The Northampton (Massachusetts) Meeting began as a
monthly meeting set off from the Mount Toby monthly meeting in nearby Leverett,
Massachusetts in 1994. In 1991, support for a Northampton meeting had begun to grow,
so a preparative meeting, under the care of the Mount Toby meeting, met from
1991-1994. In 1994, a newly-established Northampton meeting was formed.
collection includes almost all minutes from July 1991 through 2023, as well as
a State of the Society report for 1993. (See April 1993). The State of the Society
report is called out in its own folder for 1994, the first year of the
re-established Northampton monthly meeting.
Abbie Loring in Cape Cod Quaker attire, ca.1930. Photo by Alton H.
The Northampton (Massachusetts) Meeting began as a monthly meeting set off from the
Mount Toby monthly meeting in nearby Leverett, Massachusetts in 1994. In 1991,
support for a Northampton meeting had begun to grow, so a preparative meeting, under
the care of the Mount Toby meeting, met from 1991-1994. In 1994, a newly-established
Northampton meeting was formed.
Note that a previous incarnation of a Northampton meeting, starting in 1938 at Smith
College, eventually evolved into the Middle Connecticut Valley Monthly Meeting that
in turn led to the development of the Mount Toby (Massachusetts) meeting. Those
materials can be found in the Mount Toby collection (mums902-M686).
Scope of collection
The collection includes almost all minutes from July 1991 through 2023, as well
as a State of the Society report for 1993. (See April 1993). The State of the
Society report is called out in its own folder for 1994, the first year of the
re-established Northampton monthly meeting.
Cite as: Northampton Friends Meeting Records (MS 902 N678). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts
Amherst Libraries.