Berwick Monthly Meeting of Friends (Wilburite) Records
2 vols. (0.25 linear feet)
Call no.: MS 902 w553-b479
The Friends' Monthly Meeting at Berwick, Maine, divided during the Wilburite split of 1845, with the smaller Wilburite Meeting organized under the Wilburite Dover Quarterly Meeting (1845-1851) and then under the combined Salem and Dover Quarterly. Berwick was laid down on April 28, 1881, with its last recorded meeting on May 26, 1881. Its members joined Dartmouth Monthly Meeting (Wilburite).
Surviving records of this short-lived Wilburite Friends meeting include one volume each of minutes from the Men's and Women's meetings.
Background on Berwick Monthly Meeting of Friends (Wilburite)
Abbie Loring in Cape Cod Quaker attire, ca.1930. Photo by Alton H. Blackington
The Friends' Monthly Meeting at Berwick, Maine, divided during the Wilburite split of 1845, with the smaller Wilburite Meeting organized under the Wilburite Dover Quarterly Meeting (1845-1851) and then under the combined Salem and Dover Quarterly. Berwick was laid down on April 28, 1881, with its last recorded meeting on May 26, 1881. Its members joined Dartmouth Monthly Meeting (Wilburite).
Scope of collection
Surviving records of this short-lived Wilburite Friends meeting include one volume each of minutes from the Men's and Women's meetings.
See also the records of Berwick Monthly Meeting of Friends, from which this meeting originated, and the records of the Dartmouth Monthly (Wilburite) into which it merged. Both collections are held at UMass Amherst. Statler reported two volumes of men's minutes for the years 1845-1881, however at the time of transfer to UMass, only one volume (1854-1881) could be located.
Cite as: Berwick Monthly Meeting of Friends (Wilburite) Records (MS 902 W55 B479). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.
Search terms
Berwick (Me.)--Religious life and customs
Berwick Monthly Meeting of Friends
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends
Society of Friends--Maine
South Kingstown Monthly Meeting of Friends (Wilburite: 1845-1945)
Berwick Monthly Meeting of Friends (Wilburite : 1845-1881) [main entry]