Background on Burlington Monthly Meeting of Friends

Abbie Loring in Cape Cod Quaker attire, ca.1930.
Photo by Alton H. Blackington
Friends in Burlington, Vermont, began gathering as an informal, unaffiliated worship group in 1951, joining the New England Yearly Meeting five years later as part of the Upper Connecticut River Valley Monthly Meeting. With the continued growth of Quakerism in the state, the meeting was divided in two with Burlington and Hanover becoming monthly meetings in 1959, jointly comprising the new Northwest Quarterly Meeting.
During their relatively brief history, Friends in Burlington have provided care for worship groups at Barton-Glover (1991), Middlebury (1959-1962 and 1970), Plainfield (1959-1964) and Shelburne (1994-present), and preparative meetings at Barton-Glover (1991) and Middlebury (1971-1976). Three of these have subsequently been set off from Burlington as monthly meetingss: Plainfield (1965), Middlebury (1976), and Baron-Glover (1992).