box 23
Nichols, Grace: "Blackout" (Poetry). vol. 35 (3 & 4): 381
Box 23
Nichols, Jeanette: "It Will Happen" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 419
Box 23
Nielson, Kai: "Dewey's Conception of Philosophy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (1): 110
Box 23
Nietzke, Ann: "Jarring Light" (Fiction). vol. 36 (2): 303
Box 23
Nin, Anias: "Notes on Feminism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (1 & 2): 25
Box 23
Nitchie, George: "Expressway" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 496
Box 23
Nitchie, George: "Eloit's Borrowing: A Note" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 403
Box 23
Nitchie, George: "Solipsist" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (4): 689
Box 23
Nitecki, Alicia: "Recovered Land" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (1): 7
Box 23
Nitecki, Alicia: "Border Country" (Non-Fiction). vol. 36 (3): 343
Box 23
Nitecki, Alicia: "Jakub's World" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 471
Box 23
Nitecki, Alicia: "Drohobycz, Drohobycz" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (4): 513
Box 23
Nitecki, Alicia and Jack Terry: "Jakub's World" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (4): 471
Box 23
Noel, Susan: "Friday" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 44
Box 23
Noland, Richard: "Culture as Therapy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 376
Box 23
Noland, Richard: "N.O. Brown and the Future of Man" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 537
Box 23
Noland, Richard: "On Ghandi and Nonviolence" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 709
Box 23
Noland, Richard: "Psychohistory, Theory and Practice" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (2): 215
Box 23
Noll, Blink: "Obliquite on Death" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 301
Box 23
Nordofs, Margaret: "Womman Begging in a Mexican Detpo" (Poetry). vol. 2 (3): 453
Box 23
Norris, Kathleen: "Monks at Play" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (1): 115
Box 23
Norris, Kathleen: "The Monastery Orchard in Early Spring; others" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 174
Box 23
Northrop, Kate: "Landscape with Abandoned Trash" (Poetry). vol. 43 (2): 303
Box 23
Norvig, Gerda: "For Friends in Athens" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 287
Box 23
Novakovich, Josip: "Witness Shrapnel in the Liver" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (1): 144
Box 23
Novick, Marian: "Advent" (Fiction). vol. 20 (4): 641
Box 23
Nurkse, D.: "Privates; The Demolition" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 83
Box 23
Nurkse, D.: "Desertion; others" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 317
Box 23
Nurkse, D.: "The Master Surgeon" (Poetry). vol. 35 (1): 45
Box 23
Nurkse, D.: "Bread and Wine; Lucky's Corvette" (Poetry). vol. 38 (4): 530
Box 23
Nye, Naomi Shihab: "Untitled" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 207
Box 23
Nyren, Dorothy: "The Concord Academic Debating Society" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 81
Box 23
O Hehir, Diana: "Family Tragedy; Shore" (Poetry). vol. 22 (2): 373
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "The Son of God and His Sorrow" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (4): 681
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "Firing a Field" (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 469
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "The Hostile Sun: the Poetry of D.H. Lawrence" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 639
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "Minor Characters" (Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 245
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "Harrow Street at Linden" (Fiction). vol. 24 (4): 793
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "The Heir" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 605
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "The Boyfriend" (Fiction). vol. 29 (1): 9
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "Night Driving" (Poetry). vol. 30 (3): 450
Box 23
Oates, Joyce Carol: "The Blond Actress Rehearses Chekhov" (Drama). vol. 40 (4): 551
Box 23
Oates, Stephen : "The Intellectual Odyssey of Martin Luther King" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (2): 301
Box 23
Obeyesekere, Ranjini: "The Act of Translation" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (4): 763
Box 23
O'Brien, Conor Cruise: "The Embers of Easter" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (4): 621
Box 23
O'Brien, Conor Cruise: "Not Europe Only" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 529
Box 23
O'Brien, John: "Going Back: A Letter to Myself" (Fiction). vol. 24 (3): 491
Box 23
O'Brien, Peggy: "The Silly and the Serious" (Non-Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 474
Box 23
O'Brien, Tim: "Speaking of Courage" (Fiction). vol. 17 (2): 243
Box 23
O'Casey, Sean: "Concerning James Joyce" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 335
Box 23
Ockenga, Starr: "photographs" (Art). vol. 24 (1): 96
Box 23
O'Connell, Sharon: "Witness Hometown" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 319
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Bellow: Logic's Limits" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (1): 179
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Net of Revelations: Frank O'Connor" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (3): 610
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "American Fiction 1972: The Void in the Mirror" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (1): 190
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Rabbits Remembered" (Non-Fiction). vol. 15 (3): 511
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "American Fiction 1973: Celebration in Wonderland" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (1): 165
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Zone of Remission: Current American Fiction" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (2): 357
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Critical Condition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (1): 185
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Door into the Light: John McGahern's Ireland" (Non-Fiction). vol. 25 (2): 255
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "1985 Boggy Ways: Notes on Irish-American Culture" (Non-Fiction). vol. 26 (2 & 3): 379
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Brian Moore's Ireland: A World Well Lost" (Non-Fiction). vol. 29 (3): 539
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "A Memory of Two Fathers" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 149
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "Intro" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 149
Box 23
O'Connell, Shaun: "That Much Credit: irish american identity and writing" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 251
Box 23
O'Connor, M.B.: "The Story of My Travels" (Fiction). vol. 42 (2): 239
Box 23
O'Connor, Mary Beth: "Pantoum" (Poetry). vol. 41 (4): 555
Box 23
O'Connor, Stephen: "Three Illuminations from the Afterlife of Lytton Swain" (Fiction). vol. 30 (2): 277
Box 23
O'Connor, Stephen: "The Hipster's Hopper" (Fiction). vol. 45 (2): 218
Box 23
O'Connor, Stephen: "Powers and Principalities" (Fiction). vol. 46 (3): 418
Box 23
O'Connor, William: "Hemingway's Sad Memoir" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 789
Box 23
O'Dair, Sharon: "Teaching Othello in the Schoolhouse Door" (Non-Fiction). vol. 41 (2): 215
Box 24
O'Dea, Lori: "Shame" (Fiction). vol. 46 (4): 627
Box 24
Odell , Anne Moore: "The Falls" (Poetry). vol. 38 (2): 251
Box 24
Oden, G.C.: "Civil Rights and White Intellectuals" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 650
Box 24
Oden, G.C.: "This Child is the Mother" (Poetry). vol. 15 (3): 502
Box 24
O'Donnell, William: "Robert Frost at Eighty-Eight" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 213
Box 24
O'Donnell, William: "The Art of Yeats's Lapis Lazuli" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (2): 353
Box 24
O'Donnell, William : "Talking About Poems with Robert Frost" (Non-Fiction). vol. 39 (2): 225
Box 24
O'Faolian, Julia: "Nona" (Fiction). vol. 28 (3): 497
Box 24
Ogunyemi, Omolola Ijeoma: "Zimbabwe, 1981" (Poetry). vol. 45 (1): 143
Box 24
O'Hara, J.D.: "Dylan Thomas' Notebooks and Letters" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (2): 397
Box 24
O'Keefe, Kerry: "Small Errands" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 253
Box 24
O'Keefe, Richard: "Summer's End" (Poetry). vol. 10 (3): 594
Box 24
O'Keefe, Richard R.: "Home Thoughts from Nowhere" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 456
Box 24
Oksana, Zabuzhko: "Turn of the Century; As in a Rear-View Mirror" (Poetry). vol. 36 (3): 422
Box 24
Olah, Janos: "An Old Workshop" (Poetry). vol. 32 (4): 492
Box 24
Olds, Sharon: "The End of World War One" (Poetry). vol. 20 (4): 666
Box 24
Olds, Sharon: "For My Daughter" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 637
Box 24
Olds, Sharon: "I Want; The Sheep; The Body" (Poetry). vol. 23 (1): 54
Box 24
Olds, Sharon: "The Inheritor " (Poetry). vol. 23 (3): 460
Box 24
Oliver, Mary: "How I Went Truant fron School to Visit a River" (Poetry). vol. 4 (2): 408
Box 24
Oliver, Mary: "My Friend Walt Whitman" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 96
Box 24
Olson, Charles: "Gathering in Honor of..." (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (1): 33
Box 24
Olson, Charlotte: "Bye Lena" (Fiction). vol. 8 (2): 269
Box 24
Olstein, Lisa: "Windy Today" (Poetry). vol. 45 (4): 673
Box 24
O'Malley, Glenn: "Letters: John Yeats to Lady Gregory" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 269
Box 24
O'Malley, Mary: "Irish Theatre Letter" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (1): 181
Box 24
Onart, Adnan Adam: "Bozturgay" (Poetry). vol. 44 (3): 507
Box 24
O'Neil, Daniel C.: "Notes on the Barlach Exhibition" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 24
O'Neil, Wayne: "The Fish Concert, by Halldor Kiljan Laxness" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 7
Box 24
O'Neill, Alexandre: "Legacy: An Original Poem About Fear" (Poetry). vol. 28 (4): 651
Box 24
Oppen, George: "The Undertaking in New Jersey" (Poetry). vol. 3 (2): 348
Box 24
Orban, Otto: "The Face of Creation; A Summer on the Lake" (Poetry). vol. 18 (2): 282
Box 24
Orlen, Steve: "The Orderly and others" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 780
Box 24
Orlen, Steve: "The Huckster and others" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 717
Box 24
Orlen, Steve: "Revery; A Syllabus of Errors" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 294
Box 24
Orlowsky, Dzvinia: "Giselle and others" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 252
Box 24
Orlowsky, Dzvinia: "Tornado" (Poetry). vol. 43 (1): 43
Box 24
Orozco, Jose: "The Stimulus of Posa da" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 375
Box 24
Orr, Thomas: "Nabisco's Hiring" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 19
Box 24
Osagie, Iyunolu: "Historical Memory and a New National Consciousness" (Non-Fiction). vol. 38 (1): 63
Box 24
Osman, Cathy: "Triangle, Beach, Night, Adrift" (Art). vol. 44 (4):
Box 24
Ostaijen, Paul: "Six prose pieces" (Fiction). vol. 9 (4): 663
Box 24
Ostendorf, Berndt: "Minstrelsy and Early Jazz" (Non-Fiction). vol. 20 (3): 574
Box 24
Osterlund, Steven: "The Dark Time" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 693
Box 24
Osterlund, Steven: "After Lunch: Kerouac's Death over the Teletype" (Poetry). vol. 10 (4): 784
Box 24
Osterlund, Steven: "Operation; For Irving Layton" (Poetry). vol. 11 (2): 272
Box 24
Osterlung, Steven: "George Armstrong Custer" (Poetry). vol. 12 (2): 240
Box 24
Osterlung, Steven: "The Death of Kenneth Patchen" (Poetry). vol. 13 (3): 486
Box 24
Ostrow, Joanna: "The Dumb-Waiter" (Fiction). vol. 1 (3): 567
Box 24
Ostrow, Joanna: "The God's House" (Fiction). vol. 1 (1): 25
Box 24
Othon, Manuel Jose: "The Shot; Sonnet" (Poetry). vol. 1 (3): 380
Box 24
Overton, Ron: "Poets in Their Youth" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 332
Box 24
Owen, Sue: "The Pull of Gravity" (Poetry). vol. 24 (3): 562
Box 24
Owen, Sue: "The Flaw in the Flue" (Poetry). vol. 36 (3): 364
Box 24
Owen, Sue: "To Hell in a Handbasket" (Poetry). vol. 38 (2): 267
Box 24
Owen, Wilfred: "Miners and others" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 341
Box 24
Owens, Larry: "The Cat and the Bullet: A Ballistic Fable" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (1): 178
Box 24
Ozdamar, Emine Sevgi: "Life is a Caravanserai Has Two Doors I Came in One I Went Out the Other" (Fiction). vol. 40 (3): 436
Box 24
Pack, Robert: "Leviathon; Remains" (Poetry). vol. 23 (4): 733
Box 24
Packard, Sydney: "Medieval England" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 414
Box 24
Page, Alex: "The Flood" (Drama). vol. 1 (3): 492
Box 24
Painter, Charlotte: "Sandbox" (Fiction). vol. 9 (4): 653
Box 24
Palchi, Alfredo de: "Cancer" (Poetry). vol. 11 (1): 90
Box 24
Paley, Grace: "Here" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4): 458
Box 24
Pancake, Ann: "Cash Crop: 1897" (Fiction). vol. 40 (1): 11
Box 24
Pandiri, Thalia: "Marriage Bed" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 314
Box 24
Pandiri, Thalia: "The Great Escape (from The Sink)" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 314
Box 24
Papadaki, Athina: "Marriage Bed" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 314
Box 24
Papadaki, Athina: "The Great Escape" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 314
Box 24
Papandreou, Andreas: "Greece: An American Problem" (Non-Fiction). vol. 12 (4): 655
Box 24
Paradis, David: "Two Boys by Warm and Bluish Minnow Pools" (Poetry). vol. 4 (3): 350
Box 24
Parenti, Michael: "A Third Party Emerges in Vermont" (Non-Fiction). vol. 16 (3): 489
Box 24
Parini, Jay: "Rule and Energy: The Poetry of Thom Gunn" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (1): 134
Box 24
Park, Clara: "Trollope and the Modern Reader" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 577
Box 24
Park, Jane C. H.: "Tribute" (Poetry). vol. 45 (3): 258
Box 24
Parkinson, Thomas: "Barcelona Calling" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 350
Box 24
Parkinson, Thomas: "Cafe Life" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 350
Box 24
Parkinson, Thomas: "Domesticity" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 350
Box 24
Parkinson, Thomas: "Return" (Poetry). vol. 8 (2): 350
Box 24
parrish, graydon: "Dance (Cover Art 4501)" (Art). vol. 45 (1):
Box 24
Parry, Gertrude B.: "Letter to George B. Shaw" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (2): 314
Box 24
Pastan, Linda: "Fortune Cookies" (Poetry). vol. 7 (3): 506
Box 24
Pastan, Linda: "Pliant" (Poetry). vol. 8 (3): 561
Box 24
Patai, Daphne: "Oral History "A Nun's Tale: Practicing Liberation Theology" (Non-Fiction). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 531
Box 24
Patrick, Sullivan: "What's all the Cryin' About? The Films of Frederick Wiseman " (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 452
Box 24
Patton, Lee: "A Black American in Paris" (Poetry). vol. 32 (3): 465
Box 24
Patton, Lee: "Emerson's Jacuzzi" (Poetry). vol. 32 (3): 465
Box 24
Paullos, Ricardo: "Dart" (Poetry). vol. 31 (4): 548
Box 24
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo: "Bulletin Board" (Poetry). vol. 46 (3): 463
Box 24
Paulsen, Wolfgang: "Form and Content in German Expressionist Literature" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (1): 137
Box 24
Payne, Elizabeth : "Anne Whitney: Art and Social Justice" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (2): 245
Box 24
Payne, Nina: "Lines for the Fisherman" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 782
Box 24
Payne, Nina: "Two Grandmothers" (Poetry). vol. 21 (4): 782
Box 24
Payne, Nina: "Spine" (Art). vol. 37 (2): 197
Box 24
Paz, Octabio: "Kostas Papaioannaou" (Poetry). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 571
Box 24
Paz, Octavio: "Kostas Papaioannou" (Poetry). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 571
Box 24
Peacock, Molly: "Recovery" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 20
Box 24
Peacock, Molly: "Valediction" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 20
Box 24
Pearce, Richard: "The Walker: Modern American Hero" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 761
Box 24
Pearce, Richard: "Physics, Politics and the Limits of Language" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (4): 709
Box 24
Pearce, Richard: "Thomas Pynchon and the Novel of Motion" (Non-Fiction). vol. 21 (1): 177
Box 24
Pearlman, Edith: "Their Dan" (Fiction). vol. 31 (4): 499
Box 24
Pearlman, Edith: "I Follow My Wife" (Fiction). vol. 34 (1): 35
Box 24
Pearlman, Edith: "Sympathizer" (Fiction). vol. 36 (1): 33
Box 24
Peattie, Lisa: "Cuban Notes" (Non-Fiction). vol. 10 (4): 652
Box 24
Peck, David: "The New Marxist Criticism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (3): 639
Box 24
Peden, Margaret: "Ode to Americas" (Poetry). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 461
Box 24
Peden, Margaret: "Ode to Numbers" (Poetry). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 461
Box 24
Pederson, Carl: "Middle Passages" (Non-Fiction). vol. 34 (2): 225
Box 24
Pedrick, Jean: "Identification" (Poetry). vol. 1 (1): 133
Box 24
Pedrick, Jean: "The God's House" (Poetry). vol. 1 (4): 720
Box 24
Peralta, Bertalicia: "I Want to Find Desperately I Look" (Poetry). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 570
Box 24
Perchik, Simon: "How its Engine Fevers" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 407
Box 24
Perchik, Simon: "Two (Untitled) poems" (Poetry). vol. 33 (4): 559
Box 24
Perchik, Simon: "*" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 9
Box 24
Perelman, S.J.: "Nathaniel West: A Portrait" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (2): 317
Box 24
Peress, Gilles: "An Eye for An Eye: Northern Ireland, Summer 1986" (Art). vol. 28 (3): 421
Box 24
Peress, Gilles: "Same Day, Williams Street, Derry (Catholic)" (Art). vol. 28 (3): Cover
Box 24
Perez-Castillo, Susan: "Postmodernism, Native American Literature and the RealL The Silko-Erdrich Controversy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 32 (2): 285
Box 24
Perks, Micah: "We Are the Same People" (Fiction). vol. 44 (4): 616
Box 24
Perlongo, Robert: "Cousin Carl" (Fiction). vol. 4 (1): 33
Box 24
Persoff, Joyce: "A Dog in the Lifeboat" (Poetry). vol. 28 (1): 30
Box 24
Persoff, Joyce: "A Revelation" (Poetry). vol. 33 (3): 335
Box 24
Persoff, Joyce: "Blessed" (Poetry). vol. 37 (1): 6
Box 24
Persoff, Joyce: "Mortal" (Poetry). vol. 39 (1): 20
Box 24
Persoff, Joyce: "Squeeze" (Poetry). vol. 41 (2): 237
Box 24
Petegorsky, Stephen: "Orbital Pleasure" (Art). vol. 37 (4): cover
Box 24
Peterson, Dale: "Solzhenitsyn's Image of America" (Non-Fiction). vol. 19 (1): 141
Box 24
Peterson, Dale: "Russian Nationalism" (Non-Fiction). vol. 31 (4): 600
Box 24
Peterson, Dale: "Notes from the Underworld" (Non-Fiction). vol. 35 (2): 225
Box 24
Peterson, Dale: "The American Academic: Immigrant Bard of Diversity" (Non-Fiction). vol. 44 (1 & 2): 233
Box 24
Peterson, Gosta: "William C. Williams" (Art). vol. 3 (2): 311
Box 24
Peterson, James: "John Mulligan Synge" (Art). vol. 5 (2): Cover
Box 24
Petreu, Marta: "Day of Anger" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 413
Box 24
Petreu, Marta: "To Go Back" (Poetry). vol. 42 (3): 413
Box 24
Petrie, Graham: "Mickey, the Failed Comedian" (Poetry). vol. 12 (1): 94
Box 24
Petrie, Graham: "The Emperor's Daughter Refuses to Marry" (Poetry). vol. 12 (1): 94
Box 24
Petrie, Paul: "Blackbird" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 236
Box 24
Petrie, Paul: "House on the Point" (Poetry). vol. 3 (4): 688
Box 24
Petrie, Paul: "Man in Black" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 86
Box 24
Petrie, Paul: "The Existentialist" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 521
Box 24
Petrie, Paul: "The Wall" (Poetry). vol. 6 (3): 521
Box 24
Pettet, Edwin: "The Enduring Anti-Heroic" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 785
Box 24
Pettit, Michael: "The Uncompahgre Range" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 577
Box 24
Pettit, Michael: "The Beyond" (Poetry). vol. 28 (2): 267
Box 24
Pettit, Michael: "A Celebration of Whitman" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 65
Box 24
Peyre, Henri: "Homage to Camus" (Non-Fiction). vol. 1 (2): 209
Box 24
Peyre, Henri: "France since 1798" (Non-Fiction). vol. 5 (4): 781
Box 24
Peyre, Henri: "Simone Weil" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 625
Box 24
Peyre, Henri: "The Commune - A Century After" (Non-Fiction). vol. 7 (3): 384
Box 24
Peyre, Henri: "Voltaire and the Enlightenment" (Non-Fiction). vol. 8 (4): 762
Box 24
Pfeiffer, Eric: "Bathing" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 68
Box 24
Pfeiffer, Eric: "Becoming" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 68
Box 24
Pfeiffer, Eric: "From the Sea" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 68
Box 24
Pfeiffer, Eric: "Widowed" (Poetry). vol. 5 (1): 68
Box 24
Pfieffer, Teresa: "All the Dead Fathers Fall out of Heaven" (Poetry). vol. 37 (2): 263
Box 24
Pfieffer, Teresa: "Sierra Leone" (Poetry). vol. 42 (2): 208
Box 24
Phelps, Darryl: "Nat" (Poetry). vol. 45 (2): 355
Box 24
Philbrick, Charles: "Beachhead" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 386
Box 24
Philbrick, Charles: "Guardians and Ghosts at Blackfish Creed" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 386
Box 24
Philbrick, Charles: "My Coast and Geodetic Survey Shows" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 386
Box 24
Philbrick, Charles: "The Angler, Dead" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 386
Box 24
Philbrick, Charles: "Wonderstand Revisited" (Poetry). vol. 1 (2): 386
Box 24
Philbrick, Charles: "Lilac: Outdoors In" (Poetry). vol. 2 (2): 302
Box 24
Philbrick, Stephen: "The Weight" (Poetry). vol. 29 (3): 571
Box 24
Phillips, Louis: "Mind Readers" (Drama). vol. 31 (3): 429
Box 24
Phillips, Michael: "She So Quick" (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 32
Box 24
Phillips, Robert: "Sunday Ritual" (Poetry). vol. 9 (4): 772
Box 24
Phillips, Walt: "Nourishment" (Poetry). vol. 6 (2): 435
Box 24
Philpot, Tracy: "News from Czechoslovakia" (Poetry). vol. 32 (1): 36
Box 24
Piacentini, Dino Enrique: "Passing through Paris" (Non-Fiction). vol. 46 (2): 274
Box 24
Piccone, Anthony: "Interview with Archibald MacLeish" (Non-Fiction). vol. 23 (4): 681
Box 24
Pierce, Anne Whitney: "Abeyance" (Fiction). vol. 31 (4): 555
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "Letter to Be Disguised as a Gas Bill" (Poetry). vol. 12 (2): 218
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "After Swimming" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 195
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "I Would Suffer for 17" (Poetry). vol. 17 (1): 195
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "Nothing You Can Have" (Poetry). vol. 19 (1): 89
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "Dartmoor" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 544
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "How Divine is Forgivng" (Poetry). vol. 26 (4): 544
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "Le Scarce Du Printemps" (Poetry). vol. 28 (2): 192
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "Commentary: How I Came to Walt and Found Myself" (Poetry). vol. 33 (1): 98
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "The Voice of the Grackle" (Poetry). vol. 36 (2): 256
Box 24
Piercy, Marge: "The Yellow Light" (Poetry). vol. 38 (2): 220
Box 24
Pierson, Philip: "My Mother Rehearses Her Funeral" (Poetry). vol. 19 (2): 335
Box 24
Pietrzyk, Leslie: "Braiding Bread" (Fiction). vol. 38 (3): 345
Box 24
Pillai, Shreerekha: "Grief" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 282
Box 24
Pinkerton, Jan: "Katherine Anne Porter, a review" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (3): 511
Box 24
Pinsker, Sanford: "The Instruments of American-Jewish Humor" (Non-Fiction). vol. 22 (4): 739
Box 24
Piore, Michael: "An American Economist in Paris" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (2): 219
Box 24
Pirnadello, Luigi: "The Art of Humor" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 515
Box 24
Pitcher, George: "On the Concept of Law" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (3): 601
Box 24
Pitcher, George: "Wittgenstein, Nonsesne and Lewis Carroll" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 591
Box 24
Pitchford, Kenneth: "The Minister" (Poetry). vol. 3 (1): 144
Box 24
Pitkin, Dorothy: "The Cold Literal Moment" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (4): 757
Box 24
Pitkin, Dorothy: "The Cold Literal Moments" (Non-Fiction). vol. 14 (4): 757
Box 24
Planz, Allen: "Outland Percussive" (Poetry). vol. 4 (3): 580
Box 24
Plumly, Stanley: "Whitman Commentary: Vigil Strange" (Non-Fiction). vol. 33 (1): 101
Box 24
Plumstead, A. W.: "Crevecoeur: A "Man of Sorrows" and the American Revolution" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (2): 286
Box 24
Pochada, Elizabeth: "Heroines" (Non-Fiction). vol. 13 (1 & 2): 177
Box 25
Poe, Catherine: "Saga of Awakening" (Poetry). vol. 5 (3): 566
Box 25
Poggioli, Renato: "The Autumn of Ideas" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 655
Box 25
Poirier, Richard: "The Hunter and the Hunted: Leon Edel and Henry James" (Non-Fiction). vol. 4 (3): 597
Box 25
Pollack, Felix: "Entries" (Poetry). vol. 9 (1): 178
Box 25
Pollis, Adamantia: "Social Change and Nationhood" (Non-Fiction). vol. 9 (1): 123
Box 25
Pols, Edward: "Fiesole Night-Piece; Intermediate Trail: Maine" (Poetry). vol. 39 (2): 298
Box 25
Pols, Edward: "At the Churchill Club; On White Horse Hill; Elegy: The Walk Between (3 poems)" (Poetry). vol. 43 (1): 153
Box 25
Polt, John H.R.: "A Little Affair" (Fiction). vol. 37 (3): 438
Box 25
Pomerantz, Sharon: "For Women Who Do Not Fear Death" (Fiction). vol. 37 (2): 187
Box 25
Pond, Doug: "Interview with Cory Doctorow" (Non-Fiction). vol. 45 (4): 742
Box 25
Poniatowska, Elena: "A Little Fairy Tale" (Fiction). vol. 27 (3 & 4): 467
Box 25
Ponte, Antonio Jose: "Meaning to Eat" (Poetry). vol. 42 (2): 223
Box 25
Pool, Gail: "Women's Publications: Some Issues" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (2): 467
Box 25
Popkin, Henry: "A Year of French Politics and Theatre" (Non-Fiction). vol. 2 (4): 717
Box 25
Popkin, Henry: "Theatre in France: Summer Impressions" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (1): 160
Box 25
Porter, David T.: "Emily Dickinson: The Formative Years" (Non-Fiction). vol. 6 (3): 559
Box 25
Porter, Dennis: "Of Heroines and Victimes: Jean Rhys and Jane Eyre" (Non-Fiction). vol. 17 (3): 540
Box 25
Porter, Dennis: "Set Piece" (Drama). vol. 47 (1):
Box 25
Porter, Roger J.: "The Singer in the Song: Autobiography & Time in The Odyssey" (Non-Fiction). vol. 18 (4): 801
Box 25
Porto, Elizabeth: "Angel City" (Fiction). vol. 41 (4): 465
Box 25
Portuges, Catherine: "Interview with Jackie Raynal" (Non-Fiction). vol. 24 (1): 218
Box 25
Posada, Jose Guadlupe: "Twenty-one prints (repros)" (Art). vol. 3 (2): 369
Box 25
Posada, Jose Guadlupe: "Two Photos of Posada" (Art). vol. 3 (2): 370, 396
Box 25
Poschl, Viktor: "Barbarians in Greek Tragedy" (Non-Fiction). vol. 3 (2): 437
Box 25
Posner, David: "A Letter from Catherine Cornar" (Poetry). vol. 7 (4): 753
Box 25
Potter, Carol: "Un-Buckling The Lines" (Poetry). vol. 26 (1): 157
Box 25
Potter, Carol: "An Object Falling From Outer Space; All Six of Us Suspended Above Blue Seats" (Poetry). vol. 29 (2): 368
Box 25
Potter, Carol: "My Father, Dressed Like Trees; Music, She Insists; The Housepainter" (Poetry). vol. 36 (4): 562
Box 25
Potter, Carol: "Before Me; Between a Poem and Sentence" (Poetry). vol. 39 (4): 474
Box 25
Potter, Carol: "The Limited Family Kitty" (Poetry). vol. 40 (4):