Uxbridge Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) Records
12 vols. (3 linear feet)
Call no.: MS 902 U937
Located in Uxbridge, Mass., on the border with Rhode Island, Uxbridge Monthly Meeting was formally established in 1783. During the nineteenth century, this Quaker meeting was home to well-known abolitionists Abby Kelley Foster and Effingham Capron, but it declined in membership by 1900 and changed name to Worcester Monthly Meeting in 1907. A worship group currently meets in the historic Uxbridge Meetinghouse.
A small but important Quaker meeting, Uxbridge Monthly is documented by over a century of minutes, vital records, and other materials. The interrelated collections for Worcester and Pleasant Street Monthly Meetings are described separately.
Abbie Loring in Cape Cod Quaker attire, ca.1930. Photo by Alton H. Blackington
Located on the Rhode Island border south of Worcester, Mass., the town of Uxbridge held its first meetings for Quaker worship in 1767 under the care of the monthly meeting in Smithfield, R.I. A simple, two-story brick meetinghouse was built there in 1770, and became home to a thriving community. Uxbridge was off from Smithfield as a monthly meeting in 1783. This simple rural meeting became known nationally as home to the abolitionists Abby Kelley Foster and Effingham Capron, although Foster was disowned by the meeting in 1841 over her radical views and insistence on allowing antislavery speakers to use the meetinghouse.
Uxbridge Monthly changed its name to Worcester Monthly in 1907, and meetings in the old meetinghouse ceased until 1994, when a worship group as revived under the care of Smithfield Monthly Meeting. A portion of Worcester Monthly broke away in 1952, seeking a return to unprogrammed worship, creating the Pleasant Street Monthly Meeting. Pleasant Street began holding joint meetings with Worcester by the early 1960s and merged in 1979 to create the Worcester-Pleasant Street Monthly Meeting, now known as Worcester Monthly. A worship group continues to gather at Uxbridge once monthly from May through October.
Uxbridge Monthly was part of Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting (1783-1801) and Smithfield Quarterly (1801-1971); the current worship group is part of Southeast Quarter. The meeting was the source from which Richmond Monthly Meeting was set off in 1792 (it returned in 1850) as well as Bolton Monthly Meeting (1799, returned to Worcester in 1972).
Scope of collection
A small but important Quaker meeting, Uxbridge Monthly is documented by over a century of minutes, vital records, and other materials. The interrelated collections for Worcester and Pleasant Street Monthly Meetings are described separately.
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting of Friends: Minutes
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting of Friends: Minutes, Men's meeting
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting: Minutes, Men's meeting
1783 Aug.-1799 Nov.
Bound vol.
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting: Minutes, Men's meeting
1799 Dec.-1818 Nov.
Bound vol.
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting: Minutes, Men's meeting
1819 Jan.-1845 May
Bound vol.
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting: Minutes, Men's meeting
1845 June-1880 Dec.
Bound vol.
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting of Friends: Minutes, Women's meeting
Cite as: Uxbridge Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) Records (MS 902 U937). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.
Search terms
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends
Quakers-- Massachusetts
Society of Friends--Massachusetts
Uxbridge (Mass.)--Religious life and customs
Uxbridge Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) [main entry]