Background on Stanley S. Hertzbach
The particle physicist Stanley S. Hertzbach joined the faculty at UMass Amherst in 1965 after receiving his doctorate at Johns Hopkins for "The experimental determination of the branching ratios for the decay of the po, w, and phi mesons into lepton pairs." He participated in high-energy experimental work at Brookhaven National Laboratories, the CERN hadron collider, the Cornell electron synchrotron, and, beginning in 1979, at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center).
With his colleague Richard Koffler, Hertzbach joined the SLD collaboration at SLAC in 1986 studing Z particles, and the BaBar (B Meson) group in 1994. Within the SLD collaboration, which worked toward a Next Linear Collider from the standpoint of the machine and detector technologies, Hertzbach became a major contributor to the "beamline group," and he took part in the BaBar calorimeter beam test and in testing of its calorimeter modules. He was an active member of the SLD advisory group and chaired the SLAC Users Organization (SLUO) in the 1990s.
Hertzbach's contributions to UMass included service on several committees relating to student achievement, including a stint as Undergraduate Advising Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Hertzbach retired from UMass in 2009.