Background on Windham Monthly Meeting
Quaker worship began in Windham, Me., around 1780, with a preparative meeting established there under the care of Falmouth Monthly Meeting. Windham was set off as a monthly meeting in 1803, and it had Limington Monthly set off from it in 1846.
Among its other constituent meetings, Windham has supported both a preparative meeting (1844-1889) and worship group (1903-1945) at nearby Casco, where the meeting continues to gather during the late summer months.
- Casco Preparative (1844-1889)
- Casco Worship Group (1903-ca.1945)
- Gorham Worship Group (1803-1815, 1834-1849)
- Gorham Preparative (1815-1834)
- Limington Preparative (1803-1846)
- Parsonfield Preparative (before 1825-1833)
- Raymond Worship Group (1810-1815)
- Raymond Preparative (1815-1844): became Casco Preparative