Swansea Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) Records
29 vols., 2 boxes (5.75 linear feet)
Call no.: MS 902 S936
Quaker worship began at Swansea, Mass., by 1701, under the care of Rhode Island Monthly Meeting, with the Swansea Monthly Meeting being set off in 1732. Situated in an area with a relatively large Quaker population, Swansea oversaw worship groups and preparative meetings in nearby Fall River, Freetown, Somerset, Taunton, and Troy. Swansea was divided by the separation of 1845, with the Wilburite meeting persisting for about twenty years.
The records of Swansea Monthly Meeting are a rich assemblage of meeting minutes, vital records, and other materials, covering nearly two and a half centuries of Quaker activity on Cape Cod. The collection also includes records of the Fall River and Swansea Preparative Meetings.
Abbie Loring in Cape Cod Quaker attire, ca.1930. Photo by Alton H. Blackington
Quaker worship began at Swansea, Mass., by 1701, under the care of Rhode Island Monthly Meeting, with the Swansea Monthly Meeting being set off in 1732. Situated in an area with a relatively large Quaker population, Swansea oversaw worship groups and preparative meetings in nearby Fall River, Freetown, Somerset, Taunton, and Troy. Swansea was divided by the separation of 1845, with the Wilburite meeting persisting for about twenty years.
Swansea was transferred to Sandwich Quarter in 1951 and the monthly remained active until recent years.
The Swansea Meetinghouse in Somerset, Mass., was initially built in 1702, with subsequent additions and modifications in 1747 and 1889, and is today considered the oldest surviving Quaker meetinghouse in Massachusetts. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2014.
Swansea Monthly Meeting: worship groups and preparative meetings
Fall River Worship Group (1818-1824: became Troy)
Fall River Preparative Meeting (1834-1960)
Freetown Worship Group (before 1735-1778, 1856-1917)
Freetown Preparative Meeting (1778-1831)
Somerset Worship Group (ca.1790- )
Taunton Worship Group (before 173501831)
Troy Preparative Meeting (1824-1834: became Fall River Preparative)
Scope of collection
The records of Swansea Monthly Meeting are a rich assemblage of meeting minutes, vital records, and other materials, covering nearly two and a half centuries of Quaker activity on Cape Cod. The collection also includes records of the Fall River and Swansea Preparative Meetings.
Cite as: Swansea Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) Records (MS 902 S936). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.
Search terms
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends
Society of Friends--Massachusetts
Somerset (Mass.)--Religious life and customs
Swansea Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) [main entry]